July 27, 2005

"Honour", Aly Hindy, CSIS, Lying, General Hillier, Elmasry, Anomaly, Restoring the Caliphate

Note: Please do not miss this post from yesterday. It reveals how our own government has been complicit in creating insecurity for Canadians through its immigration and refugee policies. Then it compounds the errors by underfunding our security, reducing manpower and then telling us we're safe -- years of lying.

We are all Israelis now -- How Ressam Entered Canada -- David Frum July 26, 2005 -- scroll down for this article with a must check link

"Ahmed Ressam: "Chapter 4: Sneaking In" -- This piece of scum has played Canadians and our immigration and refugee system for suckers -- your Canadian government at work"

He is just one of many roaming free around our country, as Hansard and several news items have reported. Where does Paul Martin stand? Or is he hiding?

Bruce Garvey is absolutely correct: "It's because we're at war, Dr. Elmasry. At war with a sick network of evil fanatics who practice their murder and terror in the name of your faith. And the sooner you and the rest of Canada wake up to the reality of it, the better." July 27, 05

[. . . . ] As for Canada, outside of General Rick Hillier, we've barely acknowledged we're involved.

That's why the General's blunt comments about killing Taliban "scumbags" in Afghanistan struck such a jarring note against the monotonous drone of our customary, politically correct platitudes.

The welcome comment prompted Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC) national president Mohamed Elmasry to ask Defence Minister Bill Graham if it is "acceptable for senior Canadian military officers to make public political statements about upcoming missions?"

That was but one of a list of 10 questions the CIC submitted to Graham. Here's another:

"Why should Canada involve itself militarily in a country where we will be most likely seen by the population as an occupying power helping promote American imperialism?"

Why are Muslims not on the side of trying to stop the terrorists?

CSIS makes rare public defence of its actions -- Denies allegations agents harassed Muslim woman in her home Isabel Vincent, July 27, 05

The allegations first surfaced in Toronto after Aly Hindy, the imam at the Salaheddin Islamic Centre, circulated a pamphlet to his congregants that stated CSIS had forcibly entered the woman's apartment and mistreated her.

The pamphlet also warned Muslims that they did not have to open their doors to CSIS agents and if they felt threatened they should call the police or 911.

Incidentally, how does one know whether they're lying to advance their cause which is acceptable to Allah, the cause of Islamicization of the West? Would you believe Aly Hindy or the word of a woman controlled by men, so afraid of her husband, she claims she could not tell him about the "harassment"? I think they're lying, pure and simple.

Is it not time to remove the Aly Hindy subversive element from public view -- perhaps on a world tour of indefinite length to one of the Islamic paradises he so seems to love. . . you know, the ones where men may kill women for "honour" and men can get away with rape and murder -- in fact, with just about anything? To a world where women themselves are so mind-controlled they will praise the honour killing of another woman?

A strange anomoly concerning the suicide bombers

Despite the blaring media statements about the causes for London and other terrorist bombing targets, there is a total absence of the people who should be at the forefront. According to many media outlets, the causes are--"the British-American invasion of Iraq" or "the American support for Israel" or "the defeat of the real Islamic Afghan order, the Taliban." Yet, there has not been a single Iraqi, Palestinian, or Afghani involved in an attack outside their own countries. Instead the jihadis all seem to come from countries like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, or other Islamic countries, which have never been attacked by Western forces. Doesn't that appear rather strange?

Also, if the death of innocent Iraqis is the real cause, then why do the endless massacres of innocent men, women and children by al-Qaeda not arouse their hatred? For that matter, did not Saddam and his Baathist thugs, responsible for at least a million Iraqi deaths, not count as a worthy target? Finally, have the jihadis not foreseen that their days are numbered, should the Americans and British leave. If the Baathist army remnants--their faux allies--don't polish them off, the majority Shi'ites will exact a vengance on them that would make the battle of Falluja seem like a rover, rover, come on over game.

© Bud Talkinghorn

What Do the Terrorists Want? July 26, 2005

[. . . . ] Terrorists openly declare this goal. The Islamists who assassinated Anwar el-Sadat in 1981 decorated their holding cages with banners proclaiming the "caliphate or death." A biography of one of the most influential Islamist thinkers of recent times and an influence on Osama bin Laden, Abdullah Azzam declares that his life "revolved around a single goal, namely the establishment of Allah's Rule on earth" and restoring the caliphate. [. . . . ]


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