March 27, 2007

Mar. 27, 2007: Bud Talkinghorn

Multiculturalism and the death of democracy

The liberal elite have succeeded in fostering the idea that the diversity that multiculturalism brings is a positive addition to Canadian culture. Look at all the colourful costumes and foreign delicacies that visible minorities have introduced into "white bread" Canada, they proclaim. Furthermore, they say, the widely divergent cultural attitudes towards equality and liberty that do not go along with our past beliefs will only make us more inclusive and expand democracy. Obnoxious cultural beliefs such as honour killings, forced marriages, female exclusion and genital mutilation, the dowry system and religious hatreds will wither away over time. That our greatest terrorist plots have been linked to Sikhs and Muslims (second generation at that) is put down to aberrations. Considering that the champion of multiculturalism, the CBC, was a target for car bombing is simply not discussed at all, nor was the CBC poll that showed only 73% of Canadian-Muslims could completely condemn the Toronto terrorist plot. So deluded was CBC that they even tried to paint this horrifying statistic as a plus.

The idea that our new Third World immigrants should welcome our Western concepts of female equality, rule of law, and scientific rationalism is quickly becoming passe. Any attempt to make these concepts stick is dismissed as racism or ethno-centric neo-colonialism. Shakespeare and all those dead old white historians and philosphers must not be elevated above aboriginal oral song poems nor any non-white traditional narratives. Somehow the contradictions between the abolition of Western values in favour of promoting a hodge-podge of immigrant customs are never logically explained as a good thing.

A case in point is the complete distruction of the National Organization of Women. This was a government funded organization that was supposed to advance the equality of all Canadian women, but turned into a claque of "women of colour", who excoriated what white women stood for. It went from being headed by Judy Rebbick, a New York Jewess, to Sunara Thobani, a transplanted East-Indian, to Barbara Grant-Cummings, a Barbadian-Canadian, to (name lost to me), an Aboriginal woman. Not only is this organization not reflective of all Canadian women, its voice is so stridently connected to leftist, racial identity politics that it doesn't even champion the concerns of visible minority women. Yet the left still demands that taxpayers keep on amply funding it. [Does it still exist?]

In his blog, entitled "How Multiculturalism Took Over America", Lawrence Auster (, July 9, 2004) gives us the straight talk on what multiculturalism has wrought. His opening salvo is in the form of a supposition. He asks you to imagine a large population of Italian-Americans moving en masse into a Muslim country and demanding that the host country drop all public observations of its religion. When the majority religion gets upset, the Italians reply that they are merely enriching the country with diversity, and if they change some of their laws and traditional customs to accommodate we newcomers that will only doubly "enrich" them. Reverse this scenario and you have the Charter-driven Canadian model. We can't even rid ourselves of the gangsters and terrorists who gain entry into our country.

While Austen gives examples from America, most have applicablity to Canada. The liberal media and the universities have had the same pernicious effects on our Western culture. Lost to reason is that these visible minorities have fled their repressive and corrupt countries for life here. If they have to give up some of their more negative religious and tribal customs, that is the price they should pay. There is no reverse migration to their countries because most are failed, or semi-failed states, with no freedom or chance of economic growth. You only go to Saudi Arabia or any other totalitarian state if the company gives you a huge salary boost, plus a "hardship allowance". Yet we allow the negative aspects of these foreign cultures to entrench themselves in Canada. And as the massive influx of these cultures continues, they will eventually demand entrenchment of these beliefs into law.

I highly recommend the lengthy article by Lawrence Auster [see below], as he rigorously lays out the dangerous path we are on. Already, we have seen massive demonstrations in the United States calling for "No one is illegal". The immigrant lobbies and the loonie-left have picked up that refrain here. Our wonderful culture is under ferocious attack and we retreating on many fronts. We must stop this before it is too late. And it is already late in the day.

© Bud Talkinghorn

A must read

Lawrence Auster: How Multiculturalism Took Over America ... , FrontPage , July 9, 2004

Some years ago the Harvard sociologist Nathan Glazer declared that "we are all multiculturalists now." One's initial response to such an unwanted announcement is to say: "What do you mean, 'we'?" Yet, even if "we" do not subscribe to that sentiment, it cannot be denied that over the last twenty years multiculturalism has become the ruling idea of America, incarnated in every area of society ranging from educational curricula to the quasi-official establishment of foreign languages, to mandated racial proportionality schemes in private employment and university admissions, to the constant invocations by our political, business, and intellectual elites of "diversity" as the highest American value. How, so quickly and effortlessly, did this alien belief system take over our country? In this article, I look at multiculturalism as an ideology that has advanced itself by means of a set of propositions. My intent is to examine the false arguments of the multiculturalists themselves, and to see how they have used these arguments to fool an all-too-willing American majority to go along with them.

The Fraud of Inclusion [....]

There is much more. For example from Lawrence Auster: continued , FrontPage , July 9, 2004

Example 5.
The more outspoken multiculturalists—i.e., the articulate ideologues of the left—will admit that the cultures they want to "include" in the American culture are radically at odds with it. Diversity consultant Edwin J. Nichols teaches the following model explaining the divergent intellectual styles of ethnic groups:

The Philosophical Aspects of Cultural Difference:

European and Euro-American: Member-Object; the highest value lies in the object or in the acquisition of the object.

African, Afro-American, Native American, Hispanics, Arabs: Member-Member. The highest value lies in the inter-personal relationship between persons.

Asian, Asian-American, Polynesian: Member-Group. The highest value lies in the cohesiveness of the group.

Native American: Member-Great Spirit. The highest values lies in oneness with the Great Spirit.(5)

Observe how Nichols portrays the Western orientation in negative terms ("Member-Object," "acquisition") that suggest cold selfishness and materialism, while he describes the non-Western cultures in positive terms ("inter-personal relationship," "group cohesiveness," "oneness with the Great Spirit") that suggest warmth and humanity. Yet Nichols' very attempt to debunk the West and praise the non-West has the opposite effect from what he intends, since the unpleasant-sounding phrase "Member-Object" is really a way of describing the Western belief in objective truth—the very basis of Western religion, science, philosophy, law, and government. [....]

Auster explores the myths, ending with "Moderate Myth Number Six: The 'Equality' That Becomes 'Diversity'"

Nipigong, Myanmar -- Burma

Did you see the BBC news item showing the new Burmese capital, Nipigong? It is set in the middle of a nowhere dusty plain, with six lane avenues, sweeping gates (painted in garish colours) and wedding cake palaces--all stunningly grotesque. Something that even Ceaucescu couldn't have dreamed up. Right up there with Mobuto's new capital, whose international airport is now almost totally reclaimed by the jungle. The Burmese military junta will probably demand that you take a trip there before being allowed to visit Pagan. After all, they poured billions into it. The march of folly never ends.

© Bud Talkinghorn

"Go, tigers, go!"--Motto of the World Wildlife Fund

Well, don't go so far that big game hunters can't blow them pesky critters to smithereens. It seems that this champion of the salt water croc, the koala bear, and the tiger has limits to its largesse. It turns out that one of India's premier tiger sanctuaries was actually used as a shooting gallery. The top administrator admitted that he had fudged the tiger tally for years. There weren't 4,560 tigers in the reserve, but probably no more than a thousand and a half were left [1500]. The administrator said he sold licences to hunters. So much for the "Save the Tiger" fund.

Being a cat lover, I had actually contributed to this cause. Therefore, I took particular umbrage at this obscene fraud. Somehow the Aga Khan, who is one of the WWF's great sponsors, remained untarnished by this scandal. But Khan is a man who knows how to cultivate the leftist club of the U.N. Just to stay with the animal theme, he has many tentacles in high places.

You want to support the feline world? Put out a tin of cat food for the woods cats.

© Bud Talkinghorn


WorldWideFeedKittiesFund -- a new charity idea -- If you would like to improve upon this idea, leave a comment. It's for the good of the kitties.

All donations to the WWFKF charity gratefully accepted. We accept loonies, if you don't have millions ... or even hundreds to give away for the good of the kitties.

Memo to the GG: If it's good enough for millionaires and billionaires, it's good enough for Canucks, you know, the rest of us who live in Canuckistan. One of us who contributes to the WWFKF expects to be honoured with an Order of Canada, Humanities award. We're going to run a lottery -- a buck a ticket -- ticket to be drawn by someone with a spotless ticket drawing reputation, the owner of the local corner store, probably.

Note: This is a New Charity, developing, as we speak; official charity status, soon come, sure to come. If it's good enough for the Khadrs to set up a charitable foundation, to say nothing of coming to the notice of a former PM, it's good enough for those of us here for generations. We affirm that no money will be sent to jihadis abroad; all monies collected will be only for kitties ... well, maybe the odd liquid bash to admire and pet kitties. We save Heinz 57 kitties with liquid eyes.

Founded by Frosty, kitty lover, member of the hoi polloi and from the lower end of the charity spectrum.

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March 25, 2007

Mar. 25, 2007: Poll question for you

Online poll:

Is Canada's New Government headed in the right direction on the environment?

Yes - 52%

No - 39%

Undecided - 9%

Express yourself online: Do you think Budget 2007 will achieve results that will help build a Stronger, Safer, Better Canada?


Mar. 25, 2007: A Dangerous Tolerance

The dangers of tolerance
Accepting views opposed to freedom and western lifestyle emboldens extremists
, Licia Corbella, Mar. 25, 2007

In the same week Farzana Hassan was threatened with death, Quebec's chief electoral officer said Muslim women who wear the niqab would not have to show their faces to confirm their identities at the ballot box.

Excellent. A must read article

Giving in is not "reasonable accommodation"; it is appeasement.

Lift face veils or don't vote, Quebec tells Muslims
Faced with death threats, public outrage, chief electoral officer reverses decision
Tu Thanh Ha, Ingrid Peritz, Bertrand Marotte, Mar. 24, 2007

TROIS-RIVIÈRES, QUE., MONTREAL AND SAINT-EUSTACHE, QUE. -- With three days left in one of the most tightly contested elections in decades, Quebec's electoral officer yesterday reversed his decision to allow Muslim women to vote without having to lift their face veils to identify themselves.

Chief Electoral Officer Marcel Blanchet invoked emergency powers to change his mind on one of the controversial minority-rights issues that have roiled the campaign and led to death threats, public outrage and repeated criticism by Parti Québécois Leader André Boisclair.

Mr. Blanchet said his office had been inundated with calls and emails about his decision to allow women to wear the niqab when they voted.

Search: resentment of minorities

Actually, Quebec is the only province that could get away with standing up to Muslims who are encroaching more and more upon the values and traditions of our society, apparently in order to replace them with theirs, the ultimate aim being to change our society. Many have stated they want to make the West Islamic.

This always starts in seemingly insignificant ways; up to now, Canadians have tried to accommodate them. Or it starts with with charges of "discrimination" and people have bent over backwards in fairness to accommodate this minority. It has to end. Thanks to Quebeckers who don't take much pushing from anyone, once they get their backs up, Quebeckers almost invariably win because they have a positive sense of their own culture, less likely to have been subjected to the global guilt classes so prevalent in anglophone schools. Quebec's response is good news for the rest of us. They have done us a service. The time has come for the rest of Canada, TROC, to develop a collective backbone. Based on our Judeo-Christian tradition, Canadians have a Western culture worth protecting, one of freedom and democracy. We all must protect it from those who would attempt to change it. Freedom needs light to breathe.

While campaigning in the Magdalen Islands, Liberal Leader Jean Charest supported the chief electoral officer's decision, saying it did not infringe on religious rights and remained an issue of proper identification of voters.

Shama Naz, a 30-year-old Montrealer who wears a niqab, said the issue has been blown out of proportion. She said Muslim women routinely remove their face veils for security matters. She has done so for her Medicare card photo, and each time she crosses the border to visit her father in New York State.

Related editorial: Voters and the niqab -- Muslim student's refusal uncovers debate , Mar. 24, 2007

Anyone who reads Frost Hits the Rhubarb may guess at the position of the Globe and Mail.

No nude drawings, no art credit , Michael Valpy, Mar. 24, 2007

Draw nudes or don't take the course. Refuse to draw nudes once you're in the course and you fail.

Ms. Mahmud brought a letter from the university's Muslim chaplain stating that prolonged exposure to the nude body of a person who was not one's marital partner was contrary to Islamic teaching. She was willing to take a zero for the part of the course that involved nude drawing. [....]

A report on discrimination against Muslim students made public this week by the Canadian Federation of Students calls it "one of the most egregious stories" of a university refusing to accommodate diversity

[....] "It's hard for us to see how equal treatment means we can say to some students, 'No, I'm sorry you have to read that novel that portrays homosexuality in a favourable light -- but, no, you don't have to do that drawing.' "

Which is evil?

The nude body or
Iraq insurgents used children in car bombing: general , Mar 20, 2007

Insurgents in Iraq detonated an explosives-rigged vehicle with two children in the back seat after US soldiers let it through a Baghdad checkpoint over the weekend, a senior US military official said Tuesday.

The vehicle was stopped at the checkpoint but was allowed through when soldiers saw the children in the back, said Major General Michael Barbero of the Pentagon's Joint Staff.

"Children in the back seat lowered suspicion. We let it move through. They parked the vehicle, and the adults ran out and detonated it with the children in the back," Barbero said.

... the first time he had seen a report of insurgents using children in suicide bombings. But he said Al-Qaeda in Iraq is changing tactics ...

A US defense official said the incident occurred on Sunday in Baghdad's Adhamiyah district, a mixed neighborhood adjacent to Sadr City, which is predominantly Shiite.

... parked next to a market across the street from a school, [....]

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Mar. 25, 2007: Follow the money ...

Behind every good man, as the saying goes, there is a good woman.

Behind global warming guru Al Gore is global warming guru mastermind Maurice Strong.

[....] The untouchable “Father Earth” is chairman of the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) the world’s first trader in greenhouse credits.

Search: depopulationist , Machiavelli , fire hazard , Chery , David Rockefeller

Source: Gore & Strong shadowship:
Somebody should turn the lights on
, By Judi McLeod, March 23, 2007


# Gore Welcomed By Protesters During Toronto Visit

# Gore pays for photo after Canada didn't

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Mar. 25, 2007: Protection and Promotion

The right to promote means this will burgeon. The linguistic, native, academic and arts communities must be thrilled with this.

An important step in the fight for cultural diversity , Beverley J. Oda, National Post, March 21, 2007

Beverley J. Oda is the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Status of Women.

Canadians should enthusiastically welcome the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, which came into force on Sunday.

[....] The Convention will be a valuable tool for our country and other signatories. This treaty, which reaffirms the right of states to adopt and maintain policies that encourage cultural expression, will help us promote the growth of cultural industries in Canada and around the world. By recognizing both the social and the economic nature of cultural goods and services, the Convention gives our artists and creators the flexibility needed to continue sharing their stories with Canadians and the rest of the world. In return, Canadians will be able to have rich and diverse access to cultural works from our country and elsewhere.

With the entry into force of the Convention on March 18, we are taking a significant step. However, we must now turn our attention to implementation. Once again, we are counting on the support of our partners within Canada and around the world. We will continue to demonstrate leadership internationally so that our position is well understood -- particularly at the First Conference of Parties, to be held by the summer of 2007. [....]

Ah, wonderful ... the right to set up multicultural, academic, education and native departments to teach a Heinz Ketchup of languages ... Rights to special schools coming up ... If you don't think that's coming, do a little reading. If almost no-one knows an almost dead language, if there is practically no language left to teach, and if those who know those few words are hardly literate, all the better. We'll create a reasonable facimile. The modern thousand varieties of languages coming up. Oh, yes, working Canadians may work to pay for it, particularly if you speak English. You may also pay for the ads the government will run to convince doubters that if one parent speaks the language of power in Canada, then they really should enrol their precious bundle and budding linguistic success story in their schools. They will be creating new schools to accommodate those new languages which they will staff, as well, and they will invite your child to attend too. Create a need and academics and bureaucrats will fill it. If there is no need, they'll create that for you too.

Note: I didn't even get into the plans by the arts communities. Scroll down FHTR the week beginning Jan. 29, 2006.

I suspect Min. Oda means well but she will learn, if she hasn't already.

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