April 10, 2005

ADSCAM: "Corruption is not a Canadian value." says Stephen Harper -- & More

The iceberg -- If Adscam was the only problem Paul Martin faced, notes Greg Weston, he'd be in trouble. But things may be far, far worse than that ... Greg Weston, April 10, 2005, Sun Ottawa

It is an understatement to say this week's shocking Adscam testimony from Montreal advertising executive Jean Brault was every taxpayer's horror, the sponsorship program suddenly exposed as a reeking swamp of fraud, kickbacks and money laundering, all in the name of the federal Liberal Party in Quebec.

Now for the bad news: Adscam is likely just a puddle in a far wider, deeper and dirtier cesspool of corruption involving potentially billions of dollars in government programs unrelated to the sponsorship fiasco. [. . . . ]


over $800 million
federal Justice Department
retendering process
the largely useless registry
systematic shakedown
Jean Lambert
Sylvie Cloutier
potential scum ponds

Ed's emphasis

The sponsorship program was ONLY about 2% of Public Works and Government Service's Budget

Corruption is not a Canadian value. Marriage is a real Canadian value
Stephen Harper

Harper touts values, links sponsorship scandal with same-sex marriage bill Jim Bronskill, CP, Apr. 10, 05

[. . . . ] Harper told the crowd Saturday that 95 of 99 Conservative MPs back the traditional concept of marriage.

[. . . . ] Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe plans to announce Tuesday whether his party will table a parliamentary motion expressing lack of confidence in Paul Martin's government - a move that could lead to the collapse of the minority Liberal administration. [. . . . ]

Five Things You Need to Know About ADSCAM -- download the .pdf

Teed off with Liberal scandals? Then tee off on This!!
-- enjoy

If you have had enough of the corruption . . .

38th Parliament Members of the House of Commons Alphabetical Listing by province -- email addresses, snail mail addresses


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