February 20, 2007

Feb. 20, 2007: Global Warming, Politics, History, Reality ...

And Officially Screwed

www.officiallyscrewed.com/blog/ -- See the top right of this website for these menu items.

I have added the urls below each in case the webpage changes.

Climate Change
Must Listen

Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII

While on that website, you might check a little more reality: Judicial Committees Need the Insight of Law Enforcement Officers and Smackdown - Charles Adler Style


Back to global warming

A Canadian activist ...

Inuit climate change activist committed to cause -- According to Ms. Watt-Cloutier's oral history, there are "more drownings as a result of the ice not being as safe as it used to be ... " , Updated Sun. Feb. 18 2007 12:41 PM ET, CTV.ca News Staff


The Canadian Inuit activist nominated alongside Al Gore for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize said she is more committed than ever to drawing the world's attention to climate change in the Arctic.

Sheila Watt-Cloutier, the former chair of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference,
appeared on CTV's Question Period on Sunday. [Watt-Cloutier was a member of ex-GG Adrienne Clarkson's retinue on the Circumpolar Tour in 2003 or 2004 -- connecting with like-minded people, perhaps. What was the stated purpose of that jaunt? Any meetings with others on the global need to "do something" about the North? ]

She said she has been working on her objective for more than a decade, acting as an advocate for 155,000 polar Inuit people spread across Alaska, Greenland, Russia and Canada. [Was she elected? Appointed? Check previous posts since the New Year for more on this activist and her unique credentials.]

"I have been out doing this environmental work for the past 11 years in every forum possible, the United Nations forums, the Arctic council forums and working with the global community to try to get it to understand not only who we are but the negative impacts that globalization is having on our way of life in the Arctic as a hunting culture," she said.

[....] Watt-Cloutier contends the Inuit's human rights are being threatened by governments' lack of effort to counter climate change. She gathered a petition signed by 62 Inuit hunters, women and elders from Alaska and Canada, contending that their traditional way of life is no longer possible. [....]

Undoubtedly, the UN will come to their rescue with more demands and new rights.

If, as they claim they wish, natives were to hunt and fish in the traditional manner ... without heavy snowmobiles and modern equipment ... what would happen? Is anything the way it used to be?

More on Ms. Watt-Cloutier and her activitism here:

Feb. 5, 2007: Scientific concensus [Note: Update Feb. 8, 2007:
I had misdated this as Jan. 5, not Feb. 5. Now corrected. FHTR ]

Feb. 4, 2007: Science- Traditional Knowledge-Politics
Feb. 3, 2007: Environment, Russia, China, Sudan
Feb. 3, 2007: Climate, Spin, Awards, Politics

Historical Perspective ... for those who have had the benefit of a Canadian education ... in guilt ... along with the requisite social engineering

War, Weather and Global Cooling , Claudia Rosett, Feb. 17, 2007


For some perspective, or perhaps a cautionary metaphor, check out the weather itself — even beyond the cold snap which has so neatly accompanied the latest eruption of the global warming debate. As today’s prophets of global warming try to terrify us into re-engineering the economy of the planet, we can be glad that in a similar panic 30 years ago over — yes — global cooling, we did not in fear act upon such absurd proposals of the hour as trying to divert the arctic rivers, or melt the arctic ice cap by covering it in soot. I’m not making that up. A friend sent round an article from Newsweek, 1975; read all about the The Cooling World . [....]

[Comments] The Newsweek article is a classic. Here are a couple of others:

Scientists Ask Why World Climate is Changing; Major Cooling May Be Ahead
The New York Times, 5/21/75
"Sooner or later a major cooling of the climate is widely considered inevitable…The drop in mean temperatures since 1950 in the Northern Hemisphere has been sufficient, for example, to shorten Britain’s growing season for crops by two weeks."
Brace Yourself for Another Ice Age
Science Digest, February 1973
"Baffin Island, located in the Canadian Arctic, now is covered with snowbanks all year after having been snow free for 30 or 40 years prior to the temperature drop. Pack ice around Iceland has now become a serious hindrance to navigation. Warmth loving animals once found in abundance in the northern part of the American Midwest in the early 1900s are settling further south."

Feb 19, 2007 11:50 AM


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