September 03, 2005


Follow the yellow brick road.

Listen to ravings of Paul Martin's "anti-terror" imam CCD -- link in the following post

The recent tape of London bomber who is born British Posted by Bukitdago on 19:40:38 2005/09/02

Note links, "STATEMENT BY IMAMS AT MEETING WITH PRIME MINISTER" Posted by Al Gordon on 22:44:18 2005/09/02

The signatories include Sheik Ahmed Shehab mentioned in this post Aug. 31, 05, "Updated: Ahmad Shahad "Canada, One Day a Muslim Country!" Security: Police Chiefs' Trip to Israel and Muslim Demands for Apologies & More Background"

No radicals here, move along -- Listen to Sheikh Ahmad Shehab Sermon

Some in Arabic, some in English -- a barn burner.

Islamists are selling you sanitized Islam while practicing the real thing. It is terribly important to remember that lying and deceit are among Islam's most valued weapons. Posted by George Mason on 23:17:58 2005/09/01


Americans could lose their struggle against Islamic Jihad or be forced into an extreme, mutually-destructive, war, if they do not correct their most serious, and most under-recognized, vulnerability. This is the vulnerability non-Islamic Americans share and can be called their "religion barrier." It means that they accord Islam the same respect that they accord Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, etc. simply because Islam is a religion. Americans need to reprogram this aspect of their thinking in order to see Islam for what it is and to be able to deal with it definitively.

Americans religion barrier permeates our culture.

[. . . . ] Islam is a global movement, the goal of which is to bring every living human being on the planet under its crushing totalitarian rule, the likes of which has never before been seen. Some of Islam is obvious and easy to identify. Some of it, however, lies beneath the surface, like an iceberg. The true nature of Islam sports a remarkable disguise.

No other movement, not even Fascism or Communism, has been so determined to conquer the world and rule with such rigid, detailed, complete control over the day-to-day activities of the lives of everyone on the planet. Islam has a multi-pronged plan in place to accomplish this goal, and it is being implemented with increasing success throughout the world. Islam seeks to make the rest of the world become just like it: squalid, backward, and primitive. [. . . . ]

Search: interfaces with populations , your death sentence

Lengthy and worth reading -- calling a spade a spade.


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