November 12, 2005

The Squirrel & the Pregnant Puppy

Remembrance Day causes a hiatus in normal activity as we ponder what is worthwhile, including how we spend our time. So I meditate and listen to great music instead of going shopping.

Not long ago I received these photos which I just love. I forwarded them to several people but I think they're worth posting for others to enjoy. I had a relative who could charm wildlife; I remember a chipmunk sitting in his palm. I have had my moments with begging squirrels myself -- until someone who knew about such things said it wasn't a good idea to cultivate a begging squirrel that made his way across the deck on his belly, begging -- or the squirrel that sat on his haunches on the lid of a garbage can outside, waiting for me to notice each day, and looked so forlorn that I always found something for him/her. I'm a sucker for these little creatures so these photos touched a chord. Enjoy.

The photos include a woman fighting cancer who owns a pregnant dog and is taking care of an infant squirrel that needed mothering. The dog has puppies and they appear to bond with the squirrel. There are more photos but Blogger doesn't appear to want to reveal them, though they were uploaded. Party Pooper.


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