February 10, 2006

More Peace

Canadian Muslims ask governments to condemn cartoons -- Did they speak out with such vigour after 9/11 and the various instances of Muslims' cries to Allah as they committed their crimes against innocents? Feb. 9, 06

Islam's more extremist practitioners readily reacted to cartoons ... once their imams added a few more, since the originals weren't offensive enough apparently; then the imams directed Muslims as to where to look to take offense ... as usual. Why does the Arab Street's reaction always involve rioting, torching, guns, bombings, general mayhem and destruction, calls for fatwas ... the usual catalogue of their narrow range of responses?

What was the Islamic world's reaction in the name of Allah to Islamic terrorists' commission of vicious murders and suicide bombers--9/11, Bali, USS Cole, Beslan, numerous instances of terrorist bombings in Israel? With a few exceptions, little outrage. For Islam, the rest of us are supposed to consider their possible hurt feelings and curb our literary reactions--ironic cartoons--to protect their delicate sense of dignity. My reaction? This goes into the 'gimme a break' file--more demands that the rest of us ignore the touchy nature of Islam's adherents and the often murderous aftermath of their so-easily-triggered outrage. Islam's outraged practitioners sound like a bunch of gun-toting drug criminal gang members who'll kill you for the social gaffe of dissing which may amount to something as serious as not paying respect to the local thug when on his turf. Is that the real equivalence?

My suggestion to Peter MacKay and to the Harper government: forget about trying to reason with the madness that sees a moral equivalence between cartoons designed to show the disconnect between a prophet and the far-from-peaceful-practice of so many of the prophet's followers--the Islamic world's reactions--murderous mayhem. No government can accomplish anything except to give in to a group who want to silence the rest of us. All this group of Muslims in Canada want is your compliance in curbing the normal reactions of people to the total disconnect between a Prophet worthy of respect and the murder, terrorists and suicide bombings under his banner.

Isn't it ironic that the Islamic protesters think that, by burning down embassies and threatening all infidels, they can counter the main message of the cartoons? What's next, demanding that we not broach the subject of female genital mutilation because it hurts their feelings? If nothing else, this world-wide rampage--along with the subway bombings and endless other murders of infidels--will open the West's eyes to the dangers of Muslim immigration. Hopefully, Canada will be a bit more cautious about who is invited into our country. Canadians just escaped from Ontario legitimizing sharia law; Quebeckers had more common sense.

For France and other Western European countries it is almost too late, as the huge demographic wave of Muslims will simply continue. It won't be a case of asking that sharia law become mandatory; it will be a demand. An East-Indian acquaintance has a family member who returned from Holland after two years working there. The kid says
the Dutch are horrified by what their immigration / refugee policies have wrought. How does a Western country integrate people whose initial response to us is that we are hopelessly decadent and should be wiped out?

Officials: Malaysian, Malaysian engineer Zaini Zakaria, among militants involved in 2002 West Coast terror plot Eileen Ng, Calgary Sun, Feb. 10, 06

[....] Zaini travelled to al-Qaida camps in Afghanistan in 1999, where he met senior figures in the terrorist group including Indonesian Riduan Isamuddin, or Hambali, a Malaysian security official told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

[....] U.S. President George W. Bush in a speech Thursday outlined some of the details of an alleged plot to hijack an airliner and fly it into a skyscraper in Los Angeles, and said co-operation between Washington and several Asian countries helped expose it. [. . . . ]


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