July 10, 2005

Ostrich, Ahenakew, Agents of Vengeance, "What does the soul of a people sound like?"

We are at war; our government just doesn't know it yet. Many other sites have previously posted articles, excerpts or links to excellent articles: check: newsbeat1, Angry in the Great White North (AngryGWN), Western Standard / Shotgun, Canadian Coalition for Democracies, et cetera.

Is the ostrich our new symbol?

Canada should have received a wake-up call after the latest Islamic outrage in London. However, short of Parliament or CBC's headquarters being blown to smithereens, many Canadians will indulge in the complacent view that we are never going to be a target. This Saturday morning's CBC "man-on-the-street" interview was so typical of this denial. Of four people who were asked about Canada as a potential target, all stated "no worry". The last one interviewed--a twenty something male--actually said, "We're not interfering with the Middle East and trying to grab their money and oil, so we are safe." I guess he doesn't read the newspapers. [but I'll bet he plays computer games and buys 'scratchies'. NJC] Actually, we have aided the Americans with warships in Iraq and have actually killed Taliban and al-Qaeda members in Afghanistan. Bin Laden has mentioned us twice in his screeds against the infidels. Ressam admitted that if he hadn't been directed to bomb LA airport, that the Montreal subway system would have been his probable target. [Wasn't he also contemplating some atrocity in the Jewish area of Outremont? Or was that someone else's plan? NJC] Besides these portents, there have been a number of terrorist suspects caught videotaping in detail the Toronto transit network and various landmarks.

There are plenty of reasons why we would be the perfect country for a terrorist attack. Since 9/11, we have admitted thousands of poorly documented Muslim 'refugees' into Canada, while 36,000 erstwhile deportees have managed to avoid eviction. "Gee, we asked them politely to voluntarily show up for their deportations, and the rascals simply vanished", is the IRB's feeble defence for this travesty. Meanwhile, hundreds of illegals simply drive through unmanned border crossings. Our seaport security is a joke. When the security people wanted to scrutinize the dockworkers to weed out criminals and security risks, the seafarer's union threatened to strike. The leftist groups --using the Arar case--mount offences against the jailing of the handful of Islamic extremists we finally manage to catch. The Charter and international prohibitions hobble our ability to even deport terrorists back to their home countries, because they might be tortured there. The fact that they might be jailed and tortured because they were already Islamic terrorists there doesn't faze the authorities. Better to let them float around Canada, plotting their future attacks on our soil.

Despite the desperate laxity that all these elements suggests, we are continuously assured by Ann McLellan, our Minister in charge of Homeland Security, that all is well. Along with trumpeting this government nostrum, the CBC presents documentaries like The Power of Nighmares: The Rise of the politics of Fear. Ironically, produced by the BBC--CBC's ultra-lefty big brother--this documentary asserts that al-Qaeda and Islamic fundamentalism are bogeymen created by a sensationalist media and evil politicians to inflame people's fears. The former to increase circulation; the latter to fulfill some control agenda, goes the director's argument. The director goes on to say, "This is the way we have all become trapped...by a fear that is completely irrational." Well, count me among the "irrational", but I believe the fear is totally justified.

Unfortunately, allied to this surreal message is the chorus of socialist university professors who drill our children in guilt-steeped moral equivalancy. "The reasons for the stagnant Islamic world of the Middle East and Africa are entirely the fault of their former colonial masters," is the drill. These are students who have a loose grasp of their own civilization's contributions to the world. It is Victimology 101. If they are religious at all, it is often of a fuzzy theology that posits more guilt and need for 'sensitivity' towards Islamic discontent. They cannot conceive of a militant Islam that demands total obedience to their strictures--a religion that glorifies suicide bombing of the infidel. Even the radical feminist movement cannot come to terms with a root dichotomy. The hideous gender apartheid that is at the heart of fundamentalist Islam rubs up against judging others through an ethnocentric lens. They remain paralyzed by this contradiction.

That does not mean that said fears must paralyze us from tackling the situation head-on. Evidence of a war against democracy and the world's other religions piles up on a daily basis. Hundreds of massacred Hindus, Buddhists, and Christians attest to this reality. Even Muslims who fall outside the 'ordained' tenets of the fanatics' faith are fair game for annihilation. This rise of Islamic extremism is a world-wide scourge that must be destroyed by a unified front. That will take a retooling of our govenmental and educational thinking. This is happening in Europe, where a critical mass of Islamic immigration has formed. The ever-tolerant French and Dutch have seen the handwriting on the wall--and it is a call to Islamic domination. Drastic measures are being contemplated to stop this invasion of alien thought.

It is, however, encouraging to see numerous Muslim societies finally awakening to the threat to their own from this nihilistic mindset--one that they have either fostered or ignored in the past. They now realize that their fundamentalist factions will drag them back to the Dark Ages, if they are not firmly checked. A proper reading of the cult of Hashasashins (hence our word "assassins") would show that their suicidal assassination missions were directed mainly at fellow Muslim rulers. Therefore, a true global crusade to crush this retrograde ideology is necessay. Canada's ostrich must be replaced by something more proactive, more fearsome, say a grizzly.

© Bud Talkinghorn

Or an avenging woman? NJC

I enjoy the discussion threads on the Canadian Coalition for Democracies website (www.canadiancoalition.org and see "forums" in the menu at left)

In response to this comment on finding David Ahenakew guilty of hate crime,

Re: "The test is simple. Can you or can you not deliver votes for the Liberal party? If the answer is yes, you can incite violence and hatred against Jews until the cows come home. If the answer is no, like that pathetic fool Ernst Zundel, then you will feel the full weight of the law and deportation."

I wrote the following which I am cross-posting here.

"Selective" and "asymmetrical" -- how Canadian.

I have no truck with the Ahenakews of this world and Zundel was in the process of being turfed before I paid much attention to him--my response would have been "but who pays any attention to that?"--but I do have fears about the selective application of law--particularly hate crimes law(s)--and just how the hierarchy of rights plays out when politics is involved. If an Elmasry foments hatred, there is government and mainstream media support because it suits the Librano$ and vote buying. Selective application of policy, laws, anything is too prevalent in Canada; for example, if Quebec has two-tiered health care, that's allowed, though not for Alberta. "Keeping Quebec in Canada" is rather like crying wolf once too often, for me.

However, if you or I write something unacceptable to those with the power to do something about us--remember, truth is no excuse--what happens to truth and healthy dissent? I fear the selective application of hate crimes laws being used in the pursuit of remaining in power. I have daily lessening respect for the decisions made by appointees of the government in power, since these appointees are not veted by our Parliamentary representatives; appointees (judicial, human rights, et cetera) are simply expressions of governing power gerrymandering to get the decisions they want..

The Lieberals are destroying what was a perfectly decent Canada. If we cannot get the message out, all over the country, this will continue. One current example, the Irvings' control of news outlets in NB means that any view except that which supports the way it has always been, will not be printed, nor will this be admitted. (I talked with someone yesterday who is frustrated by not being able to get letters to the editor printed, for example.) Until we develop radio / television / newspapers / internet news which are regularly read / checked by the general populace, news sources which are independent of, and thus not controlled by the government, truth will not come out. Until then, there will be only one truth, the government's, which gets me back to Ahenakew and hate crimes.

The problem(s) with punishing the Ahenakews is that they go underground and we do not know what hatred is being fomented until it blows, in all its ignorance. More importantly, the application of hate crimes laws is determined by fallible human beings with their own axes to grind, though they may be so indoctrinated that they honestly do not recognize their own biases. Do you trust the Librano$ and their representatives to root out and punish instances of hate crime only, or is this a method whereby dissent will be rooted out? Dissent which is rooted in truth and necessary -- but which would be negative for the government or some other currently favoured identifiable voting bloc.

I realize Jewish readers will not share my views but bright sunlight and airing will do more to root out mindless, motiveless malignancy than clamping down on its expression through hate crimes laws.

Public airing may be more positive in the long run, in that it exposes the worst of those beliefs and those who expound them to public ridicule. Check this site:


Who could read certain passages from the Koran--my pet ones having to do with how to treat women--without being disgusted by men who, in this era, actually read and heed these beliefs from an era which is, one would hope, a long gone period in human history, one of conquest by the sword in the name of Allah. Remember, "submission" and "subjugation" are more acceptable to Allah than tolerance and reason. Modernization is not even a possibility; no deviation is tolerated.

Open discussion and education will do more to root out hatred than punishment through the courts.

See the very sensible response from Al Gordon on CCD Forum.

Do we need "Agents of Vengeance"?

"This savagery is not Islam." -- or so they say.

In addition to spawning our own, if we import enough with this level of ignorance, what happens over time to the values of this country and the West?

UK policy invited attacks - Iran

Iran has condemned the bomb attacks in London as inhumane, and offered its condolences to the victims.

But one of the country's top clerics, Ayatollah Mohammed Emami-Kashani, said they were the direct result of the UK's support for US and Israeli policies.

[. . . . ] The BBC's Frances Harrison in Tehran says Iran's view is that US funding for extremist Sunni Muslim groups opposing the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s set the stage for the emergence of the Taleban and al-Qaeda.

Stinging attack

A commentary on Iranian state radio, meanwhile, blamed the Israeli intelligence agency, Mossad, for the attacks.

If Mossad has a little free time, perhaps there is work for them? Maybe Mossad and Shin Beit could come to the West to give a few training sessions? Remember Marseille and the shipment of . . . was it nuclear or atomic bomb material? The spiriting away of the shipment one day before the Iraqis were to pick it up? Remember Entebbe, Uganda? The rescue of the hostages? The 1972 massacre at the Olympics and Mossad's response? No arguing over how many angels could fit on the head of a pin there. Effective! They have just the training, experience and attitude that may be needed for a little summary justice.

As it is, we are being played for suckers, if not unto death, by our own laws and policies, or is it the government's application of them? Is it that our laws are fine for a Western society with Western values but too nuanced for pure evil? Has the time come to try something else? Maybe something more effective?


Lileks: AFTER THE ATTACK July 8, 05

[. . . . ] Countries have national memories, national traits, but they’ve always been based in a certain amount of ethnic homogeneity. (To put it mildly. For Europe, nationalism was tribalism.) If you've moved beyond this, then what sort of core identity emerges after a great shock? What do you rise to defend?

[. . . . ] At some point the old legacy culture is unbellyfeel to the newcomer. This puts Great Britain in an unusual position – its cultural heritage is more specifically ethnic, which makes it difficult to apply to other cultures, and its new self-definition as a melting pot means it has fewer means to unite the culture to face a specific threat. [. . . . ]

Obviously, the writer who begins with "What does the soul of a people sound like?" is a knowledgeable lover of music, as well as history.


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