February 25, 2005

Democratic Power, 'Professional' Women's Power, Hydro Power, Multiculturalism's Power, MP Power, Perp Power & Cop Power

Janet Daley: "On the continent talk of freedom is gauche" -- Democracy -- Europe -- "government by the people"

This is simply excellent -- a must read

On the continent talk of freedom is gauche Janet Daley The Daily Telegraph, Feb. 24, 05

[. . . . ] Eighteenth-century spoken English may or may not survive in America and in Australia, but 18th-century ideas about liberty and the redeeming quality of democracy certainly seem to have found a permanent home in exile.

The enlightenment idealism of Europe was exported to the rebellious colonies and, in geographical isolation, it flourished. While Europeans themselves undermined their own great democratic project with their ancient hatreds and their aristocratic nostalgia, the naive Americans kept the dream intact, building it into a written constitution (an 18th-century idea itself).

Europe has pretty much given up on the whole undertaking now: [. . . . ]

Search: mutually profitable trade-off, European philosophy of government, Jacques Chirac, cynicism, American self-belief, govern themselves, a substitute, economic security

No whites need apply -- CSC -- "What's happened to merit in this country -- abilities and skills? What's happened to training and expertise?"

No whites need apply -- CORRECTIONAL SERVICE RESTRICTS JOB APPLICATIONS Kathleen Harris, Ottawa Bureau, Feb. 23, 05

CRITICS ARE calling it "craziness" that the Correctional Service of Canada is disqualifying candidates for parole officer jobs because they're white. An Ontario job-seeker received a rejection letter recently, advising that only aboriginals and visible minorities need apply. [. . . . ]

Search: CSC spokesman Michele Pilon-Santilli, Aboriginal and minority candidates

Prostitution -- "Liberals out to hook voters" -- the next "right"?

Liberals out to hook voters Bill Rodgers, Ottawa Bureau Chief, Toronto Sun, Feb. 23, 05

FEDERAL GRITS will be asked to support legalizing prostitution when they gather for their convention in Ottawa next week, Sun Media has learned. A resolution prepared by Young Liberals calls for the removal of the Criminal Code offence of communicating for the purposes of sex in return for money. [. . . . ]

Search: Senator Mac Harb, red-light districts, prostitution-related charges

I am considering applying for one of the positions as madame that will undoubtedly become available. Some of the items that I would highlight follow. I believe women's work should be better remunerated; like hockey, golf, basketball and other sports figures, the career spans of 'working gals' are very short, given the premium placed on face and body appeal. The ladies might need a bit of direction to useful instruction on putting a little away for later -- when their looks go -- if they survive the heroin and other addictions. Also, they could use pointers in entering other lucrative professions such as gambling, online ***--oh, yes--and education. I would enjoy organizing educational forays to the casinos and grow-ops; gardening is poised to become the next lucrative skill for retired pros. They could use instruction from someone versed in business skills / business partnerships -- say, on how to get rid of the middle men, the pimps, and go global; perhaps they could learn to apply for a small business grant. They will need to learn accounting, as well, to be successful independent entrepreneurs. I do believe there are some government, Crown Crops or foundation accounting experts who might be prevailed upon to instruct; it is a women's issue -- that women be afforded the same skills and rights to the advanced skills that have been unfairly the province of men who, traditionally, have been favoured with this expertise by virtue of their power positions. The glass ceiling has been shattered--along with the corner crawl--and women will benefit from these initiatives.

I feel a surge of feminist power just in the planning. Why, whole new careers could be theirs -- and mine. It's an ill wind . . . . and all that.

Perhaps these links would be of interest:


Safe strolls and brothels would reduce risks for prostitutes Vancouver Sun, Sept. 17, 2004

Pot laws need thorough overhaul -- Coleman should be pushing Ottawa for change, not harassing B.C.'s municipal politicians Times Colonist, September 13, 2004

A Security Issue -- "Hydro-Quebec assures U.S. It has beefed up security at stations"

Hydro-Quebec assures U.S. It has beefed up security at stations Nicholas Van Praet, CanWest

[. . . . ] Paul Cellucci, U.S. ambassador to Canada, said last week he was concerned about Hydro's security. Hydro sells a significant amount of power to the U.S. northeast. It earned $1.57-billion on its total energy exports in 2002 and 2003. The utility ratcheted up its damage control another notch yesterday, saying chief executive Andre Caille is personally leading a new security oversight committee at Hydro-Quebec. "Everything is under control," he insisted after a speech to a group of Quebec manufacturers and exporters. [. . . . ]

Opposition vows to push for minimum term for child porn Feb. 23, 05, CanWest

OTTAWA - Child pornographers could be looking at mandatory minimum jail terms after opposition MPs brushed aside Justice Minister Irwin' Cotler's lack of enthusiasm yesterday and vowed to push ahead with amendments to the government's embattled child pornography bill.

[. . . . ] "Experience ... shows that minimum sentences are treated as maximum sentences" by courts, he said. "You can get the opposite of what you are after." He noted mandatory minimum sentences can lead to more frequent, and longer, trials. [. . . . ]

How much should a cop risk? -- "While Jim Slater fought for years to remove himself from the darkness of his abyss, that middle-aged woman breezed through her two years of probation. . . . got her 30 days or a $300 fine"

How much should a cop risk? February 23, 2005, Robert Marshall, Winnipeg Sun

[. . . . ] To the armchair critics of police shootings who have a proclivity to propagate the ridiculous -- consider this. Warning shots and missed trick-shots have to end up somewhere, just as this shotgun blast did. And then think about the two well-toned, 20-something police officers subduing this lone middle-aged woman -- or for that matter some coke-head armed with a knife or a bat. It can be done but at what cost?

When cops sign on they understand a certain risk factor exists but they are also trained not to be reckless with it. How much should we expect them to risk? The recent public debate left that unclear when the racial quagmire took over. [. . . . ]

Those who live in Toronto, particularly, might want to consider this one.


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