July 25, 2005

More of the Same and Hackers

Update added below on hackers -- absolutely unacceptable that we should be subjected to this. I suspect what I see is the least of it. NJC

Peter Worthington: This is war - so pick sides July 25, 05

Ever since the London bombings, everyone seems to be warning that Canada could be targeted -- not by "terrorists" (according to the CBC, BBC and Reuters) but by "bombers, hijackers, gunmen, militants, extremists, attackers." [. . . . ]

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Check out RE: CANADA WINS!!!at the World Stupidity Awards. from stranger338:

and a few comments Topic: Lefties Love Terrorists from Sensforever, 7/25/2005 09:26:52

Watching TV and reading newpaper articles regarding the Terrorist Attack in London that KILLED 52 people and then the one about that stupid Brazilian idiot who fully understood English but still ran away from the British Police who ordered him to halt and subsequently this idiot was shot and killed. Too bad.

Why is it that the lefties are spilling so much ink and rhetoric about this dummy who is now dead rather than spilling more ink about the 52 people who were KILLED by the leftie supported Terrorists? Lieberals and NDPer's are making so much noise against the British Police but NONE against the Terrorists who MURDERED 52 innocent people.

To conclude this religious war which began centuries ago is continuing to grow around the world and the dumb lefties continue to support the murder of innocent people. Why? Are these lefties that stupid? Sure looks like it . . . .

and from Sensforever, 7/25/2005 12:44:07

The first Terrorist attack was caused by French Quebecers and they have since been released from jail after murdering an innocent man. Thank you Trudeau and the Lieberals for that one. The second one was caused on the Ottawa River Parkway another isolated incident committed by a foreigner with a gun that was not registered ha ha ha ha ha . Dumb idiots in favor of a gun registry thats costs us billions of dollars every year.

When the really big one occurs it won't be about one person, it will be about kids, women and men and the lefties like Mrs Brigand will come here and laugh about it because they love to read and hear about this kind of thing, that is how stupid and dumb lefties are around the world. Total Idiots and they continue to prove it !!!!

Check the Shotgun: Imam warns Ottawa to stop terrorizing muslims! -- the threat! -- or here

Nothing Here To See

Egyptian bloggers are covering the anti-terrorism protests that the mainstream media has no interest in.
Western Standard, a fine news organization with some great bloggers at the Shotgun -- and scroll down the comments today.

Also, check Newsbeat1 for so many articles, but particularly for this: Newsbeat1

In a high tension case where there is a chance that a suspect may try to blow up 100 people or more, the police have a split second to make the right choice.When everybody is running from danger, these police officers were running to danger with the thought that he could blow up not only innocent victims but the police officers themselves could have been blown up even when they caught up to the suspect. If they hadn't done what they did and he had explosives with him and did blow up a number of people, the police would have been grilled for allowing him to slip away from them with the media leading the attack on the officers. They didn't have half an hour to make up their minds. If he had stopped when they asked him to stop, and if he hadn't been wearing a heavy coat and if he hadn't left a building that was under observation, there is a good chance that he would still be alive.

Terrorists play by their own rules knowing that the police will get criticized no matter what they do , yet the media seem to leave the actual terrorists off the hook,instead focusing on every second of the officers' actions. How many reporters would chase a suspect they were pretty sure was carrying an explosive? How close would they get? The dangers are far from passed but the government and police have a duty to protect their citizens.The police have to be right 100% of the time - the terrorists only once.

Absolutely correct. I am so furious at so many in the mainstream media excusing the Muslims among us for extremist views and criticizing the only people who stand between us and Muslim terrorism, that is, the police, whether local forces, border guards, air and ports whatevers (since Chretien disbanded the ports police -- all the better for what?) to national security services and our military.

When are we going to learn that mistakes happen, expecially in a situation of extreme danger for all when a suspect ignores police calls to stop, but . . . if the police had been right, they would have been heroes today. Hindsight again.

Captain's Quarters: Why India? July 25, 2005 -- or -- Trackback

This is the guy whose postings caused the Gomery Inquiry to be opened to the media and thus we could learn what our government had done . . . or at least what was revealed, and we know it is not all. Don't miss what he writes.

Afroze admitted that he and seven al-Qaeda operatives planned to hijack aircraft at Heathrow and fly them into the two London landmarks. The suicide squad included men from Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Afroze said. They booked seats on two Manchester-bound flights, but fled just before they were due to board.


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