November 20, 2005

Update1-al-Zarqawi, Muslims EU, Puppy Dog Faces, PM Anti-American in Asia, Wages & Imports--Chery

Update 1:

LGF: Breaking: Zarqawi Killed?

via Jerusalem Post Report: al-Zarqawi killed by explosions in Mosul

The Associated Press has the story, about 4 hours after LGF:Al-Zarqawi May Be Among Dead in Iraq Fight

Not all Muslims want to integrate Bruce Bawer, Nov. 17, 05, Christian Science Monitor, via Jack's Newswatch

Europe's Muslim communities are powder kegs, brimming with an alienation born of both an assiduously inculcated antagonism toward infidel society and an infidel society whose integration policies - which should actually be called segregation policies - have perversely encouraged this ire.

[. . . . ] For many Muslims in Europe, self-segregation has come naturally. What's tragic is that European authorities have supported it. Rejecting the American approach - namely, encouraging immigrants to work and integrate - they've instead helped newcomers to maintain distinct communities and provided benefits that have made it easy for them to stay unemployed. Why did these authorities prefer segregation? Supposedly they were enlightened "multiculturalists" who respected differences; for many, the real reason was a profound discomfort with the idea of "them" becoming "us." Naively, they imagined they could preserve their nations' cultural homogeneity while letting in millions of foreigners and smiling on their preservation and perpetuation of values drastically different from their own. [. . . . ]

Puppy Dog Faces

Cut it out, Prime Minister, you're killing me. You and your minions are popping up in front of every microphone and camera, putting on your best puppy dog faces and telling us how all you really want to do is make it work. [. . . . ]

"Now, you want to take the money that you have sucked out of Canadians' wallets through over-taxation and feed it back to us in post-dated bribery. [. . . . ]

Check out Strong and Free

PM Martin may appeal Pelletier reinstatement -- "a close confidant and onetime chief of staff to Jean Chrétien — as head of Via Rail." Star, Nov. 19, 05

Canada's Prime Minister is in Asia

Anti-American: "Martin blasts Bush on trade and climate"

BUSAN, South Korea—Already in election mode, Prime Minister Paul Martin is using the Pacific Rim summit to hammer U.S. President George W. Bush in an attempt to cement his image with voters as a tough defender of Canadian interests. [. . . . ]

Prosperity is PM's new buzzword -- "Paul Martin's election platform is more convincing as a confession of past Liberal failures than as a bold plan for future national success, writes James Travers." Star, Nov. 19, 05

Red star rising for Canadian workers too? Nov. 18, 05, Rich Kellman,

Delphi workers are threatened not only by plants in Ohio, but in China, where workers turn out high-tech auto parts at a fraction of US pay.

Delphi . . . They're paying double what Ford pays for making car radiators and air conditioner parts. Fifteen times what Delphi says it pays workers at its manufacturing plants in China. [. . . . ]

Also coming down the line, entire cars from China. There's a Chinese town called Wuhu that fancies itself the Little Detroit of China, and hopes to put a car called the Chery on a road near you within two years. To read how they plan to do it, click on the link [below]. . .

Related: Chinese automaker plans to put a car on US roads within two years

Frost Hits the Rhubarb has articles from months ago on the Chery coming to North America -- background information.

Do you own a shipping company? Might be an opportunity.


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