July 25, 2005

Updated--Tour of Opinion: China on the Move-Note Cybercrime, Islam, Islamophobia, Racial Profiling, Mr. Elmasry & Learn More about Islam & Jihad

Hacker Update:

Persistently, they hack. I have had my ISP number changed, my computer slowed, received viruses and more. I would like my service provider to do something about it -- but I know they won't. They wouldn't be in business if they didn't keep the Liberals happy. There aren't many choices in Canada outside the large cities; we might be free and our controlling bodies wouldn't want that, would they?


China is complicit in this and it is time for Canada's ISP's to pay attention.
Just a few of the blocks of IP's that should be looked at:

They begin with
81.91.***.*** (France)
And that is just a few of them. Enough, already!

The Chinese military threat Editorial, July 23, 05

[. . . . ] Most of the report specifies in cautious language the ways China is building the means to threaten its neighbors and the United States. First, China is bolstering its naval, submarine and cruise-missile capabilities in an apparent bid to challenge U.S. naval dominance of the Asia-Pacific region. China is building a nuclear-missile arsenal and is already capable of striking "virtually all of the United States." It is purchasing advanced aircraft systems and is moving to professionalize and modernize the People's Liberation Army. China's defense spending could reach $90 billion this year, about three times what it admits spending. Only the United States and Russia spend more.

Taiwan remains the focus of Chinese military strategy, but "some of China's military planners are surveying the strategic landscape beyond Taiwan." In fact, several Chinese military strategists seem to view Taiwan not as an end but as a means of projecting power into the oceans. Gen. Wen Zongren, political commissar of the Academy of Military Science, said recently that the Taiwan problem is of "far reaching significance to breaking international forces' blockade against China's rise ... [T]o rise suddenly, China must pass through oceans and go out of the oceans in its future development."

The Pentagon report details China's moves to develop anti-satellite weaponry, computer-network warfighting capabilities, nuclear- and electromagnetic-pulse options against Taiwan and examines the capabilities for an amphibious landing. Looming over these conclusions is the fact -- oft-mentioned in the report -- that U.S. intelligence agencies have nowhere near full knowledge of China's military capabilities, or its intentions. The most threatening elements could be the ones we don't yet know. [. . . . ]

Along with this, do not miss reading the July 24 post entitled: "Chinese Take Out -- the start of a wave of China-sponsored cybercrime that will seek out vital trade secrets?"

I have written previously of the hackers and their attempts to derail or destroy computers in Canada. Why do Canada's ISP's allow this? Why not block the blocks of IP addresses that continually do this? Or do they have enablers working for the ISP's who help them? I suspect so.

Father of 9/11 hijacker praises attacks

LONDON - The father of the alleged ringleader of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks on the U.S. has praised the London bombings, claiming that they mark the start of a half-century-long terrorist onslaught against the West. [. . . . ]

The NYPD in Canada by Marinka Peschmann, Special to Canada Free Press, Friday, July 22, 2005

[. . . . ] Currently there are NYPD detectives based in Toronto and Montreal in a counter terrorism cooperative effort.

[. . . . ] After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, killing nearly 3000 people including 26 Canadians, [. . . . ]

Making Britannia -- and the West -- safe for democracy Burkean Canuck, July 23, 2005

Today's Telegraph proposes ten measures, here, for making Britain safer:

Confidently assert British values
Exclude foreign undesirables
Repeal the Human Rights Act
Crackdown on propaganda
Intercept evidence admissable in court
Visible police presence
Sensible policing
Expectation for Muslims to join the police and security forces
Effective border controls
Increased detention facilities

I recommend reading the development of each these in the accompanying paragraphs of the piece I've linked, above. However, some things more fundamental than these are called for if Britain -- and Canada, for that matter -- are to keep something worth preserving: [. . . . ]

It is worth reading Burkean Canuck's elaboration.

`Chairman Mo’ trades North Korea for China By Judi McLeod, Saturday, July 23, 2005

Dropped by the United Nations as its special envoy to North Korea, Strong is returning to the People's Republic of China to devote his time to environmental issues.

Memo to Mo: read an article in today's National Post entitled "China in a choke hold" on the extreme pollution in China that is affecting crops, health, life in China by Kim Johnson, A10 (July 25, 05)

Why is Canada going to sell Kyoto pollution credits to China so it may pollute more? Whose business interests will that serve? Or is it rude to ask?

Uniting to defeat terror Bob MacDonald, July 24, 05

Contrasting Pres. George Bush's stand, that is, standing together against world terrorists, we have Canada's PM

[. . . . ] As for Canada, PM Paul Martin must have been vacationing. He left it to Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew to send a message saying "Canada strongly condemns this terrorist act, and we are deeply troubled by the incidents."

Nothing about standing together to beat the terrorists.

Fortunately, Canada has one leader on full alert these days in the fight against terrorism. He's General Rick Hillier, chief of staff for the Armed Forces.

He calls the terrorists "detestable murderers and scumbags" and has urged Canada to take a stronger "stand." As 250 more Canadian troops left this weekend for Afghanistan and a much tougher fighting role, Hillier lamented the fact they don't have a badly needed new helicopter to replace the dangerously obsolete, 40-year-old Sea King. It seems that it's not just the imams in Canada who must become more alert to the growing threat of Muslim terrorism.

"Deeply troubled", another priority to add to the PM's list -- and then to do nothing with much bluster and bafflegab. Ontario voters seem to buy it every time.

Resource: Islam Undressed -- A Critical Analysis of ‘Real Islam’. Its People, Culture, Philosophy, and Practices Yesterday and Today by: Vernon Richards (Feb 13, 2005)

Comments and suggestions may be directed to Islam_Undressed@yahoo.com

"A valuable sourcebook to the destructive activities of radical Muslims, and the Islamic texts they use to justify their actions and gain recruits in the Islamic world." -- Robert Spencer, Director of Jihad Watch and author of "Onward Muslim Soldiers" (Regnery) and "Islam Unveiled" (Encounter). [. . . . ]

Check the table of contents.

Islam is THE cause of terrorism, nothing else Posted by Bruce on 18:44:48 2005/07/23, CCD


Islamic Culpability

by: Vernon Richards

It is way past time to give it up people. We have tried to target various vile terrorists, while at the same time pumping up Islam, but its just not working. As we fight terrorists, we have been unable to face the stark reality that Islam, and the example of their revered prophet, are the chief motivation behind various terrorist foot-soldiers. It's not a 'culture', it's not a few deviants, it's not a government or nation, it's the religion. [. . . . ]

Becoming Islamophobic is the graduation certificate you get upon moving from delusion and ignorance, to full-awareness. When you have arrived, wear it with pride.

Re: Don't import terrorists, keep Muslims out! Posted by Victor Davis Hanson on 18:57:29 2005/07/23, CCD

In Reply to: Islam is THE cause of terrorism, nothing else posted by Bruce

July 22, 2005, 8:16 a.m.

And Then They Came After Us

We're at war. How about acting like it? [. . . . ]

Does the West have a death wish?

There are disturbing signs of this phenomenom everywhere. A poll taken recently by Pew Research Center found that of the 16 countries they surveyed only two--India and Poland--had a more favourable impression of America than of Communist China. Could this be the China that destroyed Tibet, continuously threatens democratic Taiwan, and props up the insane North Koreans? Would a single one of the people polled choose to emigrate to China rather than America if forced to make a choice? Methinks not. The socialist left have done a marvelous job of demonizing the United States. In the current war on terrorism the leftish media have even started to blame England and America's Iraq policy for the bombings in London. They conveniently forget the 1993 attempt to destroy the World Tower in NYC, the Bali bombings and many other al-Qaeda terrorist attacks, all which occurred before the Iraq invasion. Now we have Ken Livingston, the London mayor, blathering on about the role Iraq played in the London massacres, committed by his won citizens. He didn't earn the moniker, "Red Ken" for nothing.

A YouGov Internet poll conducted by The Daily Telegraph found that 6% of British Muslims-or about 100,000 British Muslims believe that the subway bombings wer justified. While another 32% believe Western society is decadent and immoral. To top it off, another 16% said they felt no loyalty to Britain. I don't know how you can extrapolate these numbers to other Muslims living in other Western countries; however, I have a suspicion we would be shocked to find out. Do not expect CBC or The Globe and Mail to conduct such a poll. Even if they did, they probably wouldn't publish the result should it show similar feelings. The one clue we do have is that very few of Canada's imams signed the declaration calling these suicide bombings a sin. And according to Naiz Salimi, of the Canadian-Islamic Congress, even some of the imams who did sign preach intolerance, misogyny, and a policy of non-assimilation into Canadian culture. When CBC did one of their infamous 'man-on-the-street' interviews about solutions, the people surveyed could only come up with "we have to be more cautious". Nobody given CBC as a conduit for opinion (vetted beforehand?) suggested that these foreign hate-mongering imams should be deported -- or that any Muslim 'refugee' without documentation should be barred from entering Canada. From our government officials there has been mainly an embarrassed silence. God forbid they might have to take a position that might lose them a vote.As for the socialist European countries who loathe America's policy on terrorism, they might want to reappraise their attitudes when their citizens come back in body bags from the Al Qaeda attack on one of their favourite tourist destinations in Eygpt.

© Bud Talkinghorn

Pakistan clerics explain 'jihad' -- "Pakistan's top Muslim clerics have said it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to preach the real concept of jihad, or holy war, to young Muslims." Aamer Ahmed, BBC Lahore, July 23, 05

[. . . . ] Circumstances for jihad

Mufti Rafi Usmani heads Darul Uloom Karachi, one of Pakistan's most respected religious schools, or madrassas.

"Islam does not allow killing of innocent civilians and non-combatants under any circumstances," he said in an interview with the BBC News website.

Asked to explain the concept of jihad as expounded in mainstream Islamic thought, Mufti Usmani said it had been laid down in great detail precisely to avoid any confusion.

"To begin with, jihad is not incumbent on all Muslims and a call for jihad can be given only under special circumstances," he said. [. . . . ]

There might be a bit more work to do on explaining this last part.

Michelle Malkin: Random Idiocy -- Why we must have racial & religious profiling Posted by Mark on 07:07:32 2005/07/23

July 22, 2005 -- WHAT'S the point? In the wake of the latest terrorist attacks in London, Mayor Bloomberg and the NYPD announced plans to conduct random searches of packages and backpacks carried by subway riders.

"Random," of course, is a synonym for blind.
And we all know what it means when you put blind bureaucrats in charge of homeland security: Grannies and toddlers, prepare to be on heightened grope alert.

Reassuring al Qaeda operatives everywhere, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly pledged that his officers would not engage in "racial profiling." He also emphasized that passengers would be free to "turn around and leave" instead of consenting to a search.

Combined with New York City's inane sanctuary policy, which provides safe haven for illegal aliens, these new security-in-name-only measures prove that political correctness still trumps public safety.

An excellent list of reasons why the common sense approach would be . . . well, read it for yourself. Also, do not miss the follow-up posts on the topic of racial profiling.

Re: Racial Profiling - a Spawn of Political Correctness Posted by Bill Narvey on 10:53:10 2005/07/23

The comedian Dennis Miller said it best and most succinctly in a monologue heard some time ago following 9/11.

He answered this Muslim accusation of their being subjected to racism by American authorities because Muslims were being racially profiled by saying in effect:

Racial profiling, my ass - I call it being minimally observant. [. . . . ]

Could you say it any more succinctly?

The author of this piece is unknown, but it is well worth a read. The second-last paragraph is a perfect Description of Canada, the politically correct.

Do You Know What Losing will Mean?

[. . . . ] First, let's examine a few basics:

1. When did the threat to us start? Many will say September 11th, 2001. The answer as far as the United States is concerned is 1979, 22 years prior to September 2001, with the following attacks [. . . . ]

Democracies don't have their freedoms taken away from them by some external military force. Instead, they give their freedoms away, politically correct piece by politically correct piece. And they are giving those freedoms away to those who have shown, worldwide, that they abhor freedom and will not apply it to you or even to themselves, once they are in power. They have universally shown that when they have taken over, they then start brutally killing each other over who will be the few who control the masses. Will we ever stop hearing from the politically correct, about the "peaceful Muslims"? [. . . . ]

Globe and Mail, July 23, 05, A6
"Fresh crackdown on militants in wake of London attacks sparks protest"

General Musharraf rightly added that England is partly to blame for extremism.

He named two groups, the Hizbul Tahir and al-Muhajiroun, which he said were responsible for spreading a message of hate and violence.

"They had the audacity of passing an edict against my life and yet they operated with impunity."

The groups acted in the UK, itself, and because of political correctness, I assume, were ALLOWED to get away with this.

President Musharraf had warned the UK authorities about these groups; he had mentioned this in an interview, so someone told me. Now, such activities will receive the full force of the law in the UK, one hopes.

In Canada, PM would, maybe, initiate a commission to report some time in the next millennium. Deputy PM Anne McLellan will concur; she will hold meetings with the "stakeholders" to "canvas opinion" and potential terrorists will vote Lieberal. There will be business connections to consider.

Paul Martin will waste more words on calming Muslims' fears about racial profiling. Universities will initiate new programs on Islam, the 'peaceful' religion -- The University of Toronto has hired a new scholar for just that purpose.

How U of T spends our Public Money -- "Anver Emon joined the University of Toronto law faculty on July 1." Cathy Gulli, National Post, July 22, 2005 / CREDIT: Brent Foster, National Post, Posted by ron on 13:30:12 2005/07/22

The University of Toronto has announced it has assembled Canada's "foremost concentration of talent in Islamic law" to teach students about the ancient legal system, said Lorne Sossin, acting dean of the faculty of law.

As the university's first Islamic law professors, Anver Emon and Mohammad Fadel
will satisfy a growing enthusiasm for the subject among law students, said Mr. Sossin.

"The political climate of the day makes Islamic law a point of interest for people. Contemporary politics make it very important for us to understand," said Mr. Emon, 34, a California-born Muslim attorney completing his PhD in Islamic law at UCLA.

He joined the U of T faculty on July 1, and will teach introductory and tort courses and lead an Islamic law reading group. [. . . . ]

In case the lads whose parents brought them to Canada missed the lessons, will the finer points of Islamic law / shariah be taught? Will lessons include the nuanced reactions of Islamic / shariah law on:

* honour killing

* stoning to death female but not male adulterers

* marrying off a raped woman to the man who raped her (See article, "Sharia justice:'Is this the Stone Age?' ", Globe and Mail, July 23, 05, F2. A woman's father-in-law raped her; the imams decreed that she must leave her husband, marry her father-in-law, and treat her husband as her son.)

* punishing the sister of a male in Pakistan who was accused of consorting with a woman (Although the story that he had a sexual relation with her at age twelve has since been reported as untrue, nevertheless, his sister suffered gang rape as punishment for what turned out to be his non "sin".)

* hand chopping for thieves (several reports out of places like Saudi Arabia for example)

* cliterectomy for Muslim females -- even for those living in Canada (Think of a St. Catharines, Ontario case, a story which quickly disappeared from the mainstream media -- nobody guilty of anything, of course -- and we wouldn't want to point any fingers at barbarity being perpetrated by any immigrants within our own country.) and our mainstream media and feminists have not pursued that one too far. Mustn't lose the votes from an identifiable voting bloc?

* and more barbarities in like vein?

How callous of me to mention them, I suppose. Is the truth a hate crime? Not to be mentioned in polite, politically correct Librano$ / CBC Canada?

Wonderful! And Mohammed Elmasry of the University of Waterloo and self-appointed spokesman for Muslims through the Canadian Islamic Congress which he started, will be giving a course or courses on . . . well, read the post entitled Muslims urged to be 'caring citizens' -- or is it "You can guide this government proactively" -- i.e. Get involved in the political process and then change things? Siri Agrell, National Post, July 23, 05


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