April 20, 2005

Europe blinded by anti-Semitic bigotry & Islam in America -- Loyalties

"Self-delusion is a pre-requisite for the justification of holocaust, of genocide, of ethnic cleansing."

Europe blinded by anti-Semitic bigotry wnd.com, Apr. 20, 05

The Association of University Teachers in the United Kingdom is set today to begin blacklisting Israeli professors who refuse to condemn their country's policies toward Arabs.

The academics will debate today whether to boycott three of Israel's eight universities – Haifa, Bar Ilan and Hebrew – over their alleged complicity with the government's policies toward the so-called "Palestinians."

[. . . . ] Let me give you my perspective on this action – the perspective of an Arab-American.

Israel is not a colonial state. It is not a racist state. The Arabs who live in Israel are among the freest Arabs in the world.

Every so-called "Palestinian" college has been created and funded by Israel. There were no Palestinian colleges or universities before 1967. And that is with good reason. [. . . . ]

Search: Arab nationalist chic , Christian Arabs , Self-delusion is a pre-requisite for

How Muslim radicals are penetrating Washington -- 'Infiltration' reveals shocking truth about Islamic spies, subversives in U.S. Mar. 14, 05

While Americans continue to promote cultural diversity and religious tolerance as society's highest values, radical Muslims masquerading as "moderates" have insinuated themselves into the very fabric of American society, to the nation's extreme peril, says a startling new book by veteran investigative journalist Paul Sperry

[. . . . ] In his blockbuster expose, Sperry uses classified documents and revealing interviews to courageously explain how, for the past 30 years, Muslims have labored to replace the U.S. Constitution with the Quran and turn America into an Islamic state. And, as Sperry details point-by-point, they have been unwittingly aided in their sinister aims by the politically correct media, government, and citizens, who don't fully understand the dangers of the Muslim faith. [. . . . ]

When you think of the fact that all Muslims owe their first loyalty to Allah and the teachings from the Koran and then think of what those teachings from the Koran permit, even encourage, then where does loyalty to the nation lie?


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