April 08, 2005

#2 Bombshell: It's the Corruption, Stupid!


These links are sometimes showing as a rusty-wine colour. I don't know why and I have not had time to try to fix it.

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Don't Miss!

Press Display -- it's the corruption, stupid!

These are priceless. Save for posterity!

Don Martin: Canada's Watergate Don Martin, National Post, April 8, 2005

[. . . . ] When Justice John Gomery lifted his own publication ban Thursday on jaw-dropping testimony by Groupaction president Jean Brault, a nightmare of allegations against the federal Liberal party gushed forth into the public domain in a firestorm of ferocity.

[. . . . ] While the tentacles reach high into Jean Chretien's organizational chart, it must be stressed they stop short of touching Paul Martin. That might not matter. This is one heavy albatross Martin will haul into the next election -- and while I'd never underestimate the Ontario voters' ability to forgive the Liberals almost anything, this is going to be harder for Martin to overcome than his 2004 sponsorship mea culpa.

Keep digging; you just don't know yet how HIGH all the corruption will reach--and in more than the Gomery inquiry has revealed--in my humble opinion, of course. NJC

Note: While the first two are available now, I think most of the rest will be available later, so I am including the links and whether it is "subscriber only" content.

Canada's Watergate

Testimony puts Montreal eatery on national map

Adman says he paid Liberals' salaries subscriber only content -- search later
Adman says he paid Liberals' salaries subscriber only content -- search later
Gomery Inquiry
Jean brault star witness takes no prisoners subscriber only content -- search later

Grits accused of 'criminal conspiracy' subscriber only content -- search later
Only John Grisham could make this stuff up subscriber only content -- search later
Liberals 'not a victim of collusion,' Tory MP says subscriber only content -- search later
An incredible gift to the separatist cause subscriber only content -- search later

Former Mulroney aide picked to advise on national security

OTTAWA - A former aide in the Mulroney government was named Canada's new National Security Advisor yesterday. Lawyer William Elliott takes over from Robert Wright as Prime Minister Paul Martin's senior advisor on security issues, a position created in 2003 as part of a series of counter-terrorism reforms. The appointment comes two days after Auditor General Sheila Fraser identified "serious weaknesses" in Canada's defences against terror. [. . . . ]

Let's see, now, which one has the better connections with the ********** "business" network?

Alaska fight takes off -- TransCanada says it can build more quickly, efficiently Claudia Cattaneo and Jon Harding, Financial Post, April 08, 2005

CALGARY - TransCanada Corp. launched a counterattack yesterday against pipeline rival Enbridge Inc. over who gets to build the US$20-billion Alaska gas pipeline.

The company defended its legal rights to build it under the Northern Pipeline Act (NPA), a law passed more than 25 years ago, and ruled out any co-operation with Enbridge, which has proposed a competing project with the support of Alaska natural gas producers.

"We are not a Johnny-come-lately that has just shown up and decided to throw up a proposal for building a pipeline down the Alaska Highway," Hal Kvisle, CEO of TransCanada, said yesterday, breaking the firm's silence in the hotly contested battle. "We have been at this diligently for 25 years. We have invested more than $2-billion."

There are many posts on this site concerning the background to this brouhaha.

Other Items

CRTC sets May 12 for Internet phone ruling Kevin Restivo, Financial Post, April 8, 2005

[. . . . ] The CRTC set the May deadline as part of a response to a request by Cogeco Cable Inc., Quebecor Media Inc. and the Canadian Cable Telecommunications Commission that Bell Canada be prevented from offering its Digital Voice Internet phone service in three Quebec cities.

Search: unfair advantage

Have you noticed the tie-in--whether formal or otherwise, it is there--between the CBC, the Globe and Mail, and Bell tel? Listen for what CBC praises, mentions often . . . you know the drill. Lately, I have begun to hear of Sirius (online radio) as including CBC and partners. Check. I may have misremembered the details but not the free advertising by our taxpayer funded Liberal Propaganda Wing.

Milk and money: It worked for Australia's dairy industry and our wine producers; here's why we should wean dairy farmers off supply management


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