November 21, 2005

Gutsy MacDonald & Gutsy Pastor King, Debbye, Newsbeat1: Iraq, RCMP, Gun Registry, Immigration & Strippers -&- David Warren

Gutsy Bob MacDonald

Time to get tough on crime Nov. 20, 05

Since our present system has only encouraged crime, it's well past time that Canada introduced much tougher laws. Prison work camps located in our huge north country should replace the present country-club prisons with their TVs, recreation rooms, weight rooms, etc.

...restore capital punishment for premeditated, first-degree murder -- and killing of a law officer.

... more than the hand-wringing lamentations of a Mayor Miller [. . . . ]

[. . . . ] do something radical in Canada. Or just keep whining away as we suffer the consequences.

Bob has written what I hear, usually from men with their feet firmly planted in reality.

Gutsy Pastor King

Evil takes a step down -- When murder invades a place of worship, we can't get much lower, and Pastor King aims to raise things up Michele Mandel, Nov. 20, 05

"When I call on you, don't tell me you don't have time. Make time."
He wants witnesses to come forward; he wants people to face their fear and break the code of silence. Those who attended the funeral knew . . . .

[. . . . ] "I want these animals off the street and I want them in jail."

It seems bigger than all of us now. In the face of this unrelenting wave of violence, in the torrent of this fathomless disregard for the most basic tenets of humanity, besides our outrage and our disgust, what do we do?

The only option, King says, is to get angry and fight back. [. . . . ]

"I have watched on television how the American public questions why their mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters are fighting and dying in a country 9000 miles away from their own soil. Take the word of a soldier, for that is all I am, that our cause is a noble one. The reason we are here is one worth fighting for. . . . " OSM, Nov. 19, 05 -- via

Debbye on the Congressional vote -- via Newsbeat1

Since links develop gremlins, sometimes . . .

Love this heading on Newsbeat1 too: "Broken promises-They were probably too busy fast tracking strippers that they couldn't help decent ,hard working, educated immigrants"

Also, on the RCMP and security, scroll down Newsbeat1 for the commentary which is direct.

After a link entitled "Two sets of laws" -- There's another one- public safety-the first duty of a government is to protect its citizens but these guys thought only the Musical Ride was important.[. . . . ]

The gun registry is still working like a charm........another shooting late last night-they were really impressed with the governments' future crime

. . . . prevention programs and gun amnesty. Some politicians better get their heads out of the sand and realize there are stone killers amongst us and deal with them , not talk about them."We feel your pain" comments just doesn't cut it at after another funeral. [. . . . ]

David Warren: "For some unaccountable reason, Americans sometimes respond to being abused and slandered all over the world by turning in on themselves. And this, in the present unsettled state of the world in question, would be nearly the worst thing that could happen." Nov. 19, 05 -- "American crack-up"

See what he says about Canada.


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