January 17, 2006

Copyright & Your Rights, Media & a Reality Check, Advertising, Personal Sacrifice & Children

Advertising, personal sacrifice & the interests of children

Canadians, please consider boycotting products which advertise by using a female--one intended-to-be-viewed--as smarter than men, or a rude girl or woman in some way opposed to a dumb and/or usually fat, sloppy male young or old, to sell.

Every time I see the rudeness presented as ... cute? trying to court women? ... whatever the intent is in the ad I am remembering, I want to smack the bottom of any little girl who would treat little boys so rudely. The ad is touting some drink like kool or thirst quencher -- something like that. She keeps slamming the door on gifts of cookies and the like from little boys after she takes the gift and doesn't show any appreciation for it. Even when she accepts the final gift of flowers before she slams the door on the poor budding schlub, he's fooled, for she dumps the flowers in the garbage, grabs and mixes the *** drink in his flower vase ... and drinks it all by herself.

Do advertisers care what they are doing, what they are teaching children, and that rudeness in children is not cute? Or am I too serious about this? I think the attitude toward boys and men shown in this type of ad is negative and insidious because children learn attitudes subtly and very young.

One example: At Christmas several of us received a card from one young family we all knew we would see in which we were asked not to bring alcohol to the house because the children are so aware and the parents don't want them to be exposed to drinking as they might come to see it as something that goes with every celebration. Yes, both parents drink wine. I applaud their efforts to bring up children without exposure to alcohol accompanying every get-together nor with even slightly enebriated visitors. When a child says, after a visit somewhere where they learned an unintended courtesy, "Daddy, could I bring you a coffee? milk? tea? ... a beer?", it's time to take parental action.

This is what good parents do; they sacrifice in the best interests of their children, as they see it. Giving a good example is genetic with these parents. Good on 'em! All of us applaud their efforts.

For those of us who grew up without alcohol in the house, our childhoods were secure in that we intuitively knew why our parents were so strict. They wanted all our options to be open ... that we might have the best start. We still might have hated being different, but we did know why. Now, we really understand, and no, we're not card-carrying members of any Temperance Movement. We learned eventually to drink responsibly ... if that is progress. Some of us even learned to make wine from real grapes so the government wouldn't get any pleasure out of taxing it ... one of my personal bests in the fight against Big Brother and for freedom from their control.

It is the parental choice to curb their own desires in the interest of their children that I applaud.

Media -&- Videos

Far-left liberal New York Times misleads their liberal readership about Harper? Jan. 17, 06

Proud to be Canadian: Explanation to the Nation: Self Satisfaction -- video -- It will bring a smile or a guffaw. I love these.

There are several videos, among them, one that I shall watch for I have noted this too: Am I hearing pro-communist-speak creep into the CBC?

CBC / CDLPS* is over the top this election -- bleeding real blood today. How many gays and lesbians work for CBC anyway? Or is it part of their Liberal job mandate? Their morning whine went something like this:

If you can't bring yourself to vote Liberal, please ... please ... I implore you ... vote for Jack Layton, the NDP, that protector of right(s)

Rights such as those of that fine, cured of shoplifting candidate from BC with the Ottawa-honed, precious taste in diamond rings.

CBC types don't have journalistic integrity nor the loyalty to explore the views of those who pay their relatively high salaries, the taxpaying Canadians. CBC's most successful have developed the subtle shivs and tones worthy of a budding Kim Il's Press Corps ... or Pravda at its most subtle. They will even sacrifice the burning crosses Fry for certain "rights". How many gays work for CBC or the government, anyway? There are other issues of importance this election but they apparently hope this will sell the Liberals. (Check Bud's post today for more on same-sex marriage and the slippery slope to polygamy, etc.)

CBC loyalty doesn't move much past saving their own bacon ... their right to fill the airwaves with leftist cant from the comfortable pew you paid for ... but you must have noted that by now.

* CDLPS=Canada's Daily Liberal Propaganda Shot

Copyright and your rights ... stay tuned

There is much more Canadians could learn about plans on this one.

Michael Geist: Cleaning up copyright

Michael Geist is "Canada Research Chair in Internet & E-commerce Law, University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law".

With both prospective Canadian Heritage Ministers accepting copyright lobby cash [link on the site]

[. . . . ] I think the party leaders should take a Copyright Pledge. It would hold that:

No Member of Parliament who has accepted financial contributions or other benefits from (i) a copyright lobby group, (ii) its corporate members, or (iii) senior executives as well as (iv) a copyright collective shall serve as Minister of Canadian Heritage or as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Canadian Heritage, nor sit on any legislative committee (parliamentary or standing committees) conducting hearings or deliberations on copyright matters.

Excellent idea. I am including the titles of other items on the site because it seems like a good resource if you choose to learn more ... and there is much more to learn about the present government's plans, should we be unlucky enough for them to be re-elected.

Related: links on Geist's site

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