May 20, 2005

Better the status quo and the devil you know than a leader and party with a clean record but roots in the West?

Torontonians look at corruption and shrug -- "Better the status quo and the devil you know than a leader and party with a clean record but roots in the West?" Paul Stanway, Edmonton Sun, May 20, 05

TORONTO -- Welcome to the land of the "Belinda Bounce" and the GTA [Greater Toronto Area]. This may not yet be the belly of the beast, but it has surely become the navel of the nation. The days are long gone since a visiting Albertan could rail against the political absurdity of all Ontarians. Or even all residents of southern Ontario [. . . . ]

Is that not disheartening? Mainstream media will play along with the Librano$; after all, that's their bread and butter.

Tory turncoats nothing new Peter Worthington, May 20, 05

[. . . . ] In 2000, when Keith Martin failed to convince members of the Canadian Alliance that he should be leader, he switched to the Liberals and today is parliamentary secretary to the defence minister and a defender of second-hand British submarines that leak underwater.

[. . . . ] It's the Liberals who have made the Bloc a viable threat to Confederation. The Bloc can't get many more seats than they have now.

They too have had a bellyful of Liberal corruption.

Belinda's decision is akin to joining a mafia that governs by intimidation, deceit and malice when it can't get its way by bribery and blackmail. But she calls it acting on principles and ethics. Some "ethics." Tony Soprano ethics.

A tour of defectors that you must read.

A fancy name for tribalism George Jonas, May 20, 05

[. . . . ] Affirmative action was about raising motivations, not expectations. It was about helping all people to meet standards, not about relaxing standards for some. It was about unlocking every door, then inviting every individual from ever group to turn the knob for himself or herself. It wasn't about barring the doors for some and carrying others across the threshold. That's only what it turned out to be. [. . . . ]

It's Jonas' list of Why I Dislike Affirmative Action that is a must read.

How sensible . . . so of course, he will be ignored in this "best of all possible worlds" of asymmetrical * * * * * * . . . . . fill in your own pet peeve there.


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