November 02, 2005

Special Treatment & Multicultural Madness

This is what is wrong with multiculturalism! Finally, we are unable to recognize and react to wrong once we water down ethics and beliefs to pretend another culture's abhorrent activities are just another cultural adaptation, and just as good as our own. . . Hogwash!

Jihad Watch Spencer: Open Season on Muslim Women November 1st. 2005 -- original source via Jack's Newswatch, Nov. 1, 05

In FrontPage this morning I discuss the implications of a new multiculturalist handbook in Australia that instructs police to be lenient with Muslims who beat their wives. (News links in the original.)

Can wife-beating be justified under any circumstances? According to some in Australia, yes — if the couple is Muslim.

The Australasian Police Multicultural Advisory Bureau has published and distributed 50,000 copies of an 82-page handbook for Australian police officers, directing them on how to deal with people from all the unfamiliar cultures that an Australian policeman may encounter. A Sikh, for example, may receive a three-day reprieve from arrest if the arresting officer happens upon him while he is reading his holy scriptures — a practice that takes fifty hours, and must not be interrupted. And Muslim husbands who beat their wives must be treated differently from other domestic violence cases, as a matter of cultural sensitivity: “In incidents such as domestic violence,” says the handbook, “police need to have an understanding of the traditions, ways of life and habits of Muslims.”

Faithfully, Jack of Jack's Newswatch posts items from all over the world.

Scroll down for:

* Fraser Institute Accounting for Gomery: The Money Links Between the Federal Government, Political Parties, and Private Interests

* NY Daily News Stoolie: Canada pol in mob

There are probably other items worth reading but I have no more time.


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