June 20, 2005

1. Rural Revolution --& -- Another Perspective: Communism, Grand Strategy, Alleged Sino-Soviet Split, Economic Impact -- Junk Science, Gov & Kyoto

Rural Revolution -- You have to love their spirit

Public Servant’s Questionnaire -- pdf -- at www.ruralrevolution.com via Western Standard, posted by maz2, June 17, 2005

A farmer's market in Ontario -- The farmers gittin' uppity.

To enter this location you must agree to complete this questionnaire in full: No Compliance, No Entry

Update 2:

Subcommittee on Public Safety and National Security of the Standing Committee on Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness -- EVIDENCE May 4, 2005

Note Opposition MP's questioning and those who were giving evidence:

Mrs. Julie Dickson (Assistant Superintendent, Regulation Sector, Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada)

Mr. Brian Long (Director, Compliance Division, Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada)

Mr. Keith Coulter (Chief, Communications Security Establishment)

Ms. Barbara Gibbons (Deputy Chief, Corporate Services, Communications Security Establishment)

Mr. John Ossowski (Director General, Policy and Communications, Communications Security Establishment)

Mr. Kevin Sorenson (Crowfoot, CPC)

Mr. Peter MacKay (Central Nova, CPC)

Search: FINTRAC , monitoring of communications , Arar , a foreign communication abroad based around an event with a connection into Canada , drug money or terrorist financing

Related posts are from the next link. Search:

Arar: Canada's Solicitor-General Wayne Easter

Note How Computer Literate Crazies Use Their Skills

Update 1: a post from News Junkie Canada, November 23, 2003 which might be relevant

Spare me UN involvement

These excerpts will give you an idea why.

[. . . . ] If I have to choose between UN control of free speech with all that it entails -- or spam and business trying to get me to buy something, I'll choose the present set-up and ICANN. Freedom of expression -- even if it entails ads for penis enlargement for one who lacks one, I can DELETE. I cannot survive UN censorship -- in a UN run by tin-pot Third World and other dictatorships aided by our taxpayer-funded NGO's. Non-government organizations? You jest! Simply left-wing organs that help Liberal types do the dirty work they don't wish to to be seen doing themselves!

[. . . . ] Many developing countries and non-governmental organizations want the United Nations to manage the Internet, rather than the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a private regulator in California.

[. . . . ] The US is simply the most successful at getting so much right that innovations like the Internet actually work at present. The big desire on the part of most of the UN's NGOs is that they be able to stop this success -- to curb the flow of information which is bypassing their government organs rather successfully.

[. . . . ] The Internet Democracy Project, an umbrella group for non-governmental organizations bankrolled by the international financier and philanthropist George Soros [. . . . ]

The Endangered US Dollar No. 149 - August 2004 by Richard Heinberg

I have often noted people who seem to have enough time and money available to attend and be active in busy-body do-gooder organizations or able fly anywhere to attend and be active at protests, keeping the pot stirred, so to speak, along with the attempts by some groups to impose top down socialist policies, to the point where the individual is a controlled dupe in danger of losing any free will to act in his own defence and self-interest, despite the rhetoric from those who control and have power, rhetoric that is out of synch with the reality we see about us. From those perspectives, if nothing else, the following might be of interest.

Intriguing -- there are references of which some of us have vague memories, in that we have read the names--Fabian Society, Skull and Bones, Bilderberg--but know little or nothing about them, so this is the kind of article with enough to set the reader thinking. Do not miss the Endnotes.

The Abiding Communist Threat in its Open and Hidden Manifestations Govert Schuller, July 4th 2004

What follow are subheadings with a few excerpts.

On D-Day and Reagan [. . . . ]

"Things aren't Clear in Eastern Europe"

Behind the facade of restructuring (perestroika), opening up (glasnost) its system, and the 'letting go' of its satellites, the inner core of the Soviet power elite followed a different strategic plan, one that was formulated and put in place in the late 50s.

"The genuine KGB defector Anatoly Golitsyn has revealed that in 1958, Khrushchev summoned the top leadership of the intelligence community to examine alternative means of achieving the Soviet Party's aim of dominating the world by methods other than nuclear war-an encounter which gave rise to the momentous refurbishment of revolutionary strategy referred to by Golitsyn as the 'long-range strategy' which has reached an advanced stage of development under Gorbachev, Yeltsin and Putin (selected by the strategic collective to front successive stages of the strategy). The intelligence community reported that they had so many agents and agents of influence in place throughout the West that they could be deployed in a strategy of global deception [Peter Wright, Spycatcher, Heinemann Australia, 1987]. In Golitsyn's more precise terms, the Party instructed the KGB to realise its full strategic revolutionary potential, and mass two-way penetration of the Party and the intelligence services then took place, to facilitate this momentous development." (2) [. . . . ]

Can the crowds be harnessed? The conventional wisdom in the West is that they cannot. But how do we know this? [. . . . ]

The Communist Grand Strategy

The ultimate goal of the communist grand strategy is . . . world government. . . . the advantage of strategic deception is obvious. . . . even, unwittingly, actively help it to achieve its aims. [. . . . ]

The Alleged Sino-Soviet Split

Controlled Oppositions and False Liberalizations

Secrecy and the long-term Strategic Plan

The Fifth Column

The communist threat to the West is not a monolithic one, . . . . The threat is more internal and deep than most would like to acknowledge. The analysis of treasonous elements in the West, . . . interlocking network of . . . for, the socialist agenda and its institutions. (12)
[. . . . ]

Where are we Now? [. . . . ]

I found this to be intriguing, given what I have been reading about the US, China and the yuan.

Endnotes [. . . . ]

5) For a geo-political perspective of China's strategic economic power see:

I) "The Fed and China's Grand Strategy" by J. R. Nyquist in Financial Sense Online, 6/17/2004.

"The Fed and China's Grand Strategy" by J. R. Nyquist in Financial Sense Online, 6/17/2004.

Quote: "China is an important economic player; and contrary to what you may have heard, China is not in the pro-American camp. It is a rival power that is currently using trade as a strategic steppingstone. Notion's of China's self interest being tied to China-U.S. trade are deceptive. China's political leaders want their country to become the world's leading power. . . . . "

The Endnotes might be of interest to those who know and understand more than I. Because of what I see happening in Canada, I tend to note things like the following. Read and form your own conclusions.

Other examples:

"Quote: "Foreign central banks, led by China and Japan, now hold roughly $1 trillion in U.S. Treasury bonds and bills - about a quarter of publicly held U.S. debt." . . . . China's financial influence over our future grows . . . .

For a good report on the use of organized crime by the Chinese communists see "China Invasion"by William Norman Grigg in The New American (Vol. 13, No. 18, September 1, 1997)

Chinese Bloggers on Censorship, MSN, Etc. June 17, 05, via Instapundit and Glenn Reynolds

At CNBlog, Isaac says: “Don’t Use MSN Spaces, ” and creates a NoMSN Technorati tag for the boycott movement. . . .

This is a joke, right -- "this statement by Bill Gates" -- Search: Internet2

Check out Sherry Cooper, "Profit from China's profitless expansion" in the Financial Post, June 18, 05. Read what she says about investing and China.

Junk Science

The Financial Post has been running a series of articles on junk science. Don't miss your government at work in Peter Shawn Taylor's "Sinking science", June 18, 04, on plans to ban lead fishing sinkers to save Canada's loons -- "if a fact-blind environmental agenda can drive government action -- then what else is Ottawa capable of manipulating? Easy question, of course. The answer is Kyoto". There is another article from June 15, 05, "'D' depravation" on vitamin D safety, by Reinhold Vieth, of Toronto's Mount Sinai Hospital and a professor at the University of Toronto in the departments of health sciences and laboratory medicine and pathobiology medicine. Don't miss the companion piece by John Jacob Connell, MD, The Vitamin D Council, "Vitamin D lecture letter". Frankly, they would be a hoot except . . .

I have read conflicting reports on the feasibility of hydrogen power; check for yourself: Hydrogen the Fuel for the 21st Century


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