Compare: "Pulp MIll Workers Urged to Build Arts Industry" & UNB: World Bank, Industry, Educ. Ambassadorial Reps "Working with Africa Workshop"
The following came about when I read about the difference in the scenarios afforded the pulp and paper mill workers and the power and prestige assembled to develop enthusiasm and plans for projects in Africa -- What might have been. The former group have just found out that the Saint Anne Nackawic Pulp and Paper Mill will not re-open.
There are two sections.
1. The Unemployed New Brunswick Mill Workers
Take a group of unemployed former pulp and paper mill workers, largely men, and many over 45. Put together a "Beyond Borders East craft marketing conference" for later in March (Daily Gleaner, Mar. 11, 05, D1) and bring in two female artists, one a "former academic dean of the Alberta College of Art and Design in Calgry" and a "past executive director of the Kootenay School of the Arts in Nelson B. C.", the other "an artist and teacher at the Kootenay School" who "delivers marketing workshops across Canada.". According to these women, these men could make $49.000 a year in the US, but an average of $17,000 in Canada. The artistically challenged could work as artist/craftsperson's helpers -- presumably for somewhat less .
Now, look what power could be brought together to consider their plight if only they had the right connections, currently potent buzz words, along with ambassadorial, business and academic connections, in addition to the Canada Council on . . . , the World Bank and CIDA -- oh, yes, and taxpayer money.
As you skim the following description of what will happen at the "Working with Africa Workshop", participants and their topics, note the language employed.
facilitate contacts, ecosystems management, Gender Issues, Social and Corporate Responsibility, Entrepreneurship, CIDA-funded, environment management, board member, land administration and property systems, Administration, Land Information Management and Land Information Systems, United Nations High Commission for Refugees, research, development and consulting, NATO Science for Stability, Monitoring project, sustainable forest management, rural economic development based upon forestry in Spain, analyses, enhacement of value-added forestry, Director of International relations, extensive experience in the design, implementation, accreditation and evaluation of a wide range of educational products, disseminate information, software adaptations, and systems development . . .
Considered along with the suggestion that these unemployed workers become involved in arts and crafts, should one suggest that, these experts mentioned below -- experts at facilitation, initiation and implementation of . . . . . . are hoist with their own petard -- in terms of qualifications, buzz words, and UN/CIDA/ACOA/World Bank language?
Then, think of the unemployed millwrights, equipment mechanics, and others without a pay cheque, ordinary guys and gals from Saint Anne-Nackawic Pulp and Paper Mill and the Nelson-Mirimichi Pulp and Paper Mill (Check that name; I cannot remember it exactly).
Which is more important to Canadians -- helping their own unemployed or . . . ? It simply struck me as problematic. You decide for yourself.
Since there is a forestry component in this Africa workshop, was there any thought of putting workers who need jobs together with some of this high power in development? These are experienced workers! Does ACOA or CIDA deal with the blue collar unemployed?
2. The "Working with Africa Workshop" at the University of New Brunswick
First, it is useful to check who are the Sponsors of the "Working with Africa Workshop" It should be understood that there is information about each; assume [ . . . . ] after each of the following.
Business New Brunswick
New Brunswick Community College's (NBCC)
Business New Brunswick
SNC Lavalin
The International Business and Entrepreunership Centre (IBEC) of the University of New Brunswick
The Centre for Property Studies at the University of New Brunswick
Canadian Council on Africa (CCAfrica)
University of New Brunswick
Terradigm is a registered cluster specializing in land administration and management The ultimate goals are to contribute to the reduction of poverty, improvement of governance, and establishment of more sustainable development through security of tenure. The direct pathways between security of tenure and the ultimate goals include human rights, asset realization, investment, transaction costs, information systems, capacity building and human capital. The products and services offered by Terradigm include consulting, capacity building, project management, software adaptations, and systems development. The membership is drawn from the private sector, government and academia working together in a proven partnership. This partnership is then augmented with local partners from client jurisdictions on a project-by-project basis.
There is also a link to ACOA.
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) is a federal government agency. Headquartered in the Atlantic Region, ACOA's goal is to improve the economy of Atlantic Canadian communities through the successful development of business and job opportunities.
Here are some quick links to popular sections of our Web site:
Atlantic Innovation Fund
Business Development Program
Canada's Innovation Strategy
Infrastructure Canada Program
Project Information Site
Strategic Community Investment Fund
Sustainable Development
More taxpayers' money there, I assume. Link to follow these.
Working with Africa Workshop
A one-day workshop to encourage New Brunswick-based initiatives in Africa will be held at the Wu Centre, UNB Fredericton, on Tuesday, March 15. . . . the first of its kind in New Brunswick
The Wu Centre was a gift from a graduate of UNB, part of UNB's network of students from Hong Kong.
To view the program, or to register, visit
The University of New Brunswick, Canadian Council on Africa, New Brunswick Community College, Université de Moncton, Franklin G. Cardy Consulting, Lyceum Group and the Province of New Brunswick will host a one day workshop on “Working with Africa” in Fredericton to bring into focus the links between New Brunswick and Africa and how these can be strengthened. . . .[. . . . ]
. . . a networking and consensus building event, to help promote and encourage provincial and federal based initiatives in Africa . . .
The meeting is intended to bring together:
* New Brunswickers interested in increasing their involvement in Africa,
* Africans living in New Brunswick
* Canadians already working in or involved with Africa, and
* Representatives of agencies or institutions that may provide support and encouragement.
The programme will provide a mixture of information, networking, data gathering and discussion and is designed to result in recommendations for next steps. The objectives of the meeting are to expand participants’ knowledge of opportunities in Africa and of New Brunswick’s existing links with the continent and to explore ways in which New Brunswick institutions, industries, businesses, citizen groups and students can work together more closely with Africa. . . .
As you read, note: Intergovernmental and International Affairs, Canadian Venture, Social and Corporate Responsibility, World Bank, Bilateral funding, Trade and Development, Procurement Processes with the ADB, success factors, High Commissioner, Ambassador
Nota Bene: Apparently, New Brunswick has a minister of International Affairs, as does Quebec.
* The Honorable Percy Mockler, Minister of Intergovernmental and International Affairs (DIIR), New Brunswick
* Dr. John McLaughlin, President of UNB
* Dr. Nianga Malo, President of UDECOM (Universite pour la Developpement Communautaire) N'Zerekore, Guinea and Gatineau, Quebec : Case Study of a Successful Canadian Venture in Africa
* Dr. John Harker, President and Vice-Chancellor, University College of Cape Breton: Social and Corporate Responsibility of doing Business in Africa
* Dr Yves Prevost, Africa Region, World Bank, Washington. D.C. Africa, Canada and the World Bank.
* Mr. Lucien Bradet, President and CEO, Canadian Council on Africa Why Africa, and the role of the CCA
* Mr. Paul Hitschfeld, Director, Africa-Americas Bureau, Private Sector Division, CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency) Industrial Cooperation Programs and Bilateral funding for Africa
* Ms. Jennifer Rosebrugh, Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs, Sub-Saharan Africa, International Trade Canada (ITCAN) Why Africa? The Economic Implication of Canada ’s Efforts to Promote Trade and Development
* Mr. Emmanuel Lomo, Principle Procurement Specialist, the African Development Bank, Tunis, Tunisia Business Opportunities and Procurement Processes with the ADB
* Mr. Eric Pelletier, Trade Commissioner and Liaison Officer with the African Development Bank, Canadian Embassy in Tunis, Tunisia The Role of the ADB in African Development
* Ms. Fadima Toure-Diallo, Vice President, Marketing, French and Portuguese Speaking Africa, SNC-Lavalin Doing Business with Africa: Examples and success factors
* Ambassadors from Africa
* High Commissioner for the Republic of Kenya
* Ambassador for the Republic of Guinea
* Ambassador for the Republic of Mali
* Ambassador for the Federal Republic of Ethiopia
* Ambassador for the Republic of Cameroon
* Ambassador for the Republic of Burkina Faso
This is a high powered group coming together for the good of the poor in Africa -- one asssumes -- or is it high-powered business development opportunities with ACOA and World Bank involvement for the educated and the relatively affluent of Canada?
Note which African countries are represented. Does this have anything to do with the francophonie -- or should one not ask?
Working with Africa March 15th 2005
What follows is only one example.
Elective Breakout sessions by suggested clustersAgriculture/Environment/Forestry/ Fisheries/Consultancy
Infrastructure/Utilities/Land Ownership/Transport
Education and Training
Health/Social/Corporate Social Responsibility/Gender Issues
Governance/ Public Administration/Law and Justice
Organizing Committee Biographies
Benoît Bourque is the Director of the Bureau de la coopération et des échanges internationaux (International Cooperation and Exchanges Office) at the Université de Moncton. Benoît has experience both in the public and private sector working on international projects. . . . Romania . . . . Indonesia, Burkina Faso, Tunisia, and Ukraine. His current position makes him the institutional lead for a Université de Moncton CIDA-funded project on ecosystems management in Burkina Faso.
Dannie Brown, Director of the International Business and Entrepreneurship Centre in the Faculty of Administration at UNB Fredericton since July 2003 . . . . Export Partnering Program
Kenneth E. Keirstead, Lyceum Group / CC Africa NB is educated in clinical biochemistry, phytochemistry, and business administration. He has applied his education for over 45 years to health care delivery and pharmaceutical development. He has authored over 50 papers, public policy reports, chapters and books. Born in Johannesburg , South Africa , he grew up in Kwa-Zulu Natal. Over the past four and a half decades he has worked in 13 African countries. He now works out of Fredericton with an office in Conakry, Guinea and specializes in rural community development focused on health care, education, and sustainability programs. In December 2004 he was conferred with an honorary doctorate in African Community Development. He is also a board member of the Canadian Council on Africa.
Franklin Cardy is a senior consultant offering implementation and policy support for natural resources and environment management. He has four decades of practical experience as a scientist, engineer and senior manager working for the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the United Nations, governments, engineering consultants and universities, on four continents. He has lived and worked extensively in Africa.
Ian Methven is currently Director of the Centre for Property Studies, and Professor and Dean Emeritus . . . interest and specialization are in land administration and property systems as they influence economic development, good governance and sustainable development. Associated with this is a strong interest in professional education and capacity development. Born in the Philippines, and have [having -- this must have been translated ] visited, lived or worked in a number of countries in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa including the U.K., Holland, France, Germany, Switzerland, Egypt, Kenya, Uganda, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, the Philippines, Ecuador, Mexico, and China, with current projects evolving in Costa Rica, Peru, and Argentina.
Sam Macharia Ng’ang’a is a member of the Centre for Property Studies and Part-time lecturer/ Researcher in Land Administration, Land Information Management and Land Information Systems at the Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Department, University of New Brunswick. Born in Kenya, Sam has 10 years experience in project management and capacity building involving countries such as Kenya, Canada, USA, Guatemala and Chile. He has international experience in project management working with Medecins Sans Frontieres-Belgium (under the umbrella of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees) in East Africa; professional experience as a Land Surveyor/Geomatics Engineer in Kenya and Canada; and consultancy experience involving Guatemala and Chile for the Centre for Property Studies. . . . an expert on marine boundaries. . .
E.W. Ted Robak A professional engineer and professional forester, . . . improve the quality of forest operation management by leading or participating in research, development and consulting projects in Canada, the U.S., Ireland, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Thailand, China, India and Spain. . . . a consultant for a NATO Science for Stability research and development project in Portugal and to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization on a National Forest Resources Monitoring project in China. In 2001 he led a team that designed sustainable forest management strategies and processes for the regional government of Galicia, Spain. Most recently he has cooperated in the development of a proposals for rural economic development based upon forestry in Spain, led a team of researchers and consultants undertaking analyses related to the Canada/US Software Lumber Dispute, and led a team developing a proposal for enhacement of value-added forestry in New Brunswick. During his career at UNB he has acted as Chair of the Forest Engineering department and Dean of the Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, and is currently Director of International relations for the Fredericton campus.
Maurice Roy is the Director of Development for the New Brunswick Community College (NBCC). NBCC is the only college system in Canada, which operates under the auspices of a provincial government department. As such, it has extensive experience in the design, implementation, accreditation and evaluation of a wide range of educational products. . . . (NBCC) is an educational network of 11 campuses working within the parameters of a quality system. Having worked internationally for the past 25 years, the network has worked in close collaboration with more than 20 countries (of which 10 are from Africa ), in a variety of capacities ranging from consultancy assignments and student/faculty exchanges, to international project management.
Lynne Tompkins is a Trade Executive with the Export Development branch of Business New Brunswick. . . . She has recently been named NB’s Private Sector Liaison Officer (PSLO) for the World Bank Group. The PSLO’s with the support of the Bank, act as a convenient “one stop shop” to disseminate information about the World Bank Group and its business opportunities (procurement, IFC, MIGA, trust funds), organize regional or thematic local events, facilitate contacts between local companies and the Bank Group, and promote the knowledge of the Bank and its partnerships.
Well, there you have it. If only the mill workers of NB could put together such expertise to help them in the areas in which they have developed some skills -- the New Brunswick citizens who are wondering if they will lose their homes and how--or whether--they will ever find work, especially if they are older workers.
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