March 18, 2004

RIP NAC -- Good Riddance

This is one of those articles I meant to refer to -- and didn't; yet, Corbella speaks for all of us who hate governments blowing tax dollars on groups like NAC whom we do NOT support.

Time to pull the plug on radical group Licia Corbella, Calgary Sun, Mar. 10, 2004

[. . . . ] The National Action Committee on the Status of Women, for those of you who don't know, supposedly represents women in Canada.

Funny thing though, it's hard to find any women who actually belong to it -- unless they're on the group's executive.

[. . . .] NAC claims to be an umbrella organization for 700 women's groups across the country, representing three million women. And, according to NAC -- which can't even afford to have anyone answer the phone (ever hear of volunteerism, girls?) needs $100,000 pronto or it will gasp it's last breath as a result of its $200,000 debt.

[. . . . Have] each of those 700 women's organizations send them a cheque for $142.85 or have every one of those (mostly fictional three million women break open their piggy banks for a whopping three cents each!

[. . . .] Let's suppose each of those 700 women's organizations had just 10 members each -- though I honestly doubt even that. That would translate to just $14.28 for each member, something all of those women can surely afford.

[. . . .] Women who don't have ANY disposable income, don't sit around at conferences discussing the effect of globalization on women's rights. Poor women tend to worry about feeding and clothing their kids.

Incidentally, NAC was very vocal at the UN World Conference Against Racism from Aug. 31 - Sept. 7, 2001, which it's still bragging about on its website. Readers will remember that this conference in Durban, South Africa turned into a great big racist Jew-bashing session that blamed all of the world's ills on Israel and the U.S. The hate spewed forth from that foul gathering made what happened four days after it ended less surprising. I'm talking, of course, about Sept. 11.

Nobody from NAC -- funded by my tax dollars and yours -- apparently stood up at the conference to denounce the racism spewed upon Jewish people and westerners in general. They are, therefore, hypocrites and hate mongers and I for one don't want to have anything to do with them.

And, remember shortly after Sept. 11, the hateful, nonsensical rhetoric of former NAC president, Sunera Thobani?

"There will be no emancipation for women anywhere on this planet until the western domination of this planet is ended," Thobani told about 500 delegates at the women's conference funded by $100,000 of federal money.

Funny, but I always thought -- and reality will bear me out on this -- that ONLY western countries have any emancipated women at all. I'm one of them and I don't need NAC to claim to speak for me.

Those who like NAC should support NAC with their dollars -- not mine. But don't hold your breath for that to happen. As for the feds -- who have been keeping NAC alive artificially for almost three decades now -- it's time to pull the plug.

Despicable! Palestinians Use 11 Year Old Bomb Courier

Now the Palestinians are using an 11 year old bomb courier. The 35 year old recruiter had a remote detonation device to explode the 10 kg bomb. The kid thought he was hauling a bag of nails to an old grandmother. It didn't go off as planned, so the security Israeli border guards lived, and so did the kid. Obviously, this is the desperate act of madmen. It represents a madness that has lost its moral compass. And Europeans still call these cold-blooded killers "nationalists"?

© Bud

Never mind, Bud, so does CBC. NJC

Arise, Brothers

I know I have harped on this before, but please join me in boycotting these products that totally demean men. You will not have trouble finding them as they can be seen in every male/female ad. You don't have to sit through endless ads that portray you as one of Darwin's less developed half of the species. The other gender would allow themselves to be caricatured this way -- nor would any other race of men, for that matter. Don't be bothered writing the Advertising Council; I've done that. No response.

Just say, "This ad is even more obnoxious and insulting then the last one. Write the ad's name and put a big X through it. Decency is in short demand at the ad agencies, but the profit line is sacrosanct. Heck, these people would put black, lesbian dwarfs in humiliating positions if it sold more product. Fear of consumer backlash is their only fear lodestone.

I remember in the mid-70's that Coke ran an ad that featured a probable pedophile sitting in a lounge car watching the gorgeous little 13 and 14 year old girls cavorting around a pool in spray-painted bathing suits. The final scene was them swarming him to get some Coke. Obviously for pedophiles, the motto, "Coke is the real thing" has great meaning. Today to run such an ad would land the company in criminal court. Still, they will always push the limits of taste.

I guess that Mr. Whitebread is seen by the ad folks as a giant pinata that they can beat until the goodies come out. He is seen as the most hapless target for the butt of the joke. "Only in Canada you say, pity."

Bud-- My latest favourite is the ad that has the good, but nerdish guy helping to find the lost gerbil, which is running around in an ample woman's folds of fat. The woman is seen posting a reward for this animal. Instead of thanking him, she first sprays his face with mace, then slams a garbage can on his head. I have no idea what depth psychology was used to develop this commercial, but I think the creators should try exchanging the ad's gender roles and see how that would work. The truth is that they would never work again.

Forward this blog to the Canadian advertising complaint agency. They may have ignored my previous missive, but if they get a enough flak, they will listen. Gentlemen, you have nothing to lose but the daily ritual of TV male-bashing ads.

© Bud

A Quote a Day Keeps Banality Away

"The poor are always a gold mine" -- a 16th century German bishop

The exile of the hopelessly corrupt Aristide from Haiti followed by the breast-beating about the loss by the poor, whom he had bilked out of millions, at first glance, highlighted how easy it is to fool the uneducated and poor. But then I see Canada's provincial governments enticing the poor to buy the fantasy dream of becoming a millionaire. They can be seen at every convenience store, shelling out $20 for the 6/49, or in more pathetic circumstances, emptying their pockets of their last bit of change to buy just "The Lucky Stars" series. Scratch and win--or, like the vast majority--simply leave with nothing except dirty fingernails. Unfortunately, bilking the poor and their willing compliance in their own bilking in Canada simply shows that this scam is present everywhere. Shame on our governments.

© Bud

Bud and Non-Belief

"People who cease to believe in God, don't believe in nothing; they believe in anything." -- G K Chesterson

Consider what non-believers do believe in. Abortion, even at a late date is not murder. Marriage has been denied to gays because Christians are all homophobic -- rather than viewing marriage as being the apex of male-female love. Why deny the Muslims and the Mormons their plural marriages once you are on that slippery slope?

Even though non believers no longer believe in Hell, people can still be frightened into giving up the right to own guns. Martin said, and I suspect that he is right here, something along the line of "There are as many Canadians who passionately support the gun registry." The government manufactures absurd, lying statistics about gun violence, then imposes a draconian gun legislation. The real benefit is not to Canadians in general, but to a furthering of the size of the bureaucracy.

I guess that example concerns more the intellectually poor. Nevertheless, the poor are the least likely to read newspapers and magazines, so when they are told something by federal sharpies, they tend to take it--or too much of it--at face value. They are always at the heart of the mob, when the government can't con them anymore, and the rubber truncheons have to be taken out. However, a new set of lies to advance their complaints will be trotted out and accepted once again. Religion which used to guide the poor through their travails, has now had that succour usurped by the government.

"The appeaser feeds the crocodile in the hope that it will eat him last," -- Winston Churchill

After Spain, which country will feed the crocodile next?

© Bud