November 08, 2005

Copycat Thuggery, "Root causes" & UK: Police Behaviour & The List

Is Paris burning? Well, yes, but so are many of France's other cities. What the French hoped would be a a localized situation has exploded like a fragmentation grenade across the country. It is copycat thuggery at its worst. As one Muslim kid said, "If Clichy can burn 360 cars, we can do better than that." It has gone beyond cars--to malls, local businesses, and factories. Soon these communities will find themselves in the same situation as Watts in the 60's--bereft of most basic amenity stores and the rest fortified to Hitler-bunker standards. Assuredly, that will be another complaint to justify a return to anarchy. This up-rising must be crushed immediately. Afterwards there can be palaver about "root causes". What is transpiring now is a coalition of your generic African street thugs joining with the Imam-indoctrinated Muslim youth. Their wanton destruction is symbolic of the nihilistic mindset of these kids. They are the "rough beast" that the French (and the rest of the West) has feared. And given enough numbers they will continue to slouch towards Bethelham to be born. Effectively, they have created "no-go" enclaves in all the major cities of France -- Little Somalias waiting to be hatched.

A year ago, I mentioned that Muslim youth had burned 1,600 cars in Strasbourg -- and they didn't even pretend to have an ideological reason. It was just getting back at the rich infidels. Now these thugs can give some spurious rationale for their actions. Trust the liberal "root causes" lads to provide that rationale. You are talking about societies that still believe in forced marriages, suicidal jihad, and "honour" killings of women. Let's get real here; consider what we are dealing with. These can't be assimilated kids--or won't be assimilated kids--are nothing but a time bomb in all of Western Europe. Any question of allowing millions of Muslim Turks to freely move to Western Europe is on the back burner now. The naked face of hatred towards the adopted countries cannot be hidden anymore. The polls after the London bombings on British-Muslims' negative attitudes towards British culture dispelled any Pollyanna-thinking about rapproachment between cultures. We cannot afford the luxury of seeing whether the same type of immigrants, in uncontrollable numbers, will assimilate here. We have to err on the side of national security.

Bud Talkinghorn
--Co-incidentally, the news reported that 17 people in two cities have been arrested in Australia. They had stockpiled a large arsenal for an immient attack on some government target. This is not a time for Canada to hit the snooze button.

Root causes? MSM "hints" at an answer

Low-paying dead-end jobs are available, but Karim shuns them, figuring he's better off staying on welfare. -- The mainstream media makes certain you know how to approach the Eurabian War: "France burns for its sins" -- No bias in that title -- from Carol Matlock, MSN, Nov. 7, 05

A bloated public sector consumes nearly 50 percent of France's economy, and businesses are saddled with heavy taxes to pay for welfare, unemployment, and other benefits. Strict antilayoff rules and other labor regulations make employers even more reluctant to hire.

Governments trying to "fine tune", to "control", to "centrally plan" an economic sector for every contingency didn't work for the USSR, doesn't work for France, and doesn't work in Canada either.

A Canadian example: In the farm sector, marketing boards and governments' efforts to intervene to achieve a particular result, have skewed what should be a freedom to grow and sell as you choose. For example, which group has been better served by government gerrymandering and controls . . . Quebec chicken and dairy farmers or Western beef and grain farmers? Which marketing boards and government interference displease more farmers, the ones helping Quebec farmers or the ones in the West? I'll bet you know instinctively where you, as a farmer, would be better off financially after federal government interventions. Yep!

Fine-tuning the marketplace is impossible; our brains just don't encompass all the variables . . . nor all of the country . . . particularly when votes and $$$ have to be factored in.

Would you allow a used Liberal government to continue fine-tuning your farm marketing life and income? Actually, a used government is for sale -- not cheap, but for sale. Before buying, you'd better kick all the tires. NJC

Such sky-high levels of idle youth are a by-product of the welfare-state mentality that's still pervasive across much of Europe.

The idea is that government's main role is to provide a safety net for the population, in terms of jobless and health benefits. Generating growth and creating jobs takes a distinctly lower priority, resulting in high unemployment, especially among the young.

Note, it is never the fault of the young; they are "victims" of the system. Cue the "race relations" gang. Maybe if France built and staffed drop-in centers for youth activities along with community policing so the young could get to know the cop on the beat . . . in The Zone? They could call Toronto city council for a few pointers, I suppose.

How to behave in the presence of the "peaceful" ones

How political correctness kills inncoent people Posted by Bruce on 11:04:14 2005/11/05

Police officers in southern England have been given instructions on how to behave when entering the homes of Muslims suspected of having links to criminal activities.

The instructions explain that "the Muslim community feels victimized and suspicious of terrorist police operations and in the current climate a search at a British Muslim household has the potential to become a critical incident and come under intense scrutiny." [. . . . ]

Would I be amiss in concluding they will cry disrespect? racism? dishonouring our women or the Koran? Haven't those been claimed before? Check the Gitmo stories and one in Canada concerning a Muslim woman who claimed she was treated with disrespect, the details of which I don't remember. There was a list put out by CIC / Elmasry to tell Canadian Muslims how to respond to police -- though in light of the above, I expect it to be updated to add items on how police should behave to ensure greater sensitivity to Muslim suspects or to those who may be linked to terrorism in Canada.

Do not miss in the above article the list of a dozen different points covering how police officers are advised to behave when entering a Muslim suspect's home . . . coming to a detachment near you -- and it is utterly foolhardy, craven, insane, given the circumstances and current news. Did the PM get "the list", or a Canadian version of it, when he met with "community leaders" not long ago?

Who wants to prepare a list of what PO's must consider when they come to the homes of the rest of the citizenry? Perhaps it is time for all to treat them with the respect they deserve for doing jobs the rest of us either cannot or would not be able to do . . . In fact, if we could, many of us would offer them hospitality just to say thanks, ask them to sit down, put their feet up and talk about the job . . . and also tell them to do something other than cower in the face of those stellar characters who don't think twice about supporting barbaric practices by their silence . . . or by openly enforcing female honour and their own in their own unique and bloodthirsty way . . . and carrying out a few other choice quaint customs which you may learn about on Al Jazeera.

The article mentioned above was originally posted here as Michael Coren: "The sensitivity threat" August 6, 2005


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