May 20, 2006: #1 Updated -&- May 23, 06 East Coast Development Links
I have bumped up one item and updated it with links to more information on East Coast development, particulaly the sections on energy, oil, LNG, the Atlantic Accord.
Update and related: FHTR June 10, 2005 -- Scroll to "The Irving Oil tax act scandal" Terence Corcoran, Financial Post, Jun. 9, 05
FHTR April 17-22, 2005: UNSCAM - Natural Gas - Pricing - Pipeline - Tarsands - Atlantic Accord - Oil - Husky - Newfoundland Labrador
There are other items which may be of interest concerning what comes with globablization and development: for example, "Canada's Immigration System -- In Action" , "Casino Connections" . Note the topics covered that week.
April 22, 2005
Smoking Gun Shoots Flames -- Saddam, Maurice Strong, Paul Martin and $$$ [Cordex]
A good way to run the government in dealing with the taxpayers' money? No Paper Trails -- & -- A How To Primer on Judicial "Appointments" [civil servant Huguette Tremblay testified]
Rex Murphy: Something fishy this way comes [Rex Murphy -- on sponsorship ads, in his own inimitable way April 16, 05, A21 ]
PM & Liberals' Plan B -- & -- Charity begins, not at home, but with your $$$ to Aga Khan Development Network -- Charity, it's a Liberal "tradition"
Tsunami Scandal, CIDA, UN, Victims, Abu Musab Zarqawi, Sleepers, Threats, Valcourt of NB
Militarization of the Tibetan Plateau -- India & Tibetans on China's Quest for Oil and Domination
[ http://
2005/04/militarization-of-tibetan-plateau.html ]
For the "Really Important" Crimes, Call in the RCMP! [ Organized crime is doing $25 billion in business in Canada and has at least 10,000 major players and the Mounties are dealing with this and shopping carts in Kelowna? Maybe they have too much time on their hands or were told to lay off the major crooks and stick with the small fry for easy stats.
2005/04/for-really-important-crimes-call-in.html ]
Speech -- Conservative Party of Canada: Stephen Harper
Speech -- Liberal: Paul Martin
Hansard Apr. 19, 05 QUESTION PERIOD: Government Contracts & Sponsorship Program
April 21, 2005
The Liberals are Creating a Whole New Sponsorship Scandal -- & -- Quebeckers' Addiction to the Gomery Inqiry [Note error; it should have been "Inquiry"]
Liberal Government CHANGED THE ORDER PAPER for Parliament
Update Added to Entity behind Kyoto conned public -- Just read it! UNSCAM: Kofi's "Reform" -- Strong, PM, Canadians with Global Connections & More [ includes Kyoto/David Hawkins, Vanuatu & CSL -- "CSL took out the second of two new mortgages on the Atlantic Erie for $56.8 million from hsbc [HSBC] Bank Canada"
2005/04/update-added-to-entity-behind-kyoto.html ]
April 20, 2005
Bombardier Nortel China to Tibet & More, Vietnamese Truckers, Drug Lords, Triads, Gamblers & Kingpins, Refugees & Immigration--Why the Liberal Haste? [ -- "The secret life of a Chinese crime boss in Canada" -- Triad -- truckers -- Canada's Immigration System -- In Action -- Casino Connections -- A lavish feast to signify the reemergence of the 14K Triad in Macau will have ripple effects in B.C. Jul 8, 2004. -- Stanley Ho ]
Europe blinded by anti-Semitic bigotry & Islam in America -- Loyalties
Bangor Maine Troop Greeters -- Composed mostly from the generation that served in World War II and Korea
The Fleecing: PWGSC Feds' 10% solution, Fraud: Guite & Italian Grand Prix, Corruption & What to Do, Investor Info, Feds-Airports & Ports [Kinsella -- Martin's Political Ties to Earnscliffe Strategy Group -- Intimidation -- Feds & Airports:]
Electioneering: Jean Chretien's 'Gift', Excellent Compilation of Liberal Actions & Inaction, Jack Layton's Ethical Core & $$$
UNSCAM: More on the Canadian Connection, Sudan's Refugees & Slavery--For Oil-TotalFinaElf-PetroChina-& Other Slavery-Terrorism Supporters ['The Maustro' admits connection to `Koreagate Man' Judi McLeod, Editor, April 19, 2005 -- A Canadian Connection Through TotalFinaElf & Canada's Desmarais Family
2005/04/unscam-more-on-canadian-connection.html ]
Mosques' Messages in English vs Arabic -- Columbia Honours Anti-Semite -- PART 2: Terrorists' weapon of choice -- Khalid Sheikh Mohammad
April 19, 2005
PWSGC Selling Canadians' Public Properties -- Getting rid of evidence? [ I erred in that this was not Scott's first term as an MP when he crossed the floor, became Minister and saved the Martin government.]
Bud Talkinghorn: Canada's Immigration Policy -- Reality & Suggestions
Paul Martin & Art Eglington, Bombardier's BB Credit Rating & Funding for C-series Regional Jets [ Immigration and Update Information -- Scroll down on this site for updates to AdScam -- The statute of limitations is two years -- The law was changed about a year ago. Terrorists in CA -- Immigration -- RCMP &, particularly, the section 'Terrorists in Canada' -- Frost Hits the Rhubarb February 24, 2005: Multiculturalism, IRB, Vietnamese Immigration via Philippines, Vietnamese Asian & Other Criminal Gangs in Canada -- with links to more information.]
ADSCAM / Sponsorship Fund / Gomery Inquiry: Liberals' Martin & Chretien
Terrorist -- Canada -- US -- UK -- Sleeper Cells -- Did the Oklahoma City Bomber Have Help? Osama's Brother-in-law
UNSCAM: Canadian Tycoon Could Assist In U.N. Probe, CPC: Assisting Municipalities, Coulter on a 'Liberal' [Maurice Strong]
Kyoto -- Global Warming -- Myths & Fear -- The Bottomless Well -- The Skeptical Environmentalist -- Black Holes [Bjorn Lomberg]
Drug Gangs Child Soldiers Sex Slaves -- Dallaire's "Shake Hands with the Devil"
April 18, 2005
Avoid Government Filtering of the News -- Gomery Inquiry into ADSCAM Sponsorship Fund -- Be Free to Know
AdScam -- The statute of limitations is two years -- The law was changed about a year ago. Terrorists in CA -- Immigration -- RCMP & [Immigration & Stewart Bell: Concerning Terrorists in Canada "The Jihadis in our midst" in the National Post, April 18, 05]
April 17, 2005
Russo a Mob Hit? Roszko's Marijuana Grow-op -- Policing -- Organized Crime -- Justice Committee Report re Closing RCMP Detachments, RCMP Probe [The closure of nine (9) Royal Canadian Mounted Police detachments in Quebec.]
Bringing Canadians More of the Same -- National Hockey League to be run as a "sacred trust, just like health care." [humour]
Hansard Apr. 15, 05: QP -- Sponsorship Program & Justice -- "Do the Liberals intend to run a fourth election campaign with dirty money, yes or no?"
Hansard Apr. 12, 05: RCMP, Meyerthorpe, Roszko, Underfunding, Politicization, Security, Gun Registry, Lenient Courts, Criminals' Not Victims' Rights &
Sponsorship Gomery Corruption Election -- Beware of Spinmeisters, PCs Cheque Brison, Irate Taxpayers, Anti Corruption Site & More
Kyoto & Conservative Party has NOT altered its Policy on KyotoImmigration, Anti-semitism & France, Your Views Wanted
Alberta, Quebec and Language, NB & Nuclear Power, The Health Debate We Never Had
UNSCAM - Natural Gas - Pricing - Pipeline - Tarsands - Atlantic Accord - Oil - Husky - Newfoundland Labrador
Hansard Apr. 14, 05: "There is a difference between the fortunes of the Liberal Party and the fortunes of Canadian federalism."
That should be enough Memory Lane for now.
Bumped: Irvings' Canaport LNG terminal & Companies Involved
SNC-Lavalin group wins contract to build LNG terminal -- "the contract to design and build a liquefied natural gas import and re-gasification terminal in Saint John, N.B." CanoeMoney, 2006-05-17
[....] The contract was awarded to SNC-CENMC GP by Canaport LNG Limited Partnership, the companies announced Wednesday. CENMC Canada Inc. is an affiliate of Saipem SpA. [I have read that it is from Italy but Spain's Repsol is also involved.]
Canaport said it has also completed agreements to transport natural gas from the Canaport LNG Terminal to markets in Canada and the northeastern United States via the Brunswick Pipeline and an expansion of the Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline system in the U.S.
In addition, a contract for the terminal's offshore facilities, including the receiving pier, went to Kiewit-Weeks-Sandwell Partnership, a consortium of Peter Kiewit Sons Co of St. John's, N.L.; Weeks Marine of Cranford, N.J.; and Sandwell Engineering of Vancouver. [....]
Search: Nova Scotia energy firm Emera (TSX:EMA) , a 145-kilometre pipeline , Trinidad , Jean Nehme , a terminal operated by Irving Oil Ltd. , Spanish energy giant Repsol YPF , Canaport LNG terminal , one billion standard cubic feet per day
SNC-Lavalin group wins contract to build LNG terminal at Saint ... Calgary Sun, 17 May 2006
Emera to take charge of East Coast LNG pipeline Globe and Mail, 17 May 2006
Emera to build C$350-mln LNG pipeline Reuters Canada, 16 May 2006
Canaport(TM) LNG Canaport(TM) LNG Partnership Limited is a partnership between Irving Oil Limited and Repsol YPF. Canaport(TM) LNG is to begin operation as ... CNW Telbec, 17 May 2006. news release.
Attention Business Editors: Canaport(TM) LNG reaches two key milestones -- EPC contracts awarded and pipeline agreements reached 17 May 2006, news release
SAINT JOHN, NB, May 17 /CNW/ - Canaport(TM) LNG, the partnership between Repsol YPF and Irving Oil, today announced that it has awarded the on-shore and off-shore Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) contracts and issued the final notice to proceed for the construction of the first new liquefied natural gas (LNG) receiving terminal on the East Coast of North America in decades. Repsol also announced this week that it has completed the agreements to transport natural gas from the Canaport LNG Terminal to markets in Canada and the Northeast US via the Brunswick Pipeline and an expansion of the Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline system in the US.
SNC-CENMC, G.P., a partnership between SNC-Lavalin Inc., Canada's largest engineering and construction firm, and Saipem S.p.A. of Milan, Italy, was awarded the Engineering, Procurement, Construction (EPC) contract for onshore facilities and jetty topsides, providing full procurement and supervisory responsibilities for the onshore portion of the project.
Kiewit-Weeks-Sandwell Partnership, a consortium of Peter Kiewit Sons Co of St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador; Weeks Marine of Cranford, New Jersey; and Sandwell Engineering of Vancouver, British Columbia, was awarded the EPC contract for the terminal's offshore facilities, including the receiving pier. [. . . . ]
There is a bit of information on each company.
Would MP Paul Zed (who married into the Irving family) have had anything to do with this fortuitous deal for the Irvings ... and of course, for some people? Would his being in Opposition now put a spanner in ....... how things have always worked?
Update comment May 24, 06: In my experience, media coverage in the province is hardly balanced. Coverage is either absent or rather negative for anything conservative, with a few exceptions, but overall, coverage appears to be controlled by leftist/Liberal interests. Do these dovetail with the interests of this prominent family? Not only have the Irvings massive business interests in the province, but their ownership of some, if not all, local newspapers means that there is little investigative journalism. I suspect there is self-censorship on the part of journalists. The May 23 announcement by Frank McKenna of the funding for a hospital MRI unit by the TD Bank is an example. Did journalists explore the reasons Frank would be in NB to announce this? Why would the bank ally itself with a potential Liberal leadership candidate? What is the business interest? What are the political implications? I await that journalistic exploration.
End of bumped up and updated section.
Update on Iran and there are other posts on it if you scroll down.
Iran's leaders mischaracterized Los Angeles Times, May 20, 06
There have been articles in the news concerning a bill in Iran. Accounts differ as to whether non-Muslims are gong to have to wear identifying badges or colours -- or whether it is Iran trying to make everyone dress in what would be considered acceptable clothing -- clothing that would differentiate them from Muslims. Is it so Muslims may avoid contamination by infidels?
This is supposed to be a copy of the original by Chris Wattie, National Post. Published: Friday, May 19, 2006, posted on CNEWS Forum by contraryminded. 5/20/2006 11:20:05
Several experts are casting doubt on reports that Iran had passed a law requiring the country’s Jews and other religious minorities to wear coloured badges identifying them as non-Muslims.
The Iranian embassy in Ottawa also denied the Iranian government had passed such a law.
A news story and column by Iranian-born analyst Amir Taheri in yesterday’s National Post reported that the Iranian parliament had passed a sweeping new law this week outlining proper dress for Iran’s majority Muslims, including an order for Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians to wear special strips of cloth.
According to the reports, Jews were to wear yellow cloth strips, called zonnar, while Christians were to wear red and Zoroastrians blue.
The Simon Wiesenthal Centre and Iranian expatriates living in Canada had confirmed that the order had been passed, although it still had to be approved by Iran’s “Supreme Guide” Ali Khamenehi before being put into effect. [. . . . ]
End of Update
Lenovo: IBM & Thinkpad -- Bugged?
US fears Chinese PCs may be bugged AFP,, May 20, 06
The US State Department will disconnect 900 new Chinese-made computers from its most top secret network for fear that they may have been fitted with spying equipment.
But the department's purchase of about 16,000 personal computers (PCs) from Chinese company Lenovo raises serious questions given accusations that China is aggressively spying on the United States, Republican lawmaker Frank Wolf said.
Word of the State Department order for the desktop PCs was made public in March, 10 months after Lenovo completed its $US1.75 billion acquisition of IBM's PC division.
[....] The Chinese firm kept the right to use the IBM name on its PCs and the "ThinkPad" brand on laptop computers.
[....] A Taiwanese man, Ko-Suen Moo, has pleaded guilty in the United States to spying for Beijing. He was accused by the US District Attorney's office in Miami of seeking illegally to export missiles and aircraft parts to China.
Fortunately, ex-Public Safety Minister Anne McLellan assured us that Canada is safe ...... no Chinese spies here ...... and we believe her. Don't we? Don't you? ...... Yes, I jest.
The Thinkpad had a great reputation but as soon as I heard it had been sold to China, that was the end of considering buying it for many, me included. No way! When the Chinese bug their own citizens and prevent free speech, why would I support one of their notepad businesses? Even knowing a bit--not much--about security? Fuggetaboutit for most of what is made in China. I prefer to support my neighbours and North American businesses ....... with my paltry spending.
Howard lauds U.S. in commons -- Anti-terrorism speech Mike Blanchfield, CanWest News Service, May 19, 2006
[....] lauded the common economic, environmental and security interests of Canada and Australia, [....]
[....] the United States has been a remarkable power for good in the world and that the decency and hope that power and purpose of the United States represents to the world is something that we should deeply appreciate."
Mr. Howard said the United States shares with Australia and Canada a belief in spreading democracy, individual liberty and free enterprise where the less fortunate are protected by a social safety net.
"I would have for those around the world who would want to see a reduced American role in the affairs of our globe, some quiet advice, and that is: Be careful what you wish for, because a retreating America will leave a more vulnerable world." [....]
PM Howard, a gutsy leader and a principled politician ...... the kind who inspires the centrist mainstream media, (e.g. Globe and Mail and those termed an "elite" who support the leftist bilge) to include letters almost unrelentingly negative about the US and its President, PM Harper, and now, PM Howard. The Centre's elitist control freaks, along with the MSM so used to suckling at the CRTC CanCon teat, have a visceral hatred for Conservatives, fearing any change to their power. Evidently, they hate the US (Republican) President Bush and his war against "insurgents", as CBC would have it, but which is actually a war against Islamist terrorists. I can only conclude that leftists and Liberals hate the rollicking debate which is part and parcel of citizens' exercise of freedom in the US ... too messy and unpredictable for those who like CONTROL .........
Where may the rest of us sign up for TV, radio, etc. which are outside the purview of the CanCon coercive crowd? Along with the MSM/leftists/Liberals, include the internet access provider companies heavily indebted (I believe) to the kind of hands-on control that has been mandated by the CRTC under the watchful eye of the (leftist/socialist/Liberal) government(s) and their lackeys. Aliant in the East is part of Bell Globemedia. Both Aliant Internet service and Rogers just happen to be headquartered in Moncton, seat of power, though Fredericton is still called the capital. Rogers didn't survive in the East without cultivating power--that would be leftists/Liberals, not Conservatives, even though occasionally a Conservative government headed by someone who knows the right people to court will get into power.
Wouldn't freedom from controlling government be a breath of fresh air?
Instead, ....... we have the result of 40+ years of the %^$&*! ....... gradual decline of our freedoms, a concomitant rise in the power of control freaks and those to whom "some" rights are a bludgeon with which to beat down other people's rights and freedoms.
For those who include ex-PM Mulroney in the Centre, I read somewhere that he had to give in to the control freaks (particularly in Quebec) in the last year(s) of his administration to get anything accomplished. I have no idea whether it is true, but do check the cross-pollination between political interests, $$$, perquisites and those who have power in that province. It might prove fruitful.
I love PM Harper's approach to the media, particularly the ones who are leftists and Liberals; now, he might get us some freedom to hear many voices. The Centre will not like it; the rest of us will.
Finally, someone in the media noticed Paul Martin -- MIA on the military Afghanistan vote -- working on his cuddle up to the natives--or is that the chiefs?--"Kelowna Accord" bill. Perhaps Afghanistan is too hot to handle?
House was one Martin short for Afghan vote -- Paul Martin had to leave House for meetings: aide May 20, 06
News this week that two male constables are planning what is believed to be the RCMP's first same-sex marriage has made some in the government nervous. Constables Jason Tree and David Connors, who live in Meteghan, N.S., will be married on June 30 in Yarmouth, N.S., and will wear their red uniforms, according to reports in a Halifax newspaper. They expect to have a number of police officers at the ceremony. Some officials in Ottawa flagged the story -- in particular because of the uniforms -- and are worried about MPs making any homophobic comments that might reflect badly on the government.
I wish people would remember that each officer is somebody's son and you won't be asking their sexual orientation if you need their help. I may want children to have two parents of the opposite sex but that does not mean that I endorse insulting them or their families.
[....] MPs Keith Martin, Pat Martin and Tony Martin were all there [for the Afghanistan vote]. But Paul Martin, who was in charge of the country when Canada committed to sending troops, was notably absent during the important Afghanistan vote on Wednesday night. So where was he? He was in the House on Wednesday [earlier], tabling his private members bill about implementing the Kelowna Accord, then left for meetings in Toronto, said an aide in his office.
Search: Stockwell Day , cellphones and BlackBerrys in the Senate , Senator Kinsella
The photo of the happily engaged RCMP couple made it to the front page of the G & M either the day PM Howard was due to address the Parliament, or the previous day, as I remember. There are issues of import that rise above what a Conservative might say, I suppose, particularly if he supports Pres. Bush and talks about security and terrorists (not insurgents). There is no good reason both could not have been included on the front page.
The day that the PLO's Arafat spoke to Canada's House of Commons, was the text of his speech--as opposed to media reports of it--in the newspapers of the day? Check. Why do I think that it probable that the murderous, thieving--money-siphoning to his wife in Paris-thug leader was given a much different reception in the Centre's mainstream media and in Parliament? It might be worth checking.
What is the truth of this? There are differing statements on the situation.
Iran: Jews, Christians Must Wear Badges With Carl Limbacher and Staff, May 19, 2006
In a move reminiscent of the Nazis forcing Jews to wear a Star of David insignia, Iran’s parliament has reportedly passed a law requiring Jews, Christians and other religious minorities to wear color-coded badges to identify them as non-Muslims.
The law would also set a dress code for all Iranians, requiring them to wear "standard Islamic garments.”
The law, which must be approved by Iran's "Supreme Leader" Ali Khamenei before taking effect, requires Iran's roughly 25,000 Jews to sew a yellow strip of cloth on the front of their clothes. Christians would be forced to wear red badges and Zoroastrians would wear blue cloth, according to Canada’s National Post.
[....] Ahmadinejad has repeatedly described the Holocaust as a myth and earlier this year announced Iran would host a conference to re-examine the Nazis' "Final Solution."
Ali Behroozian, an Iranian exile living in Toronto, said the new law would make religious minorities immediately identifiable and allow Muslims to avoid contact with non-Muslims. [....]
Oh, well, then, no problem ...........
Howard compares Iran to Nazi Germany May 20, 06, / Sydney Morning Herald, May 20, 06
Prime Minister John Howard was among three world leaders who today said an Iranian bill, which reportedly would force non-Muslims to wear coloured badges in public, was akin to Nazi Germany.
However, Teheran emphatically denied the report, in a Canadian newspaper, that the law would force Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians to wear a yellow, red or blue strip of cloth, respectively, on their clothes.
The National Post newspaper, citing human rights groups, had reported that Iran's parliament had passed a law this week that set a public dress code and required non-Muslims to wear special insignia. [The article was removed from their site pending confirmation, I suspect.]
[....] Mr Howard was joined in the attack on Iran by the US and Canada, who said they had no details on the issue beyond the newspaper report.
[....] The Iranian parliament is debating legislation which would discourage women from wearing western clothing and would increase taxes on imported clothes. It would also promote the wearing of Islamic-style garments.
[....] "The bill is not related to minorities. It is only about clothing," [MP Emad Afroogh] said.
Sounds like identifiable clothing to me. If you don't wear "Islamic-style garments", guess what? Why you might be stoned. Under the Taliban in Afghanistan, Hindus and other infidels were forced to wear a yellow triangle. Not too far from the pre-WWW2 situation, I would say. Of course, Canadian mainstream media could question the Iranian Ambassador and Iranians who live in Canada, who have contact with family in Iran.
It was so much easier when the Liberals told the media what to write and what Canadians should think, wasn't it? No wonder ........
Of oil, Mexico, immigration and politics -- Bush trying to avoid anti-U.S. sentiment south of the Rio Grande Diane Francis, Financial Post, May 19, 2006
Nearly one-third of all Mexicans now live in the United States, and immigration has been a safety valve for a country that finds it impossible to create enough new jobs every year for its growing population. Besides that, Mexicans in the United States send home billions of dollars every year in "remittances" to loved ones, helping bolster its economy.
Mexico is America's second-biggest supplier of oil, after Canada, and any draconian action on immigration or the border by Washington would guarantee the next president of Mexico -- to be elected this summer -- will adopt a populist, anti-gringo attitude.
Concern is that Mexico's next president would respond to tougher border measures by behaving like Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, an anti-American populist who pledges to divert oil away from the United States.
Search: Canada's Research In Motion Ltd. , eBay Supreme Court decision , Russia Inc. This summer it's expected that OAO Rosneft , OAO Yukos
Canadian non-profit a 'front' for Tamil Tigers -- RCMP: Tsunami aid raised in Vancouver gone 'missing': warrant -- "One Tamil-Canadian source said yesterday LTTE supporters in Canada are confident the Conservative government will be short-lived and that the Tigers will regain their clout when the Liberals return to power." Stewart Bell, National Post, May 19, 2006
A Canadian non-profit organization is an "integral part" of a network that raises money to arm the Tamil Tigers terrorist group, the RCMP alleges in a search warrant obtained by the National Post.
In its warrant application, the RCMP describes the World Tamil Movement as a "front organization" for the Tamil Tigers, a separatist group fighting for an independent homeland for Sri Lanka's Tamil minority.
The RCMP also said a confidential informant who knew several WTM members told investigators last May that about $75,000 raised in Vancouver to support tsunami victims in Sri Lanka had gone "missing."
[..] seven people of providing services or financing [....]
[....] members of Canada's ethnic Tamil community [....] are being pressured into giving money to the Tamil Tigers. [....] influencing events [....] exerting control
Memory Lane
Terrorism -- Hansard, Oct. 2001
Mr. Stockwell Day (Leader of the Opposition, Canadian Alliance): Mr. Speaker, it is day 21 since the terrorist attack. The United Nations Security Council has now given Canada 90 days to toughen up its refugee system.
Terrorists do not operate according to government rules and they will certainly not operate according to government timelines when it comes to planning their next actions. [....]
Mr. Stockwell Day (Leader of the Opposition, Canadian Alliance): .... Yesterday, the vice-president of the union representing our immigration officers said that the selection of refugee claimants proposed by the government would prevent Canada from deporting such individuals. This could lead to an even longer delay in connection with the long list of 27,000 people to be deported.
Why is the government adding another delay in the deportation of people considered inadmissible to Canada?
[....] Hon. Elinor Caplan (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, in fact the proposals in Bill C-11 streamline the procedures, consolidate our processes, make it easier for us to bar access to the refugee determination system to those who pose a security risk, make it faster for us to identify those who are not in need of our protection, and make it faster for us to be able to remove those who we do not want to keep in Canada.
Mr. Stockwell Day (Leader of the Opposition, Canadian Alliance): Mr. Speaker, we have heard it will take six months, not 90 days. We do not see how it will be faster, especially when an RCMP officer responsible for the immigration program told the Senate that in Australia: “--if a refugee comes to their shore without the appropriate documentation....he will be detained up to the time that he is appropriately identified” or “he will be sent home. We do not have that in Bill C-11”.
[....] Mr. Grant Hill (Macleod, Canadian Alliance): Mr. Speaker, members of this caucus did vote against the bill because frankly it is too weak.
It is now clear that there are far too many weaknesses in the legislation the government has introduced to reform our refugee system.
Actually, ex-Min. Elinor Caplin might want to re-read her words ... which might contain something she would like to revise.
Amarjit Singh, a Canadian resident arrested in $1.1-million marijuana smuggling ring May 19, 2006,
The suspect, who was attempting to cross the boarder at Lewiston, N.Y. on May 14, produced an invoice for a commercial shipment of bales of grow mix destined for Alabama. U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers, using gamma-ray technology to examine the truck's contents, discovered an inconsistency in the freight. Fourteen boxes with 154 kilograms of vacuum-sealed hydroponic marijuana were found within. Amarjit Singh, a citizen of India with resident status in Canada, was arrested on federal charges of importation and possession with conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance.
A trucker? I have posted before about the temptations and intimidation of truckers to engage their services in drug running or to close their eyes and keep their jobs -- very difficult to tell whether he was willingly involved or working for the growers and coerced if he wanted to work.
Police: Jamestown Crew Gang, Cocaine, Pot, Weapons
Good show! Police in T.O. target gangs in series of raids -- "involved close to 500 police officers. Toronto police, RCMP, OPP and Toronto-area police departments", May 18, 06
[.... Police Chief Bill] Blair told reporters the operation targeted Toronto's notorious Jamestown Crew gang. Blair also said the investigation was designed to find and shut down the source of illegal guns coming into the city.
Saying the gang established control in city neighbourhoods through "intimidation and violence," Blair said the raids have "surgically removed" the organization's leadership, making the community safer. [....]
"There are shotguns and pistols, 14 handguns, 2 AR-15 rifles, 2 Mak-10 automatic machine pistols and an AK-47 assault rifle," Blair said.
Police also took over 15 kilos of cocaine and large amounts of marijuana and hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash.
Re: Police raid, Toronto
Police did 'what you gotta do,' Junk Yard Dog says -- Former Raptor has message for youth -- "Police did a raid this morning, seized guns, drugs, whatever," said Mr. Williams, ....They say there were over 200 police officers. Now you see, that's taking action. That's what you gotta do. You gotta attack the issues." Peter Kuitenbrouwer, National Post, May 19, 2006 -- Search elsewhere for what Bill Cosby has had to say, as well.
Comments; Conservatives want to make the Gun Registry better, not to scrap it -- "It should also be noted that the conservatives are thinking of returning the responsibility of the gun registry to the RCMP, an organization fully qualified to do the job. In the past, if you wanted to buy a firearm, you had to go through the RCMP and get yourself a FAC, so this would mean going back to a system we had before, and that worked just fine!" posted by probstc, 5/17/2006
Search: comments from liedto, 5/18/2006 -- from Federal gun registry is working, police say Globe and Mail, 16 May 2006, p. A11
[....] Ewatski said that "If the registry is shut down or even if the long-gun registry is shut down, they’re [front-line police officers] going to lose an important database of information and that would be very unfortunate."
Important for wasting time 5000 times a day while they could be conducting productive activities? Explains why violent crime is up.
[Search/scroll down for this explosive bit] Interesting article though, it makes me wonder if the cash cow was attached to salaries in the police force as well. Perhaps more mismaanaged funds can be uncovered and allocated to more worthwhile activities.
[And the final shiv to the ribs?] "Ahh, the long venerated Globe and Sickle, or is that Hammer and Sickle, or... well, a communist rag by any other name would smell as sweet." [lied to]
Scroll to wagccan, 5/18/2006 for comments.
I have reluctantly, very reluctantly, been reading the G & M and it is so left as to veer into just that territory ... part of the cabal I mentioned yesterday which stands to lose big time, if the CRTC doesn't keep propping up its interests. Where does Rogers fit into all this? I'm not sure but when I have more time ...
Dear Mr. Asper, when are you going to get the NatPost out to the Maritimes again so we may read it in the morning? At least in the spring, summer and fall when we may drive to get it? ..........
Link Byfield: Harper plays opposition foibles with finesse of a chessmaster May 19, 06
By trying foolishly to paint Gwyn Morgan a racist, [the Opposition] only succeeded in protecting a corrupt appointment system and giving the Conservatives election ammunition.
What Morgan said to the Fraser Institute about criminal gangs can be heard in every coffee row in this country.
My own Vancouver sister-in-law from mainland China, land of the snakeheads and Triad gangs, was astonished it was even an issue.
Caveat: Often the CNEWS Forum mentioned below devolves into rudeness though individual posters may make very good points. You have been forewarned.
Discussion: MADD gone Mad -- some good points made re: responsibility and the slippery slope
Where does coercive do-goodism, even the well-meaning activism ending in more curbs on people's personal decision making, end?
The mothers mean well, but where do they and other activist groups stop? What will be next that some group doesn't like and, if they have the moral suasion, they will be able to get the media onside to pressure legislators ...... and then, whose rights win out?
Remember, some doctors are now starting to refuse to treat people who smoke, drink too much, ...... and what comes next? Could schools refuse students who are disruptive or who don't do their work? Could stores refuse to serve gays? ......Okay, there are some rights that are special, if not to everyone, at least to the mainstream media / CBC ....... but what is a believing Christian forbidden to say or write? (Think of a BC teacher (?) who wrote a letter to a newspaper or otherwise mentioned his beliefs about it, if I have that correct.) ..... and what about parents who aren't too thrilled about the dissemination of information on sex including gay sex, abortion, et cetera in school? ...... What about the citizenry who know what part of the city is most violent and who--what group(s)--people it, but political correctness means they mustn't talk about nor admit the obvious; it might be construed as hate speech if people mention a particular group of weapons-carrying, violent, drug dealing thugs ....... racism, you know ..... and it goes on and on.
Under the Liberals Canadians have had many rights curtailed, some with good intentions, for example, having to do with alcohol and driving, some anti-democratic where Canadians' right to speak their minds has been curtailed ....... even when hindsight has shown that it is obvious they should have spoken out. What rights are paramount, by what criteria, and who decides? It is only free speech when speech is disagreeable to some and hence, not wanted; otherwise, it is simply an agreeable talk-fest among like-thinking individuals.
A worthy cause -- Christian belief alert
This letter has been making the rounds.
If you are not a believer, skip this. For believers read on. For those sitting on the fence about belief, this shouldn't hurt you and might help her.
Prayer request for Gary and Cindy Hogan. Gary is serving in Iraq while his young wife is fighting cancer here. Prayer is a powerful thing. Tough times don't last... Tough people do!!!
My name is Gary Hogan. Some of you receiving this know me, some do not. My wife, Cindy, is 32 years old and has just been diagnosed 3 days ago with stage 4 cervical cancer and her chances for survival are very slim.
She was pregnant with our second child and miscarried recently at 3 months, and now we know why. This is a request for you to forward this e-mail to everyone you know asking for prayer. The more people that pray for her to be healed, the better. It only takes a second to hit "forward". Please do it and don't delete this, your prayer can, and perhaps will, save her life.
Please pray and ask everyone you know to pray for the HEALING of Cindy and the removal of all cancer in her body, so she may enjoy all that life has to offer, and to continue to be a wonderful mother to our 5 year old son, Michael.
The power of Prayer is unsurpassed. I want the whole world to have her in their prayers the next few weeks. God will hear our cry. Please do not be offended by my plea. This is only a request for your help. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading this and helping with our request for healing! No words can express the power we have when we each do a little to come together.
Regards, Cindy's in-love husband - Gary
Thank you, and please send it to the far reaches of our world.
Maps: Where is Nunavut?

July 31, 2005: Arctic Sovereignty, Self-Government in the North, Climate Change Migration, Political Correctness & Security On the Land
Natural Resources Canada Maps
Mines -- NRCAN: Mineral Exploration in Nunavut
FHTR July 31, 2005: Arctic Sovereignty, Self-Government in the North, Climate Change Migration, Political Correctness & Security
Memory Lane: Kyoto, the North, and possibly other related items
FHTR Feb. 13 2006
February 16, 2005: Bud Talkinghorn: Kyoto Accord Shell Games & Question Period on Daycare & Deliberate Caterwauling to Drown Out Pro-Family MP's Question, Etc.
February 16, 2005: Whistleblower Legislation - Protection: Cutler & Hon. Diane Marleau-Include RCMP and Crowns
February 16, 2005: Hansard Feb. 15/05 -- ORAL QUESTION PERIOD
February 15, 2005: Robert Read ex-RCMP: "Triads had infested Canada's immigration system" -- "a political silver bullet" -- NATIONAL SECURITY
February 15, 2005: Bill C-11 Whistleblowers and Quotations: Cutler, Selwyn, Read (RCMP), McAdam (Foreign Service Officer)
Bill C-11 Whistleblowers, Introduction: Mr. Leon Benoit CPC -- EVIDENCE-Quotes from Mr. Allan Cutler, Mr. Selwyn Pieters, ex-foreign service officer in Hong Kong, Brian McAdam and ex-RCMP Corporal Read
February 14, 2005: Andrew Coyne & Hansard on Sponsorship Scam: Taking Refuge in The Charter-Multiculturalism-Unity-Minorities-Language
February 13, 2005: Kurtz-Frontline-Media Corruption-Iraq-Eason Jordan, Cda-PM-China-Photo Op, Drugs-Fake Docs-ITF-TO Cops
Mother arraigned after baby's death linked to cocaine, Knoxville, Tennessee
A Michigan woman is charged with involuntary manslaughter, after prosecutors say her five-month-old daughter died from drinking breast milk containing cocaine.
Just as a point of interest, how many addicted babies are born in Canada? To cocaine, to alcohol, to other drugs? Why do I think statistics are not kept? Would it offend ......... any groups in particular?
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