August 31, 2005

US: Immigration & Farah -&- Root Causes

Impeach Bush Joseph Farah,, Aug. 31, 05

President Bush has had nearly five years in office to honor his oath of office and enforce immigration laws in this country.

Search: "guest worker" program , merger and global consolidation

President Bush really should address this problem before he loses what one would expect to be his most ardent supporters.

"Judeo-Christian miasma of guilt"
The roots of root causes August 31st, 2005

Donald Baker is a retired Professor of English at the University of Colorado.

[. . . . ] The present root causes are the Arab and Muslim psychosis of shame, the Muslims’ simmering resentment at having been expelled and repelled from their conquests of Europe – O Andalusia! – and religious fanaticism serving as a soothing balm for political and economic incompetence – in other words, as substitutes for thought and work. All this is strengthened by the West’s self-hatred and guilt for its sins of colonialism, which give the aura of justice to the Muslim dreams of reconquista. [. . . . ]


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