November 04, 2005

Stephen Harper: How he would clean up the "culture of corruption"

Update: Apparently, this concerns the first bill that the Conservatives would pass, should they form a government.

I just listened to this so there may be errors and it is incomplete: I was doing something else at the same time. NJC

Stephen Harper would make these changes:

* There would be no more corporate and union donations to political campaigns. Only individuals will be able to contribute.

* Individuals will be limited to $1,000 per year.

* Upon leaving government, a Member of Parliament will have to wait five years before s/he may become a lobbyist.

* Whistleblower legislation will be revisited or strengthened (check this one) to aid whistleblowers, not to protect government.

* The Auditor General's Department and the Access to Information Commissioner will have their mandates strengthened.
(Perhaps there will be reporting directly to Parliament but check this.)

It was a Prime Ministerial presentation from a man with the character to positively affect Canada and the lives of Canadians through changing the way government works, by getting rid of the worst occasions for corruption and shenanigans.

Note CBC Newsworld is almost apoplectic in that it is desperately trying to remind everyone of Conservative lobbyists and the worst of the Mulroney era. Why should Canadians have to pay for CBC bias?


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