July 27, 2005

Out of Africa, Al Hindy & Elmasry, Rosset on the UN, Zimbabwe & Mugabe

Refugees -- again

Failed hit in London tied to East Africans -- "British newspapers focused outraged headlines on the fact that each of the four had received around $7,500 a year in housing-benefit payments, and more in income support." Paul Martin (definitely not our PM), Washington Times, July 27, 05

Police on Monday said Muktar Said Ibrahim, 27, had tried to detonate a bomb on Thursday on a double-decker bus and that Yasin Hassan Omar, 24, had staged a failed attack on the Underground system's Northern Line.

Yesterday, they identified the two as being from Eritrea and Somalia, respectively, and said both arrived in Britain with their parents in 1992. [. . . . ]

When a country allowed and allows entry of peoples from various areas of the world -- areas with utterly barbarous governments and systems of belief, our governments have accused those who question this of "racism" -- meanwhile buying votes in this way, particularly Muslim votes, as the Lieberals have done in Canada for years and years. When anyone suggested prior to the entry of "refugees" from these various areas of the world, particularly from extremist Islamic states, that we were importing trouble in the future, we were slapped down. Now, the chickens have come home to roost.

Democracy cannot import people who

* who have no idea of democracy, not having experienced it at home,

* who do not want to practice democracy,

* who want to treat women as they did in their home countries,

* who want to have their own schools--extremist schools--funded by extremist Wahhabis (Saudi Arabian, though perhaps not limited to SA),

* who import imams who preach subversion of our country while the politically correct smile and called it "multiculturalism" and "diversity',

* who want to create an Islamic or Islamist state--if the two differ in any appreciable way, the first salvo being introducing shariah law,

* who talk about their "rights" but not their "responsibilities",

* who use our tolerance and democratic institutions against the majority,

then we have allowed a fifth column to enter.
That group will not rest and Al Hindy and Elmasry are simply the public face of this, at first seemingly relatively benign, now becoming dangerous to our security.

The Trojan Horse led around by the Al Hindy's and the Elmasry's are on the prowl. We would be wise to be very wary and to stop them now. In the face of our security services' attempts to increase our security, these two are obstructionists, if not worse. If allowed to continue they may veer into or cause others to fall into:

* treason: one meaning of which is "treachery", or

* sedition: conduct or speech inciting to a rebellion or a breach of public order, 2. agitation against the authority of a government.

from the Oxford Canadian dictionary

"The long and ruinous rule of Mugabe and his cronies."

Claudia Rosset & the UN: "Ruin By Design" July 27, 05, The Wall Street Journal (Opinion Journal and European Edition)

[. . . . ] the usual U.N. prescription that what Zimbabwe needs is more aid [. . . . ]

The danger with any massive, not to mentioned "sustainable" humanitarian response, is that it will most likely translate into sustainability of Mugabe's regime (generating hefty fees along the way for any U.N. agencies involved). [. . . . ]


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