August 04, 2006

Aug. 4, 2006: Update: DND -&- Provision of ...

Language Service or ... Promotion ...

of one language, French? These charts update and are related to information in:

Frost Hits the Rhubarb Aug. 3, 2006: Culture's Tentacles #1

Frost Hits the Rhubarb Aug. 3, 2006: Culture's Tentacles #2

What is important to note is that, considering that 22.6% of Canada is French-speaking, a goodly number of government departments now have a preponderance of French speakers. The percentages have been rising which effectively cuts out people who may be eminently qualified in their fields, but who have not mastered the second language. I have circled the columns showing the numbers and percentages of French speaking employees. The figures in bold indicate departments with a high level of French-speaking employees. What is even more striking is that, after years of Liberal governments, the FIRST qualification one had to have in most cases, to work for the government was bilingualism. These charts show the result. Which language group, then, do you think predominates and will predominate increasingly in the power-wielding, upper level positions -- French or English speakers, if this continues?

Note that the table was prepared by Jim S. Allan. I have posted it in pieces because of size constraints. Also, some of you might remember former Auditor General Maxwell Henderson who prepared a report on the over-representation of francophones in the federal civil service... and that was years ago. Somehow, the mainstream media missed all this information. Networking and schmoozing, like that ubiquitous credit card, have their rewards. Unfortunately, the bulk of Canadians do not get them. Does what follows seem fair to English speakers in Canada? Does fairness matter to the crowd, along with their MSM enablers and assorted hangers-on, who are aching to get back into power, perquisites, and pork?

DND Statistics

The attached chart is very revealing - [Languages Commissioner,] Dyane Adam always counteracts anyone's suggestion that there are too many bilingual positions by saying that only 37% of positions across Canada are bilingual and 63% in the NCR [National Capital Region].

However the chart shows that the staffing trend is overwhelmingly bilingual imperative, 93% in the last three years in DND. I'm sure other departments are the same or even worse.

There were no bilingual competitions for the 01 to 04 time frames at DND bases and affiliated institutions in Alberta (except 1 in Cold Lake), Saskatchewan, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, NWT, Yukon and Nunavut.

ADMST – Assistant Deputy Minister, Science & Technology
DREVA – Subsection of ADMST (Valcartier)
CFHHQ – Canadian Forces Housing Agency, Headquarters
Data obtained from Access to Information

Before the members of Canada's military are recruited, trained and shipped to Afghanistan, is there a language requirement? Did the four Canadian military men who died in Afghanistan within the last day or so fulfil the language requirement ... or is that necessary mainly for the higher level positions in the Canadian military, that is, for the ones who make the decisions affecting the others?

Source: Screen captures of Canadian Statistics Charts

Cost of Official Bilingualism


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