May 15, 2005

PM: $22-Billion to Buy Your Votes -- Day Care, Gomery Testimony, Harper, GG

Paul Martin: cost to date of buying your votes--approx. $22-23-BILLION

Don't give Paul more time to spend your money--nor to announce his plans to.

Thinking Critically -- excellent preparation for listening to and talking about issues and media

Gomery Inquiry Index

Transcripts up to May 12, 2005 via Newsbeat1

Download the testimony of witness #109. Daniel Dezainde [in French] but you may find a translator online. The result may can be very uneven, rough, etc. but it is a start.

Witnesses who have just appeared or are yet to come before Justice Gomery -- Check for transcripts.

110. Antonio Mignacca
111. Beryl Wajsman
112. Giuseppe Morselli
113. John Welch
114. Clément Joly

* Office of the Auditor General of Canada (panel)
* Sheila Fraser
* Ronald Campbell
* Louise Bertrand

Stephen Harper

May 12, 2005 Issue 26

“In the normal course of events, the Leader of the Opposition is expected to hold the government to account on particular policies that the opposition feels are misguided, but in normal times the opposition understands and respects that the government has a mandate from the people to implement its policy agenda in general terms, even while opposing specific motions. But there are also cases when the opposition must hold the government to account in a more fundamental way and tell the government that it has lost the moral authority and democratic legitimacy to govern this country. Today is one of those more difficult days, where it falls to the Leader of the Opposition to tell the Prime Minister and the government that they cannot carry on.”

Stephen Harper, House of Commons, May 11, 2005

On Tuesday, May 10, a majority in the House of Commons clearly expressed its will for the government to resign “because of its failure to address deficiencies in governance of the public service.” With this vote (153 in favour, 150 opposed), the House showed that it no longer has confidence in a corrupt Liberal party in government.

Yesterday, May 11, Stephen Harper rose in the House of Commons to speak about why a government and a governing party which have been shown to be corrupt, fiscally irresponsible and blatantly undemocratic have lost the moral authority to govern. Mr. Harper delivered the speech that he would have given had the Liberals not taken away scheduled opposition days in the House of Commons. Our Leader said that, “the real judge of the honesty, candour and competence of the government is the public.”
It is now Paul Martin’s responsibility to demonstrate that he has the confidence of the House at the earliest opportunity, which he has refused to do, preferring instead to buy time. We should have a clear vote of non-confidence in the government immediately.

* Facts to consider: Paul Martin has lost confidence and the moral authority to govern. Click here.

* To read Stephen Harper’s May 11 speech in the House of Commons, please click here.
[. . . . ]

The Governor General is in a rather compromising position:

* She was appointed by the Liberal government of Jean Chretien
* She was asked to remain in that position by Paul Martin
* As a former CBC employee, she was part of the Liberal Propaganda Organ of the Liberal government
* She has swanned around the world on taxpayer $$$ for a few years now. It may be difficult to wean her away from the good life.

For some perspective in an election period or for future use:

Paul Martin is $ 22.5-BILLION--or is it $ 23-BILLION into your pockets to maintain his dicey position as "leader". He has more announcements on spending your money for your vote in his plans.

Do Canadians not see PM and the corrupt Liberal regime for what it is? Unworthy.

Moving Forward: Governments of Canada and Newfoundland and Labrador sign Agreement on Early Learning and Child Care

May 13, 2005
Glenwood, Newfoundland and Labrador
Prime Minister Paul Martin and Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams, along with Social Development Minister Ken Dryden and Newfoundland and Labrador’s Acting Minister of Health and Community Services Loyola Sullivan, announced today an historic Agreement in Principle that further supports the development of quality early learning and child care (ELCC) for young children and their families in Newfoundland and Labrador.

[. . . . ] This announcement follows the Government of Canada’s February 2005 budget commitment to invest $5 billion over five years to enhance and expand high-quality developmental early learning and child care in collaboration with provinces and territories.

[. . . . ] The Government of Canada recently signed similar Early Learning and Child Care Agreements-in-Principle with Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Ontario and expects to put similar agreements in place with the remaining provinces and territories over the coming weeks.

There was much boilerplate in the middle but it appears that this is a repeat announcement of funding, though signatures and a photo op are involved. Paul Martin still "cares" "very very" much about . . . . . . . well, just about everything. What he really cares about is himself.

For more of the same: PM's website


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