April 24, 2004

Paul Martin--"Finally the Smoking Gun is Found"

The politicians and ****** ad men have kept a mafiaesque code of silence during the sponsorgate probe. Every attempt to tie Martin to these scandals has been deflected by lies or stonewalling. But the opposition (bless the BQ for once) have uncovered an exchange between Warren Kinsella and Chuck Guite. Warren, who was an alpha Liberal insider, asked Guite how Earnscliffe could have garnered some contracts, especially when the regular channels for granting the contracts had been sidestepped. Guite writes back that "The guidelines were rather vague and the incumbants had been picked by previously agreed on criteria". So much for Martin's "open competitions." All Martin could do in response when Marty Solberg hit him with the memo was to sputter, "This line of questioning is making a mockery of Parliament." No, Paul, you and your corrupt political buddies are making a mockery of Parliament. I can only hope that all the news organizations pick up on this story. That memo dated back to 1994/5. Today Martin has appointed that same bunch of Earnscliffe lobbyists to be in his inner circle of advisors. It will be interesting to see how Guite handles that 1994 memo when he appears at the probe on Thursday. "I don't remember it", simply will not pass muster.

© Bud


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