August 30, 2005

Updated: Alberta, NEP, Marc Lalande, Natives, Quebeckers, Not Westerners, to Senate -- It's Always Quebec, Isn't It?

Update 1: Best Out of the West Today

National Post Letter to the Editor
Aug. 30, 05

So Professor Corchene says, "Alberta will have to relinquish some of its windfall billions in oil revenue or risk the destruction of the federation"?

How come for the past decade he has not been saying, "Ontario will have to relinquish some of its grasp on political power or risk the destruction of the federation?"

We have been more than patient.

John Melnick, High River, Alberta

PM may be making a big mistake. He doesn't recognize the kind of people who state what they're going to do, then do it. It is so foreign to the BS and bafflegab crowd in and around the PMO.

For years, we have not been supposed to state the obvious. The political correctness pressure has been extreme. Well, my title includes it. It's always consideration of Quebec that trumps Canada. It's always consideration of Librano$ fortunes that comes before anything else. Will no-one rid us of this government and overweaning concern for about 20% of the country? Consider that the next time you vote.

There, I said it . . . and I'm glad! Is stating what is evident now a hate crime?

Alberta in Grit sights -- NEP architect Marc Lalonde new Quebec co-chair Ezra Levant, Aug. 29, 05 -- Don't miss the commentary on Ezra Levant's article.

This is our land -- A proposed treaty by the Tsawwassen Indians will allow the band to buy up B.C. property and add it to their protected reserve -- a must read article Terry O'Neill, Sept. 5, 05

The socialists have created a wonderful new governance situation -- special groups with special . . . whatever. Read the details.

Add to that the appointment of two more Quebeckers to the Senate, one, Francis Fox, with a shady past situation involving an abortion for his lover which, one would expect, would render him not fitted for a senatorial position--if the Senate means anything to law-making--but, corruption and disregard for the law have never bothered Quebeckers nor Liberals too much it seems . . . has it? Think the Gomery Inquiry -- but there is more. If this government is ever turfed, I am sure more will come out.

These two appointments confirm that Quebeckers run our country; add this to the positioning of Marc Lalonde so as to better create a way to take $$$ from Alberta to be siphoned . . . why, guess where? . . . And Canada should prepare for Western separation. If you don't believe this, start reading some of the Westerner bloggers. The Shotgun is a good place to start. Check the names of the blogs mentioned.

All that has mattered to a succession of Quebec Prime Ministers is Quebec. The rest of Canada is just fodder, a hinterland to manipulate and tax for the good of Quebec and that part of Ontario that keeps the Librano$ in power, IMHO.

Hurricane Katrina, Foreign Aid, and Gordon Sinclair is bang on!

Americans have been so generous. Just on a personal level, in airports and other places where I was being hassled in some of those countries I would never again enter, it was Americans who came to my rescue more than once, and I shall never forget their generosity of spirit. Now, what other countries will step forward to help those affected by Katrina? Our government? Too busy courting France, China . . . and business networking. Wouldn't want to give the impression that the US is a friend. Perhaps I am too cynical? Nah!


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