April 19, 2005

Bud Talkinghorn: Canada's Immigration Policy -- Reality & Suggestions

The recent announcement that Immigration Minister Joe Volpe will triple the number of entrances for the elderly parents or grandparents of current immigrants is absurd. Here is a department that cannot even control regular immigration / refugee policy; now it wants to saddle Canada with people who have not, and will not, add anything to the country. Well, that is not entirely true, as they will add an economic burden to our already fragile health care system.

Volpe also wants to fast-track the entrance of 110,000 immigrant workers. In the National Post of April, 18, we have Mr. Heckbert, a Immigration spokesman, denying that this sponsorship of the elderly is a cheap pandering to the Liberals' immigrant base. Liberal MP Jim Karygiannis is "delighted about the move to spur family reunification. He claims that "many" of the sponsoring families have the money to keep their aged relatives." His faith is based on winning his largely immigrant seat again. He and his fellow Liberals have neglected to mention that the family sponsorship program has been less than successful in the past.

A former immigration official admitted that almost $800 million per annum is spent to support sponsored immigrants, when their families renege on support. Also he pointed out that there has not been a single successful government action against those who do renege.

In short, it will be another toothless government exercise. Or is it going to be a toothless regulation?

The government has never explained why, if we are so successful economically, we can only attract Second and Third World immigrants. Adding thousands of immigrnts from lawless, intolerant countries like Somalia will not benefit us much. The Liberals have powerful small "L" media allies in keeping these concerns off the radar screen. More and more, political correctness trumps common sense.

Just as we have lost track of 36,000 deportees who have gone underground, so we have been told that immigration Canada doesn't even know how many illegal immigrants are in the country. How many students and visitors simply don't leave after their visas run out? How many criminals or terrorists manage to enter the country with fake documentation, or unbelievably, with no documentation? I've read that thousands of Muslim "refugees" have entered Canada since Sept 11th. Again many with suspect or no documentation. Have we learned nothing for our neighbour's terrorist attacks? Small wonder that the Americans are concerned about our criminally stupid policies.

I firmly believe that Canada must welcome immigrants to our shores; however they must be of a quality that enhances Canada's future.

According to CSIS our immigration/refugee laxity has allowed terrorists of every stripe to set up camp here. That is not to mention the huge problem the police have in countering the Asian, Caribbean and Eastern European criminal gangs that flourish here. One Jamacian gangster managed to re-enter Canada after being successfully deported twice. My fear is the Liberal spin that, "We have everything under control" is rubbing off on the Conservative Party. I sympathize with your dilemma. If the Conservatives point out the current and long-range detriment to Canada of an uncontrolled immigration/refugee policy they will be branded as "racist"--plus they might lose the large visible minority voting bloc, where tribal and religious loyalties often surpass that to their adopted country.

Still, Canadians have only to look to France, Denmark and the Netherlands to see what can happen when unassimilated nationalities enter en masse. The ever-tolerant Dutch have finally awakened from their liberal dream of happy, assimilated Muslims and are now applying harsh policies to stem the tide. It is time to step up to the plate on this issue. From my discussions with immigrants who have assimilated, Canada will garner their support for effective immigration and refugee control.

Finally, let me make a few suggestions.

* 'Refugee' claimants, who arrive with no documentation or fraudulent papers, should immediately be sent back to their original departure country. Immigration policy has to stop being blind to the cultural baggage with which immigrants / refugees arrive. Some cultures are a better fit for the country than others. The lesson that is emerging from Europe is that far too many Muslim immigrants refuse to assimilate into their adopted countries. In fact, studies there have shown that many despise the Western cultures they now inhabit. When their numbers get large enough, they start demanding all sorts of intolerant changes in education, i.e. strict segregation of the sexes or no sex education.

* Also Jamaicans seem to have a rather laissez-faire attitude towards illegimacy and criminality. A decade ago, the usually left-leaning Globe and Mail produced an article about the "sad lines of Jamaican prisoners who populate the Monday Toronto court rooms". This criminal element is now so entrenched in areas of Toronto that murders are near impossible to solve, as witnesses (dozens in some cases) are afraid to testify. On the other hand, there are East Indians and Asians regularly appearing as top students or winners of other awards in business and medicine.

* On this site are links to articles concerning other criminal groups and criminal gangs, such as the violence prone Tamil Tigers not averse to coercing other Tamils to get their way in Canada; read and express your views through the link provided. (scroll down)

* The nonsense that all cultures make equally good Canadian citizens has to be shelved, albeit tactfully. Years ago I read somewhere that Western Europeans trying to become immigrants were rebuffed, while Third World people were welcomed. What loony-left thinking went into that perverse decision? Have we lost all pride in the European roots that made this country great? If we keep making mistakes about the future demographic make-up of Canada, then we are doomed to be shackled with the pathologies that made the Third World what it is today.

© Bud Talkinghorn


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