August 29, 2005

CBC lockout? Big deal -&- More

CBC lockout? Big deal Peter Worthington, Aug. 29, 05

[. . . . ] So far, what the lockout has done is proved, or confirmed, that the CBC is grotesquely out of touch with Canadians.

[. . . . ] Stay off the air CBC, Canada is better off without you.

Echoing the sentiments of most of the country. Link for the rest.

Without merit -- Whether appointing a governor general, senators or judges, this government puts ethno-politics over qualifications Ezra Levant - September 5, 2005
Ezra Levant's 'take' on the centralizing of power in the PM/PMO -- very good.

Most of the time, the governor general's role is ceremonial, but not so for Canada's Senate and Supreme Court, nominations to both of which are also at the personal whim of the prime minister.

Does anyone else get a bad taste in his mouth at reading "Paul Martin" and "appointment" in the same sentence? In a supposed democracy? Only if your meaning of democracy refers to a severely guided one with what is a democratic facade, at best. Ethno politics, trowelling money to friends and businesses, and much else--even sport--in one province, while already making noises about how the only province prospering economically "owes" the rest of Canada for the privilege of being part of that same Canada ruled by the center mostly controlled by Quebeckers, and trolling for Librano$ votes -- all take precedence.

Had enough yet? No? Be prepared for that federal surplus from overtaxation to be spread like manure where it will buy the most votes to re-elect PM and claque.

What would happen if there were an election without the CBC? Can't have it until the CBC-Pravda is back in business, I suppose.

Republic of Canada Aug. 28, 05 -- re: Micaelle Jean, the GG and Republicanism

Think the CBC is bad ? You ain't heard nothing yet David 23:09:12 2005/08/27 and the follow-up Re: Who Has the Balls to Take On Radio-Canada! Bill Narvey 00:29:33 2005/08/28


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