July 09, 2006

July 9, 2006: Bjorn Lomborg: How to Spend $50 Billion ...

Bjorn Lomborg
www.amazon.com -- Search: Bjorn Lomborg, books

This year, Lomborg published his book, How to spend $50 Billion ...

The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World

Global Crises, Global Solutions

How to Spend $50 Billion to Make the World a Better Place by Bjorn Lomborg (Editor), Cambridge University Press; 2Rev Ed edition (June 19, 2006), ISBN: 0521866790

This abridged version of the much admired Global Crises, Global Solutions pulls together recommendations of the Copenhagen Consensus, a meeting that asked what problems experts and policy-makers should address, given $50 billion to use as they please. Ten areas of inquiry are covered: disease, civil war, education, global warming, trade barriers, population migration, poor or corrupt governance, and water scarcity. Although those involved found many points of agreement, the dissimilar particulars of each case are laid out so that the casual reader can grasp major issues and viewpoints that otherwise might overwhelm. .... each article concludes with an opposing argument from additional researchers present at the Consensus.

[....] In a world fraught with problems and challenges, we need to gauge how to achieve the greatest good with our money. This unique book provides a rich set of dialogs examining ten of the most serious challenges facing the world today: climate change, the spread of communicable diseases, conflicts and arms proliferation, access to education, financial instability, governance and corruption, malnutrition and hunger, migration, sanitation and access to clean water, and subsidies and trade barriers. [....]


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