September 01, 2005

Katrina Disaster Relief: Links to How to Help -&- Global Warming

BLOGGING FOR KATRINA RELIEF Michelle Malking, Sept. 1, 05

Very late, PM Paul Martin, yesterday, made some noises about the Katrina Disaster -- after several bloggers pointed out his duty.

`Where's the help? This is America!' Rosie Dimanno, Sept. 1, 05 via Newsbeat1

[. . . . ] New Orleans is beseeching the world for relief.

"Where is everybody?" cries a man from inside a silver SUV, marooned on some kind of elevated berm. "Where's the help? Where are the emergency people? Man, this is America! We're the country that helps everybody else in times of trouble. Now we're in the middle of a disaster but no one comes to help us." There is no point in telling this forlorn figure that others are in far more dire straits than he; that valiant rescue squads are still plucking stranded citizens from the roofs of submerged houses all along the stricken Gulf coastline and sifting sludge for bodies. [. . . . ]

I agree with this line from Michelle Malkin, I think it was, "You loot. We shoot!". It is the only response to a breakdown in law and order of this magnitude. I'm not talking about the people who simply are taking food and water; I am talking about those who saw in Katrina an opportunity to loot. By the way, is there something wrong with their brains? Where can you go with a TV when the highways are impassable or destroyed and food and water are at a premium? As for the reports of the shooting at a helicopter coming to aid Katrina victims and the shooting of a policeman by a looter, again, "You loot. We shoot!" is the only response. NJC

InstaPundit: Glenn Reynolds blogging for Katrina victims

TED FRANK on shooting looters: via InstaPundit: Glenn Reynolds

Dimanno reporting from New Orleans via Newsbeat1

Red Cross Canada -- There is mention now of Katrina victims but you had better specify that you want your donation to go to these victims in particular.

Global Warming

Dafydd: Global Hot Air From a Different Kennedy -- Trackback Captains's Quarters

According to Reason Magazine, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that if we do nothing, the rise in temperature over the next hundred years would average (among the various estimates) about 3.0°C. Full implementation of the Kyoto Protocols would reduce expected warming over the next century down to a mere 2.86°C; that is, Kyoto gives us a reduction in anticipated temperature increase of 0.14°C over 100 years. [. . . . ]


Blogger News Junkie Canada said...

Great idea! I'll post this today to notify people.

Could these be linked to companies in other provinces so people all across Canada could contribute? Any central co-ordinating email or telephone number might be of use. NJC

Fri Sep 02, 06:42:00 AM 2005  

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