June 20, 2005

CRTC: Pursuing "outdated protectionist policy"

"Redirecting dollars to provide government support for an industry that Canadians won't support themselves is outdated protectionist policy."

Irrelevant CRTC tithes satellite radio Paul Kedrosky, Financial Post, June 18, 2005

[. . . . ] One of the essential characteristics of satellite radio is an explosion of stations and options, with something emerging for virtually any market you can imagine. If people want bluegrass music from left-handed musicians from Digby, Nova Scotia, they will get bluegrass music from left-handed musicians from Digby, Nova Scotia. The old restrictions about spectrum space fall away in satellite radio, and infinite "spectrum" becomes a solution to the market's prior inability to economically provide content for small groups of like-minded listeners, however fringe they might be. [. . . . ]

Government gets the CRTC involved; costs go up and Canadians will find ways to circumvent the system which props up music and entertainment whch they may not want, have no interest in, or find too expensive.

I'm waiting for this government and its controlling agencies to crash.

Kedrosky is always worth reading. I repeat; check the Financial Post often.


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