May 23, 2005

CBC and Newsweek--The pot calling the kettle black

Alison Smith of CBC was lamenting the sloppy journalism of Newsweek magasine's reporting of the Koran story. "How do such stories get printed when they are obviously wrong?", she asked a media watch expert. The answer, Alison, is the same way that CBC news is filtered to make sure that the liberal- view-small "L" and large--gets positive coverage and the conservative view gets negative coverage, or if not possible, then no coverage at all. Case in point: On Sunday morning news with Solomon and MacNeil, there was a three party panel discussion; however, when it was repeated on the late CBC news, only the Liberal and NDP panel members got to spout their positions. The Conservative viewpoint was edited out. This ploy is only one of a barrel-full that CBC uses to push their leftist agenda. Now that the Conservatives seem poised to win the next election, the CBC in a panic has begun to pull out all the stops to help defeat them. Stay tuned for more slanted CBC news. Be warned though, the CBC has been at this bias business for so long they have developed very subtle methods of doing it.

Bud Talkinghorn--The news of Stronach's defection must be giving the CBC endless high-fives.

Do CBC types even realize how evident their bias is? NJC


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