April 30, 2004

Things We Need

Honest, kick-your-butt rock music. Forget Outkast, Beck and the other soon to be forgotten wonders. Give us Bob Seger, Joe Cocker, and The Band. Throw in The Beatles and The Stones to boot.

Give us Robert Mitchum, as Max Cady the ex-con, casually telling Gregory Peck in the original Cape Fear that "You know counsellor, your daughter is almost as juicy as your wife", then backing away from Peck's futile blows and saying, "Did you see that folks, and he calls himself a man of the law." Little that Vin Diesel says or blows up can top that for building terror.

A pick-up game of baseball with school bags as bases, versus a nintendo game of whatever.

The whole family sitting around the one television enjoying something as simple-minded as a Charlie Chan movie, versus each member of the family having their own set, and watching something equally simple-minded.

A homemade chocolate cake, versus a M*****'s "Deep and Delicious" confection of assorted chemicals.

The days when company CEOs made money for their investors, and were not bankrupting them through embezzlement.

The days when you make an A on your university course, and it meant something other than hyper-grade inflation.

© Bud -- Fill in your own favourite beefs.


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