January 30, 2006

No Indoctrination -&- Six Features of Socialism

The Adult Vote -&- the Elections Canada Student Vote

Thanks to a friend for the following:

Six features of socialism

The 9,988 people in the Fredericton region who voted NDP this election may not be cognizant of the negative effects of socialism upon the social and economic fabric of society. Six features of socialism need to be understood.

(1) Socialists have an end utopian goal of complete equality in their ideal state.

(2) Socialists employ the practice of centralized economic management and income redistribution as their primary means of working toward this so-called "equality."

(3) Socialists experience the problem of severe unintended side effects in accomplishing this economic managing.

(4) Socialism is structured such that an inherent inequality develops from the administrative top of the power structure, necessary to enforce compliance. This compliance must be mandated in a socialist system because human nature creates scepticism, opposition to the control of others, and a desire for free will.

(5) When this unequal elite inevitably emerges, the concentration of widespread power in a single space must intensify. This naturally attracts individuals seeking widespread power, or it corrupts individuals already in power with the lure of the same widespread power.

(6) As a result of the government structures found in socialist systems, the intensification of power and control on the upper level necessarily translates into the usurpation of remaining personal freedoms during its expansion.

A defining result of socialist (and liberal) influence is less freedom for the individual. The net result of conservative influence is greater freedom for the individual.

My comment: Have you noticed any of the above happening in Canada? I have.

No Indoctrination

This continues a series of posts entitled No Indoctrination from Jan. 29, 06. I have mentioned before that media strongly promoted the idea that, if you couldn't bring yourself to vote Liberal, at least vote NDP. There is not much to choose from in the Eastern media except two or three or more shades of left. The children / students seem to be moving in the same direction -- in a riding that has been more Conservative than Liberal. To what do you attribute this change? In my opinion, between the media and the social engineering in the schools, it is inevitable. By the way, what is the Canadian Action Party? There were two Independent parties and the results were put together in the table. What did they espouse?

Elections Canada Student Vote NB


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