April 11, 2004

Americans in Iraq: Killed by Kindness

The National Post published an editorial that I suspect is true. It accused the U.S. military in Iraq of being too tolerant of the "feelings" of all ethnic stripes of Iraqis. Thus the borders with Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Iran were not sealed. The result has been a constant flow of jihadis from these countries. The consequence has been terrorist attacks that that have the handprint of al-Queda all over them. As well, they allowed the firebrands among the Shia to foment rebellion against the Coalition and the Iraqi Governing Council.

Finally al-Sadr is going to be brought to account for the open murder of two other Shia clerics--one of whom who had lived in the West and espoused openness between religious groups in Iraq.
Well, none of that nonsense was going to get in the way of al-Sadr fanatical Shia theocracy; think Iran. Now this demogogue is preaching open rebellion against the infidels. His platform is directed at the dregs of Shia Iraqi society. Just as the Iranian theocracy depends on its urban slum people and the rural peasants for backing, al-Sadr is counting on the same support in Iraq. Can any outcome be more catastrophic than that these fanatical people become the rulers of Iraq?

The ultimate joke would be if the American intervention to remove a monstrous regime, were to result in only putting in place one more venomous. The horrible realization is dawning that maybe these ethnic and religious groups can maintain order only with the repressive boot of a Saddam on their necks. It would be the final proof that Arab states can only function as dictaorships of one kind or another. If that is the case, then we must return to a policy of supporting the dictator of our persuasion. As it stands now, the Americans either ruthlessly crush the dissenters or watch the country slide into the chaos of civil war. From a foreign policy standpoint it is a no-win situation; but from the standpoint of internal security it is extremely important. No more cut-and-run operations are allowed. Take the war to them.

© Bud


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