August 18, 2005

Update 2 re: Whistleblowers, Sidewinder and Muzzling Whistleblowers

Update 2 re this post: “We have a man here that cannot be bought.”, Whistleblowers, Sidewinder, Memo to the CBC, Profiling, Monarchist & GG, Aug. 17, 05, particularly the part on Sidewinder.

Analysis: Bin Laden’s Ho Chi Minh Trail in Canada Joe Fernandez, Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2001

[. . . . ] "One … high profile law supposedly designed to take guns out of criminal hands was never mentioned by police or politicians during talks about the biker war … Police and politicians knew Bill C-68 was just a ploy to strip guns from law-abiding citizens with a grossly overbudgeted financial sinkhole of a bureaucracy and would never prevent criminals from harming themselves. This is why the law was never mentioned during talks about a biker war that saw heavy public use of guns and explosives. To do so would be to invite scrutiny of the law and its ineffectiveness against armed criminals." [ Also, see the "Books" section of a previous post for Hell's Witness ]

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service, . . . . CSIS honcho Ward Elcock reported that there were "only" 350 terrorists in Canada. Unfortunately, he seems to have missed [. . . . ]

Elcock also spinned, "It was a project, NOT an investigation!" in regard to the CSIS/RCMP Operation Sidewinder, which revealed that the partnership of Triads (Chinese organised crime) and the PRC/PLA intelligence apparatus has infiltrated Canada to the extent that they now control over 200 Canadian companies.

Elcock’s comments become frightening when coupled with North Shore News journalist (and former police officer) Leo Knight’s findings that Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien was once employed by Li Ka-Shing, linked by Canadian and U.S. intelligence to Triads and to Beijing. Knight also reported that President Bush did not mention Canada in his first speech to Congress after 9/11 because Chretien refused American requests to beef up border security.

This is what America has guarding its northern flank. Do you feel more secure?

As for the bikers, search: (Staff Sgt. ?) Stenhouse , an ex-RCMP who was involved with investigating biker gangs. He was another whistleblower, if I remember correctly.

Now for the kicker: do not miss reading today's post, "Waiting for the Kaboom: Precursors of an Attack" by John Thompson of the Mackenzie Institute.


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