April 29, 2004

Bud, My Apologies

My apologies to Bud and to others who like to read what he writes. I have been swamped and I inadvertently missed posting these. There are 34 documents on my desktop that need attention -- and that is down from the usual 50 or so. Anyway, a little late, I am posting these for him. He really should do it himself -- but he's happy to have a slave of sorts -- even a tardy one. So, Bud, if you are reading this, mea culpa -- but that's life -- and you really can't rely on slaves -- even willing ones. They are just too slow. And now, on to Bud. NJC

Update: Someone reminded me that now that slaves can't be flogged, slavery is just not what it used to be. Just so, Bud. Is it time for you to take up posting your own blog, Bud? Just kidding. Keep on writing as long as you don't mind how long it takes me. NJC


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