April 24, 2004

The UN--"Answer to World Peace"

While the full reason for the shootout between the Americans and the Jordanian peacekeepers in Kosovo remains a bit fuzzy, the facts point to five Jordanian policemen ambushing an American convoy outside a detention center. Two American females were killed and one Jordanian, while four of the ten wounded (all Americans, except one Austrian) were in serious condition. The four surviving Jordanian attackers are under arrest.

Almost as disturbing as the apparently senseless ambush is the lack of news reporting on the incident. It didn't show up as a news report on either of CBC's or BBC's Sunday reports (except on the news crawl). Now, I realize that both these news organizations blindly accept that only the UN can bring peace and joy to the world, but to ignore such an unprecedented event is mind-boggling. I guess they hope that like the proverbial tree that falls in the forest, if nobody sees or hears it, then it didn't exist.

© Bud


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