November 06, 2005

Bud: Martin vs Martin, Riots Coming Here? Gomery Fallout

"Martin versus Martin"--and Don wins

Well, the quotation from Don (The context of democracy has become small town cheap.) rather says it all. It is though we, as a nation, have become totally shameless -- that we have become so cynical about politicians that even lawyers have morally surpassed them. There is no lawyer joke that couldn't apply equally to a venal politician. How sad is that? Martin simply lays out the near-endless crimes that were committed by the Liberal Party and the non-existent penalties which resulted. Reports have Jean LeFleur hiding out in Costa Rica. I hope he meets some of the colourful folk there -- people with names like "Skippy", "Sweet William", and "Cherokee"--respectively--a bagman for Robert Vesco, the famous embezzler who could not be extradited; then a con man, who sold everything from swamp land to a fake Modigliani. The last one was a psychotic Ameri-Indian, who claimed to a mercenary. Jean would have a lot to talk about with these people. I'm sure that others ad men will join him, also being "under a cloud of doubt", as Paul Martin would delicately put it.

I can visualize Jean and confreres pumping Sweet William and Skippy for their collective lore on how to run the perfect scam. I sense that Don Martin sees these crooks in the same light. Can the populous not see the evidence? Have the Greater Toronto voters / Maritimers been so indoctrinated by the Liberal vision / bribery that they cannot distinguish between chicanery and honest government? As for the NDP, their situation is really being caught between a rock and a hard place. How do you stand up in Parliament, day after Gomery day like Layton, yet support this band of arrogant thieves? His party is supposed to be the flag bearer for the underclass, not the plutocratically-inclined politician or lobbyist. This could be the crash test dummy for that party.

Back to Don. His column (The National Post. Wed, Nov. 2, 05) lays out the overwhelming case for a massive fraud investigation of the Liberal Party executive. Paul Martin and his Parliamentary mouthpieces--like the traitorous Jean Lapierre--just keep saying, "Gomery exonerated Paul Martin." They didn't mention that he also said that the Quebec Liberal branch of the Party should be held criminally responsible. But Don Martin and millions of other Canadian taxpayers, whom they have robbed, do think so. The law itself is under the microscope. Everybody knows that there is one law for the rich; another for the poor. But should this rule apply to men and women whom we elected to represent the best for the nation? In the final analysis, have we ourselves become so corrupted that we will accept this as "business as usual"?

© Bud Talkinghorn--If you want to interview Jean LeFleur, then just ask for him at the Nashville South or the Belladona -- if they still exist. They used to be Sweet William's and Skippy's favourite watering holes in San Jose. They will be Jean's favourites too, I would guess.

Note: I don't get Bud's posts immediately so these numbers are a bit out of date -- many more destroyed vehicles now. NJC

The immigrant riots in Paris--coming to a city near you?

France has prided itself on its liberal immigration programs. [Bud, is that the same as Canada's Liberal immigration schemes? NJC] This is all about to change, as Paris's slum suburbs, heavily populated by North African Muslims and blacks from former colonies, explode into anarchy. What started as a protest against two teenagers, who were electrocuted in a power station, has spread like a prairie fire to nine other districts. This has been going on for a week now, with 315 cars and various businesses set alight by arsonists. In some of these communities law and order has been basically replaced by gang control. Unemployment is rife, partly due to the immigrants' low educational and assimilation levels.

The question for Canadians is how can we keep this from happening in Toronto or Montreal? Mr. Volpe, the Immigration Minister, has talked about bringing in 300,000 new immigrants a year. Many will come from the same areas as those rioting in Paris. Of course, it is a political ruse to increase the Liberal immigrant vote; many economic studies have shown that immigrants are actually a drain on the country, if more aspects are taken into account than is usual with a government that wants to open the doors. [Check the Fraser Institute for a study, I think. NJC] Since the "family reunification program" has brought in tens of thousands, who either produce nothing, or very little. The strain they will produce on an already beleaguered urban system will be huge. As for the the multicultural benefits of fostering diversity, just look at France for those. It was of interest to hear a Montreal Haitian community leader talk about riots if Michaelle Jean was dropped as Governor-General. This mob mentality is on full display back in his home country.

© Bud Talkinghorn

The Gomery Report

Jean Chretien and his gang are named as the main culprits of the sponsorship scandal. Martin has been "exonerated"; however, Judge Gomery had plenty to say about the general corruption of the Quebec wing of the Liberals -- things like $150,000 in cash ferried in a suitcase to Chretien's Shawinigan election headquarters, to be distributed in bundles to the Liberal candidates for the up-coming election. Or the kick-back schemes to the Liberals from their handpicked ad executives. In short, a giant criminal conspiracy, which would be charged in the States under the RICO Act and result in lengthy prison sentences. However this is Canada, so they might all merely have to give "ethics courses" to university students. And what penalty awaits the civil servants, who were seconded to work the hustings for their political masters while still collecting their pay for the work they were hired to do? This is totally illegal behaviour according to the Election Act.

It is interesting how the liberal media has chosen to frame the disgust with these criminal acts as an affront only to Quebec. Must keep the Liberal brand from being tarnished across the entire nation--which supplied the majority of taxpayers robbed to finance a Liberal victory.

There will be collateral damage to the NDP from this report. Jack Layton played the outraged leader. "How could people support such a band of brigands?", he asked. However, the shock and revulsion will not force him to abandon his support of these brigands. The NDP has never had it so good. With a weakened Liberal Party they can turn the thumbscrews on them. Martin is now open to blatant blackmail over health care. Nothing drives the NDP crazier than the idea that the rich might get private health care. Therefore everybody should get the same shoddy health care, even though the truly rich will always have private health care system, called America. The best we can hope for here is that the honourable Ed Broadbent quits the party in disgust. The fallout from this report will give we bloggers lots of material. Let it come down!

© Bud Talkinghorn


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