September 06, 2006

Sept. 6, 2006: #2

The link is for the first item only.

The global governance gang: "hostile to U.S. sovereignty", "demanding that American taxpayers turn over $140 billion per year to his global welfare bureaucracy", and funded in the shadows by George Soros. -- Who said something along the line of "Money talks and what it usually says is 'Bend over' " ... It seems appropos here.



Chances are that you're going to be hearing from a group called Citizens for Global Solutions in opposing John Bolton's confirmation as U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. A vote has been scheduled in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on September 7. What you will probably not be told is that Citizens for Global Solutions is the new name of the old World Federalist Association, a group favoring world government. [...]

Speaking of baggage, Citizens for Global Solutions has so much of it that the group changed its name, so that the public could be deceived about its real agenda. Doesn't a "global solution" sound more appealing than world government? While Bolton may be somewhat hostile to the U.N., Citizens for Global Solutions is absolutely hostile to U.S. sovereignty.

Related -- a must read: from the above article: Soros Stealing America -- This is how money aligned with UN operatives works with many more links on this site.

[....] Soros has bought the Democratic Party lock, stock, and barrel thanks to John McCain's-McCain/Feingold Finance Reform.

Soros pays off the media as journalists have been exposed on the U.N. Payroll churning out UN propaganda. Soros and Ted Turner have gone sofar as to pay for journalism prizes.

Soros is all over the UN. Mark Malloch Brown, the Deputy Secretary General, lives in a house Soros rents to him at below-market rates. In violation UN staff regulations.

[....] George Soros is working through the UN to negotiate a treaty that will ban private ownership of firearms on a worldwide basis.

Soros Shadow party means to take America. This is a wildly alarming piece. []

[....] A long-time Soros operative named Jeffrey Sachs has been placed in charge of the United Nations Millennium Project – a global war on poverty designed to transfer wealth from rich countries to poor ones. Sachs is currently demanding that American taxpayers turn over $140 billion per year to his global welfare bureaucracy.

On the political front, Soros has poured massive funding into such groups as the ACLU, which uses lawsuits to hamstring the War on Terror. Soros also funds Amnesty International, whose US executive director has called for the arrest of President Bush as a war criminal. Another Soros-funded group, The Center for Constitutional Rights, has drawn up detailed articles of impeachment against the President. [....]

Is it time to buy a gun?

Did those in Canada who would use our tolerance and democratic system against us to further their own agendas take lessons from Soros? (Hint: think of those most likely to cry "victimization", "racism", and that security efforts are "anti-Moslem" when evidence leads to the rounding up and charging of Muslim individuals, especially, when security certificates are used after evidence has been collected.) Do you think the proliferation of "activists" is accidental? Who funds them? Do you note any ties to the UN? To international activist groups that must be funded by those with deep pockets? Is there any evidence of a coalescing of leftist groups in Canada. Did ex-SCOC member and justice appointed to the world court in the Hague, Louise Arbour, not suggest that Israel might be committing war crimes in defending herself? She was appointed to the UN "World Court" which failed to convict Mislosovic before he died. That trial was only the beginning of what is planned, I surmise.

UN steps up: Declaration by the Director-General of UNESCO -- "It goes without saying that UNESCO will participate fully in the reconstruction operations that will be carried out by the United Nations System once this becomes possible.” "

And then, there is the UN reality.

Sample UN concern: "For the children", as long as they're not Israeli children.

UNESCO to assist Lebanese early recovery in culture and education, 31 08 2006

UNESCO will assist the Lebanese government by providing support for vocational education, children and youth traumatized by recent events, and helping to preserve the country’s rich cultural heritage. These areas of immediate assistance, which will be part of the government’s early recovery efforts, were identified during a UNESCO mission to Lebanon last week led by the Director of the Organization’s Beirut Office, Abdel Moneim Osman.

Kofi's bias has been showing, as well (scroll down for photos revealing UN impartiality ).

Do you notice any countries being marginalized by the UN and its various tentacles? Israel? Israeli children? Taiwan? The ramping up of anti-US rhetoric? The CBC propaganda organ is doing its part for the left, as well?

Scum abound, it seems

Firebombing of Jewish school a 'hate crime': CJC, Updated Tue. Sep. 5 2006 11:37 PM ET, News Staff

[....] Police are still seeking a masked man captured on a surveillance tape as he lobbed a Molotov cocktail at the Skver-Toldos Orthodox Jewish Boys school in Montreal's Outremont borough on Saturday morning. [....]

"As you can see, we do have a video and there are ways of enhancing that video, and therefore we hope that we will be able to catch the perpetrator." [....]

Photo: "shows the alleged perpetrator taking off a mask covering his face following the incident" -- link.

Montreal does seem to be increasingly a home for activists and hate. Why?

Sept. 4, 2006: #2 Initiative de resistance internationaliste ... Car bomb in Montreal ... -- "Oil industry spokesman's car blown up -- Montreal blast: Little-known group claims it planted explosives in vehicle" , Graeme Hamilton, National Post, September 02, 2006

Carleton student says she funnelled cash to terror cell

UN/UNESCO concerns

UNESCO: Culturally appropriate and gender-sensitive reporting on HIV and AIDS in the Caucasus Region

Tbilisi, Georgia 18 09 2006 - 22 09 2006 This sub-regional training-of-trainers workshop will highlight socio-cultural issues such as traditions, beliefs, gender norms, practices and religions related to HIV and AIDS in order to improve skills in reporting on the pandemic within the region.

Note: "in reporting on the pandemic" -- It's a pandemic and they're worried about how to report it? Not how to stop it, not how to cure HIV/AIDS, but how to report it?

Language is a pressing problem for the UN/UNESCO, in getting aboriginal and francophone groups onside, an initiative pushed by France and the language industry in Canada, principally in Quebec. Language and leftism combined, perhaps in oil-rich areas ... Mis-titled as "Nurturing the democratic debate" when it is designed to placate some members who are concerned with language -- "UNESCO and Indigenous Peoples: Partnership to Promote Cultural Diversity" pdf

Just do what Moslems like Sheema Khan want ... so we won't be bombed?

Sheema Khan: The missing link between foreign policy and resentment, Globe and Mail, September 05, 2006

Don't get involved in stamping out Al Qaeda nor helping to bring democracy to Muslim lands; let the imams and the madness continue. Let the men treat their women like chattel ... as lesser beings ... Let the men who rape be allowed to live while the female victim is stoned to death ... "She probably enticed the rapist anyway" ... Treat women's word as so worthless that it takes four men to corroborate her tale of rape ... Live subject to shariah and a Mohammed-era body of beliefs, unchangeable, unable to be updated, no matter how unsuited to the twenty-first century. Have it interpreted by self-selected imams, even self-appointed leaders whose education may have consisted of a narrow focus on reciting the Koran. Sounds like a perfect way to maintain failed states. Think of the Middle East's failed states known more for bombing and killing than for economic, technological or scientific progress. I'm still waiting for the most productive ... anything ... to be reported in the world's press. No largest pumpkin in the Middle East as yet ... though they might win for largest number of adherents taught to love death, to become jihadi killers in their pursuit of those ephemeral virgins in the afterlife. What a belief system ... or perversion of such! Obviously, questioning and intellectual activity are not encouraged ... which may account for the numbers involved in computer science and math-related studies dealing with numbers (an oversimplification, I realize), as opposed to the humanities. Is it also schooling for sabotage somewhere, maybe, in that jihadi quest?

Where do drugs fit into the rising instability in the West? Who would benefit, aside from the usual criminal gangs?

Today Liberal Defence Critic Ujjal Dosanjh joined with his former friends in the NDP and called for an opening of negotiations with the Taliban. First the Liberals wanted to open a dialogue with Hezbollah, now they want to open negotiations with the Taliban. Who's next?: , September 1, 2006

[....]* Is Dosanjh interested in hearing the Taliban's views on women's rights? Does he want to discuss their relationship with Al Qaida or their record of human rights abuses while in control of Afghanistan? Does he want to negotiate over the burning down of schools and the killing of teachers? Does Dosanjh want to hear about the Tabliban's promise to kill Canadian soldiers? Does he want to discuss their views of those who don't conform to their beliefs?

* Exactly what does Dosanjh think that he can negotiate with the Taliban over?

U.K. Police Trained at Islamic School at Center of Terror Probe -- U.K. police officers were given ``diversity training'' at an Islamic school southeast of London that's now at the center of a terrorism investigation. , By Nick Allen, Sept. 4, 06, Bloomberg

[....] The campus was brought to the attention of U.K. authorities in 1999, when Yemen's ambassador to the U.K. alleged it was used to train young Islamic extremists, the Daily Telegraph reported. Police concluded at the time that the allegation was ``totally unsubstantiated,'' and then-Foreign Secretary Robin Cook said there had been no breach of British law, the newspaper reported.

[....] Jameah Islameah, a school for Muslim boys age 11-16, charges 900 pounds a year ($1,714) including room and board and is set in 54 acres of countryside, according to its Web site. It offers courses including memorizing and reciting the Koran and aims to produce ``pious scholars.'' It also offers accommodation for single people seeking a ``strict Islamic environment.'' [....]


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