May 15, 2005

Gomery Inquiry: Envelopes to Suitcases of Illegal Loot

From envelopes of illegal loot to suitcases of it, the Gomery Inquiry just keeps getting better

Witness Marc-Yvon Cote, the chief Liberal organizer for Eastern Quebec, has testified before Justice Gomery that he lugged a suitcase filled with $60,000 to Shawinigan. It was to pay the Liberal candidates whom Chretien had assembled in his hometown. Some of it was given to nine candidates there and some to nine other candidates later. This collaborates earlier testimony of how secret money was funnelled to Liberals during the 1997 election. Along with the "fake volunteers" (as Mr. Corbeil called them), the entire Liberal campaign was tainted with fraud. Despite the revelations growing more sinister by the day, the Liberals have actually gone up in the polls, depending upon the media spin -- particularly from the LPO [Liberal Propaganda Organ] and assorted other mainstream media minions. Perhaps this is why the Bloc and the Conservatives feel they must strike now. Personally, I see this trend upward for the Liberals as a horrifying example of Canada's moral and ethical decline. Surely we can rise above the level of Mexico in terms of accepting massive political corruption.

© Bud Talkinghorn


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