November 01, 2006

Nov. 1, 2006: #1

Whistleblower sounds warning, Licia Corbella, Nov. 1, 06

[....] corporate chill [....]

... moved from the executive suites into [....]

... clear the books were cooked to hide debt and prop up ...

"You've got to listen to your gut and never fall into group think," she warned ...

When asked to participate in a questionable activity at work, everyone should take the "Three M test," she said. [....]

Search: mentor , Christian

Marry your sister - how some slip into Canada
Bogus marriage to your sister, brother or even your mother is a common tactic to fool officials
, Jessica Nadeau / Gabriel Zimmerman, Sun Media, Nov. 1, 06

[....] Our reporters met at least 30 recent immigrants who claim to know at least one person who gained entry to Canada this way. All requested anonymity, fearing personal retribution. [....]

* Organize a false wedding ceremony and take plenty of pictures. Pictures of the happy wedded couple kissing on the mouth are particularly helpful.

Conservative-tolerant Toronto Sun (Sun Media) up up and away! Liberal media rags down. , October 31, 2006, Posted by Joel Johannesen

North West Passage, AncientUno, 10/31/2006 18:14:33

***The USA says that the North West Passage is not part of Canada ! Well what do you all think of that!***

The US isn't the only country that thinks the same. Russia, and I believe Denmark and few European countries have the same view. Nothing much has been done in the because it has been frozen over most of time. But if global warming keeps the NW passage open most of the year, like some think will happen, Canada better get a pretty big Navy in hurry if it wants to defend what it says is [theirs]. [....]


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