November 07, 2005

Stay out! It's my little emirate

The fire in France -- "this French Intifada is not entirely spontaneous" David Warren, Nov. 5, 05

[. . . . ] The French authorities are beginning to realize that this French Intifada is not entirely spontaneous, that e.g. weapons had been laid in for just such an uprising.

[. . . . ] The rule of these districts is now effectively in the hands of radical Islamists, whose central demand is that French authorities stay out of the little emirates they have declared. [. . . . ]

Both [de Villepin and Nicolas Sarkozy] give at least lip-service to the ludicrous idea that increased spending on social programmes for these "underprivileged" districts will finally win the day. Even while the kids on the streets are purposefully destroying every physical manifestation of French state generosity (such as it is). Both speak as if they were dealing with some Marxist revolt of the proletariat against their capitalist oppressors. Instead, what they have is an Islamist revolt against French society. [. . . . ]


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