June 13, 2006

June 13, 2006: Updated: Did Minister of Indian Affairs & Ex-Sol Gen Andy Scott ...

mention any of this? ... I don't seem to recall his railing against the problems detailed on an Indian and Northern Affairs Canada website while he was the Minister in 2004. He must have been overburdened ........ with ........ Kelowna Accord Pork Plans? Perhaps with helping to allocate pork through ACOA or with oversight along with Min. Gerry Byrne (I think. Check this.) dishing out the pork through Technology Partnerships Canada? I am sure the ex-Min. was busy ... busy ... busy ... too busy to notice all the inconvenient details.

Small Dead Animals: Reverse Racism, Political Correctness -- which leads to this link from one of the comments, by a Dr. Wright, I think:


Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Last Updated April 23, 2004

Social Development



Addictions & Solvent abuse:

62% of First Nations people aged 15 and over perceive alcohol abuse as a problem in their community, while 48% state that drug abuse is an issue. (Source: Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS), Statistics Canada, 1991)

Solvent abuse by youth is a particular concern: 22% of First Nations youth who report solvent abuse are chronic users and come from homes where there is financial hardship, neglect, family conflict or child abuse. (Source: Health Canada)

AIDS/HIV reporting is increasing for the Aboriginal population, whereas reporting in the mainstream is levelling off. The proportion of AIDS cases in Canada reported by Aboriginal peoples has risen from 1.4% (1984-1990), to 2.4% (1990-92), to 4.4% (1993-95).

Other health indicators for First Nations people:

* 6.6 times greater incidence of tuberculosis
* 3 times as likely to be diabetic
* 2 times as likely to report a long-term disability

(Source: MSB, Health Canada)



Social problems: 39% of Aboriginal adults reported that family violence is a problem in their community; 25% reported sexual abuse and 15% reported rape as problems. More Inuit report these to be problems in their community (44%, 35% and 25%, respectively). (Source: APS, Statistics Canada, 1991)

Incarceration rates of Aboriginal people are 5-6 times higher than the national average. (Source: Sol Gen, 1995) The highest rates of Aboriginal sentenced admissions are in the NWT (80%), the prairies (50%) and BC (20%). (Source: Sol Gen) In some age categories, for example, youth aged 12-18 in Alberta, Aboriginal offenders are projected to account for 40 % of the admissions. (Source: RCAP)
Urban crime rates for Aboriginal people are 4 ½ times higher than the non-Aboriginal rate in Calgary and 12 times the non-Aboriginal rates in Regina and Saskatoon. [Well, RCMP HQ is nearby, so ..... ]


Education of Aboriginal people lags behind other Canadians, although it has improved. In 1991, 18% of Aboriginal people (15 years or older) had less than grade 9, compared to 37% in 1981. In 1996-97, there were 112,060 students enrolled in kindergarten, elementary and secondary schools. The percentage of students remaining in school to Grade 12 increased to 71% in 1996-97 from just 31% in 1981-82. (Source: 1991 Census & BDD97)

Remaining in school doesn't mean much. The whole push has been to keep bodies in school -- both native and non-native, but that does NOT mean they are doing much more than warming seats. I want to see their test results, not the results of tests given by teachers pressured to create the illusion of success, but the figures on standardized tests administered by an outside agency, preferably by a non-Canadian government agency, since government agencies might, just might, be tempted to massage the results. Trust me on that. I know someone I trust who sat in on marking provincial, goverment administered exams. I have other stories from people who care ... but mostly, no-one wants to know. It might create problems, a delicate situation. Truth is so inconvenient, at times.

In 1996-97, there were an estimated 27,487 students enrolled in post-secondary education, up from 5,467 in 1981. In 1995-96, there were 3,929 graduates.

Why? Why? Why? Does the native leadership have no positive influence? No responsibility? The Minister(s) who allowed this to happen, along with the corruption? and ??? (Scroll down for an example from the Health Department posted today earlier.) br>

The Victims Of Two-Tier Justice

Revisiting one of the racist diatribes I'm famous for;

[....] Darcey has a more personal take. Go read it.

Don't miss the many good comments with these posts. Note: nomdenet offers a solution.

September 09, 2005: Addressing The Inequities...in the disturbingly disproportional incarceration rates of ...........


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