February 04, 2007

Feb. 4, 2007: Coren

Lost in translation , By Michael Coren, Feb. 3, 2007


[....Stephane Dion's] English is appalling and he is often entirely unintelligible.

There. That which we are not supposed to mention. It's okay to lambaste English-Canadian politicians for their lack of French, even if they represent completely English-speaking ridings, but never point out that a man who wants to rule Canada and speak to and for 20 million Anglophones has an often-impenetrable accent and a bewildering vocabulary.

[....] arrogant ... frequently exhibits contempt for those who question him, [....]

Dion dismisses contrary opinion and is renowned for having an absolute belief in his own particular and sometimes peculiar views. He is willing, however, to retract important statements within hours of making them if there appears to be any political advantage.

[....] his statement about readmitting politicians soaked in scandal and who had been expelled from the party.
[....] .

Is this a man who is qualified to govern a country as great and diverse as Canada? [....]


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