July 06, 2005

Sharia, Indiscriminate Tolerance, Muslims--AIDS & Aid

Sharia law by stealth

What is car-wreck fascinating here is Judge Michael Higgins' conclusion that simply pointing out what the Koran says now constitutes outlawed speech in Victoria. During court proceedings, when Mr. Scot began to read verses from the Koran that denigrate women, a lawyer for the Islamic Council of Victoria, the plaintiff, cut him off, explaining that reading such verses aloud is itself an act of vilification. "How," wondered Mr. Scot, can it be vilifying to Muslims in the room when I am just reading from the Koran?"

How, indeed. As Robert Spencer has pointed out, at another point in the trial, the Australian judge was affronted that Mr. Scot had said that "the Koran promotes violence, killing and looting." Mr. Spencer writes: "In light of Koranic passages such as 9:5, 2:191, 9:29, 47:4, 5:33 and many others, this cannot seriously be a matter of dispute. [. . . . ]

[. . . . ] In outlawing criticism of Islam -- which, so far, is the effect of the law -- Victoria has not only codified a peculiarly strong resistance to reality, but it has also adopted the practice of sharia-ruled states. This makes for a startling spectacle of free people placing a muzzle on speech, a limit on faith and a damper on inquiry.

It sounds like the perfect place for CAIR members like Mohammed Elmasry. Luckily, there are writers like Salim Mansur in Canada; see below.

Follow-up comment by PK

[. . . . ] So it is with these Australian pastors. They are to be censored and threatened based not on the veracity of their message, but on a peripheral, incidental statute called The Racial and Religious Tolerance Act. Truth, fact, reason, reality - even freedom of speech rights - all quite irrelevant in the face of that law. This blind religious belief in, and submission to, rigid statutes has got to be the expression of a very dull-witted and unimaginative society. Very dangerous ground.......

Keep Shariah law out of Ontario Salim Mansur, Jun. 25, 05, London Free Press

The premise of Shariah as sacred is contrary to principles of the Canadian legal system and would be at odds with the Canadian Constitution.

Moreover, there is no uniformity in Muslim understanding about the contents of Shariah, its interpretations and applications.

[. . . . ] The proponents of Shariah are, in my view, deceitfully engaged in importing the system piecemeal over time, by manipulating the politics of multiculturalism to their advantage. [. . . . ]

Book Review: 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America Captain Ed, July 05, 2005 -- Trackback

Goldberg goes after the pillars of liberalism, not just in its spokespeople, but in its central tenets. He attacks non-judgmentalism, not surprising for a book of this nature, but points out the intellectual stupidity of taking the concept to its extremes. Instead of promoting tolerance of the "right things", we have promoted what Goldberg calls "indiscriminate tolerance" -- where we not only have to tolerate the offensive . . . .

The above mentions both Goldberg's books: "100 People Who Are Screwing Up America : (and Al Franken Is #37)" -- and "Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort" Amazon

Think of 'indiscriminate tolerance' the next time you see a politician pushed to join a gay pride parade, a mayor who must declare his support or be booed out of office. . . Remember the photo of Joe Clark with the prancing, naked men in the background (if I recall this correctly)? The case of the Australian pastors who must not speak truth -- reading what is written in the Koran itself?

Into The Abyss: A Personal Journey into the World of Street Gangs by Mike Carlie, Ph.D.

Reuters' Anti-American Bias Shows Again Captain's Quarters, July 1, 05 -- Trackback

That Ain't the Half of It -- Trackback Captain's Quarters, July 1, 05 on "the recently elected president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad"

Body of Evidence LGF, July 1, 05

Stephen Hayes wrote a book about the links between the Saddam Hussein regime and Al Qaeda terrorists, and today he blasts the mainstream media—who are almost universally deceiving the American public about this important issue: Body of Evidence.

Commission of Inquiry into the Actions of Canadian Officials in Relation to Maher Arar Policy Review May 19, 2005

Muslim nations face rising threat of AIDS P. Parameswaran, AFP, July 4, 05

AIDS threatens to overwhelm many predominantly Muslim countries, whose leaders remain in a state of denial of crisis, doing little to stem the deadly problem. [. . . . ]

The report said that even though the Muslim world was riven by premarital sex, adultery, prostitution, homosexuality and intravenous-drug use -- which help spread the HIV virus that causes AIDS -- many governments have been slow to respond to the rapidly spreading disease. [. . . . ]

Hypocrisy kills.

Denial kills too;
think of the many African nations which attribute AIDS to Western genocide, et cetera -- anything but the truth about AIDS. What causes AIDS is known so don't try to make us feel guilty about not ponying up $$$ for the medications to help people whose own governments are allowed to join that font of all "ethical" stances, the UN, while attributing to the West all manner of bad faith.

When our governments are willing to take a stand that will actually help the AIDS sufferers--and their innocently infected wives or husbands--who may have been left in ignorance by their own governments, then come asking for money. Until then, forget about it. It is like most aid money -- throwing good money after bad. It does allow the government supported professional do-gooders to fly about, attend meetings of like agencies and preach to the rest of us; no wonder governments don't take steps which might actually work.

It is the case for most aid projects instigated by government officials and funded by other people's money. See Linda Leatherdale in the Toronto Sun / CNEWS July 3, 05 for an article on the over-taxation--gas, booze, etc--of Canadians, a roundup of items Tax me, I'm Canadian -- Common Cents . The taxes allow PM and claque to bluster and bluff about how they're doing this, that and something else . . . . all for yours or someone else's good. Remember the example of Ken Dryden, newly-crowned Daycare expert? He now thinks parents could be trained to be good enough to care for their own children. Give the government an inch . . .

Free! Bah! Humbug, you fools who fall for it! Every time you entrust government with any service, even charity, you have just lost another chunk of your freedom to choose . . . even what charities you want to support because you see them as having some chance of success. Why, they might even be associated with a Christian religious group! That would never do in secular Canada.

Importing Terror Nonie Darwish, FrontPageMag.com, July 5, 05

There was yet another bust in Lodi, California, of two Muslim religious leaders, father and son Hamid and Umer Hayat. They are alleged to be part of an al-Qaida terrorist cell. Such radical clerics come to the US through ‘religious visas’ that are much easier to obtain than regular visas. This is another story that does not look good for Muslim Americans. [. . . . ]

A prominent, well respected American Islamic studies teacher advised me that he stopped going to mosques in the US because "they are breeding grounds for hate and intolerance."


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